Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 148 The Battle For Longevity Fruit! Demigods Are Coming!


Lin Xiu's expression changed, and terrifying pressure came from high in the sky.

The entire Secret Realm began to tremble, and the gaps in the sky continued to be torn apart,

A huge palm print fell from the sky, as if it was going to blow up the entire Secret Realm with one palm~!

The terrifying movement caused all the creatures in the Secret Realm to flee in fear, and the surviving beasts and Human Race warriors no longer cared about looking for the longevity fruit.

One by one they ran away crying, and some quickly headed towards the entrance of the Secret Realm.

Some are looking for the edge of the Secret Realm nearby and intend to break through by force!

"Bai Hongzhen, you are looking for death!"

When the battle started, the beast Human Race strong man suddenly became furious,

This strong Human Race man dared to be so arrogant in their Human Race territory, which immediately made them furious!

"Hahaha, it's not certain who will die!"

Bai Hongzhen's arrogance was a huge impact on Lin Xiu. The education he received in the Human Race territory has always been that the starry sky battlefield is extremely dangerous.

Human Race is in a difficult situation, and they dare not overstep in the face of all races!

And now, Lin Xiu sees the power of Human Race for the first time!

A truly strong person dares to face stronger challenges and bravely breaks into the enemy camp alone.

Even in the face of the human race, a beast called the superior race, he is not afraid at all,

How can you be so arrogant when you dare to strike first when you are against many?

"This is what Human Race should look like..."

Lin Xiu murmured, feeling her heart surge and wanting to rush into the sky to fight alongside Bai Hongzhen!

But thinking of his own strength, he quickly cooled down the boiling blood in his body.

That is a battlefield for the strong, and he is still too far away from that realm now!


The battle was so violent that it was the first time for Lin Xiu to see such a terrifying battle between strong men.

The battlefield was tense. Bai Hongzhen was besieged by six people but was not at a disadvantage at all.

The terrifying sword energy is raging in the Forbidden Forest, and the aftermath of the battle that is occasionally leaked only hits the Secret Realm like a boat in the sea.

It may be destroyed at any time!

At this moment, a blue light suddenly emerged from the depths of the Secret Realm,

In an instant, the entire Secret Realm was enveloped like an ocean!

A dark blue ball emerged from the depths of the Secret Realm, and through the blue light you could vaguely see a fist-sized fruit inside!

“Eternal Life Fruit!’”

"It's the longevity fruit!"

"The longevity fruit is ripe!"

"Grab it quickly!"


The delicate fragrance hits your nostrils, and just one whiff is enough to refresh your mind and brighten your eyesight.

The divine power in the body must run more smoothly!

The strong men fighting in the sky were slightly startled, and then their eyes suddenly lit up.

Someone couldn't help but screamed, and everyone immediately reacted!

"The longevity fruit belongs to me!"

The old lion Wang Shuang was stunned and his breathing became rapid. He didn't care about fighting Bai Hongzhen.

Take the time to turn around and rush directly towards the Secret Realm!

"Old lion, I'm so embarrassed that I want to steal my longevity fruit!"

Bai Hongzhen's eyes also lit up, and he got rid of the entanglement of several other orcs and turned into a flying sword and chased after him quickly!

"The longevity fruit belongs to me!"

The longevity fruit appeared, and several powerful auras suddenly appeared in the forbidden forest.

An old man in black robe suddenly appeared. With a wave of one hand, strings of runes appeared in the air.

Just in front of the old Lion King!

"Fu Changfeng!? Are you looking for death!"

The old lion king suddenly burst into murderous intent, roaring and smashing the rune wall in front of him with one punch.

The halberd came out of his hand and shot straight towards Fu Changfeng!

"Little tricks!"

Fu Changfeng sneered, but he didn't see any movement.

Behind him, another rune flashed out. Although the halberd was powerful,

But under the obstruction of layer after layer of runes, it finally ran out of power and stopped!

Fu Changfeng's speed did not slow down at all, and he still quickly grabbed the longevity fruit.

The upright old lion king was furious and his roar was earth-shattering.

