Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 146: Kill The Seventh Gradeboss Instantly! Shocked Shadi!

Secret Realm is equivalent to an independent small world,

They vary in size, and the big ones can even be comparable to the area of ​​a star!

However, before this Secret Realm was actually born, there were already beasts in the Human Race. The strong man sensed the breath of the longevity fruit.

This means that its area cannot be too large!

Beast Human Race experts have deduced several different directions, and the longevity fruit must be in one of these places.

The major young masters of Beast Human Race are also moving in different directions according to the guidance of the strong men in their own clans.

The Fox Clan naturally had their own calculations.

Under the leadership of Shadi, the two people moved forward quickly,

It didn’t take long to reach the destination!

A strong aroma came, under a towering tree in the distance,

A dense bush of thorns grew, with a blue fruit the size of a longan on it.

The aroma is diffused from this fruit!

"Eternal Life Fruit!"

Shadi was ecstatic and couldn't help but exclaimed,

I didn’t expect to find this fruit the first time!

"No...be careful, this is a fake job"

Shadi excitedly went to prepare to pick, but Lin Xiu's heart skipped a beat and reminded her loudly.



The moment Shadi came closer, the blue fruit suddenly transformed into a monster with blue scales.

With a roar, he opened his bloody mouth and instantly bit Shady!

"Blood Demon!"

Lin Xiu's expression changed. Shadi was quite useful to him.

It can not only lure beasts and Human Race warriors to come and practice Kungfu for him, but also help him appease his brothers and eliminate their anger.

Of course we can't just watch something happen to her!

With a thought in Lin Xiu's mind, the sand gizzards immediately turned into sheep's blood!


The monster's mouth is closed, and the sound of teeth colliding makes the gums sore.

Countless blood flowed from the mouth, and the moment it hit the ground, it transformed into Shadi's body again,

He looked at the monster with a pale face and a lingering fear, and his legs almost became weak from fear!

"What are you doing standing still? Kill!"

Lin Xiu shouted a reminder and rushed out like lightning.

"Dragon War·Immortal Divine Fist",!"

Surging divine power coursed through his body, and dozens of milky-white dragon scales wrapped around his right fist.

Punch out hard!


A high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and the meat that reached the mouth flew away.

The monster was stunned for a moment and then became furious. Just as he was about to pursue him, he felt a strong dragon power.

Immediately, its legs went weak and its whole body became unable to lift its strength!


Dragon War: Immortal Fist is still Lin Xiu’s strongest attack method!

Especially for this kind of land-based monster, Dragon Race is the lord of beasts is no joke.

Longwei is naturally extremely powerful against them. If the difference in strength is too large,

A wisp of dragon power is enough to scare the beasts to death!

The dragon's fist hit the monster's neck firmly, causing scales to fly in an instant.

The weird monster screamed and was knocked away, blue blood spurting out instantly.

That Pure energy immediately made Lin Xiu's eyes light up!

"Blood Devour!"

Lin Xiu followed the monster like a shadow, and followed the monster.

The blue blood that was already gushing out suddenly seemed to be equipped with a water pump, and it spurted out wildly!


As the blood flowed away, the monster felt that its strength began to drain away rapidly.

Suddenly he screamed in panic and tried to struggle.

However, such a big wound appeared in front of the Blood Demon. No matter how powerful it was, it could not escape its misfortune!


Lin Xiu's eyes were cold, and he calmly stepped forward and sat directly on its back,

The light blue scales felt as warm as jade, and the monster screamed and struggled desperately,

The tail from behind whipped like a steel whip!

Lin Xiu is not afraid in the face of danger. He flips his left hand and the White Jade Bone Knife appears and cuts it gently!


The monster screamed even more miserably, and its steel whip-like tail was cut off directly.

The tail that originally had no blood vessels and nerves is now spurting out blood like a fountain!

Lin Xiu's palm flew and white light exploded, and instantly the whole body of the blue monster exploded like fireworks.

Blood spurted out from countless wounds and gathered around Lin Xiu, and the monster's screams suddenly stopped!

Without the blood supply, no matter how powerful the creature is, it will die.

The blood drawn by the blood demon is not just blood, it also contains the most essence of their body.

It even carries some inherited memories!

It’s not unreasonable for Myriad Races to be afraid of Blood Demon!

The monster's eyes are wide-eyed, and its tyrannical strength allows it to retain a trace of vitality.

But that’s all!

Its fist-sized eyes were full of unwillingness, and the originally beautiful blue scales on its body had lost their luster.

Lying on the ground like a withered bone, breathing softly,

The breath gradually disappears, and I won’t rest in peace!

"This...is going to kill me now??"

Shadi looked at this scene in stunned silence. This beast was at least a Seventh Grade beast.

If she hadn't been careful, if Lin Xiu hadn't turned her into a blood demon, he would have killed her instantly just now!

As a result, in the hands of Lin Xiu, he was killed directly without even taking three moves??

Shadi looked at Lin Xiu as if he were a monster. Although she knew that her master had amazing fighting power,

But this is too surprising, right??

The strength of Fourth Grade, killing the beast of Seventh Grade instantly??

This is beyond description. It spans three major realms.

Simply unheard of!

''''々It is said that the birth of the longevity fruit will inevitably be accompanied by a guardian beast, which will transform into the appearance of the longevity fruit to attract living beings!"

Lin Xiu casually recruited the monster's corpse and looked at the place where the fruit grew before.

"The breath is exactly the same as the longevity fruit, it's hard to tell the authenticity from the fake!"

"Only when someone is picking it will it suddenly turn into a ferocious beast and attack!"

"But once a guardian beast is activated, the longevity fruit will also be triggered!"

Lin Xiu looked up at the sky and felt seriously,

The Secret Realm is not big but not small either. Although he has been inherited by Heavenly Dipper and has mastered many secret methods of exploration,

But after all, the strength is displayed here, and it is difficult to detect the situation in distant places.

After sensing carefully (after searching for a while but with no results), Lin Xiu frowned slightly.

There is none within his sensing range, so if you want to find this longevity fruit,

It’s a bit troublesome!

"In the opposite direction, go!"

But troubles are troubles, and the temptation of longevity fruit still makes Lin Xiu want to fight for it!

Among the Shura Clan, there are many strong people who are in crisis with Lifespan.

One of my own returned as the reincarnation of Heavenly Dipper. Although Heavenly Dipper was there,

But no one can tell whether someone will stumble. If we can win over a strong backup,

His life will be much easier!

"Yes, Master!"

Shadi finally recovered. After hearing this, Su raised her sedan chair slightly and floated to the garden again.

Lin Xiu walked into Wen Yu's soft embrace, and the sedan chair quickly swept away into the distance.

"Blood God Scripture!"

Lin Xiu is not idle either. The essence and blood of this Seventh Grade expert is a great tonic for him.

Far superior to the blood quality of the previous Human Race warriors who killed beasts!.

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