Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 149 The Lost Longevity Fruit! The Death Of The Demigod!


The terrifying pressure swept over, Lin Xiu's face changed drastically,

Even if he turned into a blood demon, he couldn't escape this blow. His whole body was like a lightning strike, and blood spurted out and he was seriously injured!

Fortunately, the blood demon's ability to escape was not impeded. After a mouthful of blood shed on the spot,

Lin Xiu transformed into a streak of blood, enveloping the blood essence of a group of orc warriors and fled away in an instant!

"Damn Blood Demon!"

High in the sky, a beast Human Race strong man was shocked and angry,

But now there is no time to hunt down this blood demon.

With the appearance of Bai Hongzhen, Fu Changfeng and Feng Boer of the Spirit Clan, more and more powerful people were attracted by the breath of longevity fruit.

The pressure on their beasts, Human Race, is also increasing. Although several strong men have appeared to share the burden,

But it’s still a bit difficult to face the steady stream of powerful players!

The battle in the sky continues "Nine Nine Zero", and the terrifying residual power sweeps past,

Almost half of the Forbidden Forest was razed to the ground!

This was originally the junction of the three ethnic groups and served as a strategic buffer zone.

But it does not mean that there are really powerful ferocious beasts in the Forbidden Forest that block the exploration of the three tribes.

At this moment, no one can stop the fight among the ten powerful men, completely destroying this once forbidden forest!

The sky is torn apart and the earth is shaking. A casual blow from the Twelfth Grade expert is a devastating blow to the earth.

Surrounding a blue fruit, fighting for it feels like the end of the world!

"Ahem... Damn, the strong Tenth Grade, the king-level lord, is too strong!"

Thousands of miles away from the Forbidden Forest, by a small stream, a flash of blood hit the ground, revealing Lin Xiu's figure.

Lin Xiu was covered in blood, and the cracks on her body were like spider webs.

It looks miserable!

Lin Xiu stood up and looked back at the battlefield in the distance, still feeling frightened.

Sure enough, you can’t underestimate any strong person!

That unknown beast Human Race Tenth Grade strong man, just a casual blow,

He was almost killed on the spot even though he was hundreds of miles away!

However, this time his strength has also made great progress, and his injury is much better than last time.

It looks scary, but it's actually just a skin injury.

It's just a pity that this hunting trip was in vain. After refining and absorbing all the blood essence, it is estimated that the injury can be restored.

"What a pity...We are still a little short of breaking through to the Diamond Lord!"

Lin Xiu thought with a little regret, if he had not been discovered,

By relying on this mass of blood to practice the Blood God Scripture, he will probably be able to break through to the Diamond Lord!


The sky is still shaking, and the cracks in the sky seem to tear the sky apart,

The horrific aftermath of the battle can be clearly felt even from thousands of miles away!

One after another figures rise into the sky from all directions, and you can see that the battlefield is getting more and more chaotic!


The earth shook, the sky cried blood,

The bloody rain fell from the sky, and the whole world seemed to be crying.

A terrifying aura gradually dissipated between heaven and earth!

"The fall of the powerful demigod!??"

Lin Xiu was shocked, and an inexplicable sadness spread in her heart.

The tears almost couldn’t stop falling!

Needless to say, a burst of enlightenment arose in his heart.

This is the death of a powerful demigod, causing the world to mourn!

A demigod fell, and I don’t know which unlucky guy it was.

The fight for the longevity fruit is more cruel than he imagined!

"It's a pity... I can't get the longevity fruit!"

Lin Xiu completely gave up the idea of ​​sneaking back, this is too exaggerated!

On the battlefield where a group of peak Twelfth Grade experts and even demigod experts appeared,

He is too small for a little platinum lord!

Shaking his head, Lin Xiu put the longevity fruit matter behind him.

He quietly released the Death Knight and Bounty Hunter alert, and found a retreat to sit down cross-legged.

Start practicing the Blood God Scripture.


Without any warning, Lin Xiu just started running the Blood God Scripture.

Suddenly, a blue stone seemed to come across time and space and hit him directly on the head!


Lin Xiu was confused for a while and exclaimed in pain,

When I picked up the stone and looked at it, I took a deep breath!

“Damn it! This………………immortality fruit??”

Lin Xiu looked at the stone in stunned silence. It was as big as a fist and was blue all over.

What kind of stone is there? It’s clearly the longevity fruit I just encountered in the Secret Realm!

"The longevity fruit...why did it fall here??"

Lin Xiu was surprised and happy, and confirmed again and again,

The rich and surging aura has already revealed the identity of the other party, it is the Immortal Health!

“It’s not a good place to stay for a long time!”

Lin Xiu quickly stood up and looked around vigilantly.

His expression changed, and he put the bounty hunter and then the Death Knight away again without hesitation.

Then he put on his shimmering cloak, randomly chose a direction opposite to the Forbidden Forest, and left quickly!

He didn't know where this thing came from, but what was certain was that the treasures that the demigods fought for flew away.

They will never give up!

I'm afraid that the three tribes will join forces to block this area and lift every speck of dust.

Dig three feet into the ground to find this longevity fruit!

"What a bunch of idiots... they can steal a piece of fruit and fly away!"

Lin Xiu was both happy and worried. This thing was definitely a hot potato.

It's a time bomb in your hand. Who knows what those strong men can do?

If he is found, he will definitely die!

But he was not willing to leave it behind!

After all, this is the longevity fruit, one of the most precious treasures below the gods!

It’s no problem to exchange a longevity fruit for a powerful demigod to attack with all his strength several times!

He has an immortality fruit and there is absolutely no problem in recruiting a strong demigod as an ally when he returns to Shura Clan!

Lin Xiu cursed and complained, but her body was very honest.

He decisively put the longevity fruit into his backpack, and then he quickly flew away into the distance.

At the same time, activate Shura combat skills to erase all traces!

He hasn't thought about what to do next, but as long as he waits for the strong men from Heavenly Dipper Palace to arrive,

Then these three tribes have nothing to fear!

Lin Xiu left invisibly and quickly. He did not use the blood demon's escape method.

Because the traces left by the blood demon's escape method are too obvious, the rich serum energy cannot dissipate in a short time!

"But the blood energy has been left there...I'm afraid the three tribes will have to search for traces of the Blood Demon with all their strength next!"

Lin Xiu's eyes flashed and she murmured to herself,

"Change your identity...restore your Human Race identity!"

“I just don’t know which clan’s place this is?”

Lin Xiu quickly made up his mind, he has Human Race status,

It is a good way to escape the eyes of the strong, just return to the Human Race camp!

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