The lion's roar shook the sky!

"The longevity fruit belongs to me!"

The blue longevity fruit was at hand, Fu Changfeng's face was filled with ecstasy,

As a strong man from the Rune race, he is naturally not afraid of beasts. Human Race!

As long as he grabs this longevity fruit, he can escape far away, and then he will naturally be protected by the strong men of the Fu clan!


However, at this moment, another cold voice sounded,

The spiritual power suddenly exploded near the longevity fruit that was originally floating quietly in the air, and it carried the longevity fruit away in an instant.

Falling into the hands of a half-disembodied figure!

"Eldar!? Stormbol!?"

Fu Changfeng was furious, and he made seals with his hands. In an instant, countless talismans lit up in the sky and surrounded Feng Boer!

"The lion roars across the mountains and rivers!"

Seeing the longevity fruit changing hands, the old lion king did not bother to trouble Fu Changfeng.

With an angry roar, he quickly attacked Feng Boer!

"Bring it here!"

Bai Hongzhen also did not hesitate and did not take into account the identity of the superior clan of the Feng Boer Spirit Clan.

The sword dances lightly and the sword energy transforms into the hand to instantly grab the longevity fruit!

"Bai Hongzhen, you are looking for death!"

"Brother Feng, don't worry, I'm here to help you!"

"Damn you despicable kid, you dare to cause trouble on the territory of my beast, Human Race? You are looking for death!"

"Kill! Now that you are here, please stay!"

"Human Race traitor Bai Hongzhen, die!"


The huge movement obviously attracted the attention of all the surrounding tribes.

At this moment, powerful men suddenly sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and a terrifying battle broke out around a fist-sized longevity fruit!

The longevity fruit seemed to feel the crisis, and the blue barrier that enveloped Secret Realm slowly shrank.

Secret Realm, which has lost the protection of blue light, can no longer withstand the aftermath of attacks from so many strong men!

There were constant clicking sounds, and the space was shattered into pieces like a mirror.

The cracks are spreading like a spider web, and space collapse is imminent!

"No... Your Majesty, save me..."

"Run away!"

"Bomb me! Blast out!"

The Secret Realm continues to collapse, and the space seems to be shrinking.

The originally missing Beast Human Race warrior suddenly appeared not far from Lin Xiu.

A group of beasts, the young master of the Human Race, panicked and kept attacking the edge of the Secret Realm with a crazy face, trying to create a gap to escape.

"Quickly go, the blood demon body will go out and return to the fox clan to lurk!"

Lin Xiu's eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately activated his shimmering cloak to avoid being discovered.

Then he gave an order to Shadi. With the blood demon around,

As long as Shadi isn't directly hit by the aftermath, she won't be in much danger!

"Yes, Master!"

Shadi had no second thoughts, and her body immediately dissipated into a pool of blood.

Go straight through the edge of the Secret Realm and leave quickly.

Lin Xiu grinned and quietly approached a group of panicked Beast Human Race warriors.

He is only one step away from breaking through the Diamond Lord, and such good blood is delivered to his door.

It was worth the risk!

"Blood Devour!"

Lin Xiu did not hesitate, Secret Realm was about to collapse at this moment,

He had to escape in a very short period of time. There were so many powers fighting for him with the longevity fruit.

It would be such a loss if we don’t gain anything more!

"Damn it, Blood Demon!"

The Blood Demon appeared unexpectedly, and the Human Race warriors were unprepared for a group of beasts.

Most of them were instantly killed by Lin Xiu, and the remaining Sixth Grade experts were unable to fight back.

But Lin Xiu has no time. There is a beast in the sky. The strong Human Race man discovered this scene and was immediately filled with jealousy!

"Blood Demon! You are seeking death!"

A strong man from the Elephant clan roared angrily, and then struck down with an attack!

"Blood Escape!"

Lin Xiu's hair stood on end for a moment. No matter how talented he was, he couldn't overcome so many levels to fight.

Directly activate blood escape, and the whole person will instantly turn into a line of blood and disappear!.

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