Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 150 That Was None Other Than Feng Bo Of The Spirit Tribe

Of course, even though that's what I said, the longevity fruit is a hot potato right now, and I have to find a way to solve it.

"Although I don't know if it will work...but I have to give it a try!"

At that moment, Lin Xiu suddenly raised his palm, and the longevity fruit floated in the air, flashing with azure light, overflowing with strong vitality, causing new buds to grow out of thin air on the ground, and the surrounding air also Became extremely fresh.

"As expected of the longevity fruit, this vitality is really strong enough!"

Lin Xiu sighed, then shook his head and came to his senses.

He knew that this time was not the time to sigh.

At the moment, Lin 23 Xiu used his divine power and quickly formed seals with his hands, like a butterfly flying through flowers.

The next second, sigils revealing mysterious aura appeared in the void.

These talismans surround the longevity fruit and slowly come together, like a spherical box, wrapping the longevity fruit inside.


There was a crisp sound, and the entire longevity fruit was locked in the round ball made of intertwined talismans.

This is a seal.

Lin Xiu used his own divine power to construct a seal, and the breath of Bird Changsheng Fruit sealed it.

The reason why Lin Xiu used such a method was mainly because he had just thought that in the process of fighting for the longevity fruit, some of the powerful demigods were from the Fu clan.

Lin Xiu didn't think those demigods would notice that he stayed here for such a long time.

Even if he waits for a while and erases all traces, there is always a way for those powerful demigods to find clues.

Therefore, Lin Xiu used this method to seal the longevity fruit, which could also cause misunderstandings among the demigods who were chasing him.

Although there's a good chance such a trick won't work.

But what if?

If you succeed in deceiving...then you will earn it with your blood!

However, although Lin Xiu sealed the longevity fruit, the vitality contained in it was too majestic.

So much so that even if the longevity fruit is sealed now, traces of life force will still seep through the gaps in the seal.

Lin Xiu couldn't help but shook his head, knowing that he couldn't stay in this place for too long, even though a demigod had just fallen, and there was a brief period of chaos in Tianji.

However, after waiting for a while and the secrets stabilizing, those demigods will definitely be able to easily find the breath of the longevity fruit.

At that time, even if Lin Xiu wants to run away, she may not be able to!

Putting the sealed longevity fruit into his arms, Lin Xiu used Shura's method to get here quickly. 827

At the same time, he also wiped out all traces here.

Not long after Lin Xiu left, a strong wind suddenly blew in the originally peaceful space.

Even the ground is cracked and dented inch by inch!

Countless winds and sand rolled wildly, and a figure suddenly appeared.

That was none other than Feng Bo of the Eldar Tribe.

"Strange! I clearly sensed the breath of longevity fruit here, why did it disappear?"

A trace of doubt flashed across Feng Boer's eyes, and soon his eyes turned cold, and he let out a cold snort.

"It seems that some 'lucky' little guy got the longevity fruit!"

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