"It's just that you don't know that this kind of thing can't be taken casually?"

Feng Boer raised his palm and suddenly slapped it forward into the void.


Vast divine power swept out, and a tornado rose from the ground.

The next second, the tornado spread around and exploded.

The moment the tornado exploded, the brilliance of the eyes spread across the void minister like starlight.

Immediately afterwards, the entire space showed a hazy scene.

In the hazy scene, Feng Boer could vaguely see a figure staying here for a while. He even made seals with his hands, forming a sealing power to seal the breath of the longevity fruit.


Although Feng Boer couldn't see the face of the figure in the scene, looking at the posture of his hands, it was obvious that he was forming seals.

"Did someone from the Fu tribe steal my longevity fruit?"

Feng Boer said to himself.

I have to say that Feng Boer is really shameless.

This longevity fruit is an ownerless thing, but now it is said to be his.

Thinking that it was probably someone from the Fu tribe who had snatched away the longevity fruit, Feng Boer suddenly became uneasy.

What a joke!

If the old immortal from the Fu Clan were to take the longevity fruit, things would be really big!

"No matter who you are, I will find you out~!"

Feng Boer let out a cold snort, catching the hint of longevity fruit breath that was about to escape, and chased after it.

"Why do I still feel very uneasy?"

In the Forbidden Forest, Lin Xiu's body was flying in the void at extremely high speeds, just like a sonic fighter plane. Wherever it went, strong winds were set off all around.

However, even though Lin Xiu ran very fast, his heart was still full of uneasiness, and this uneasy feeling became more and more intense as time went by.

It feels like there is a sword of Damocles hanging above your head, which may fall down and pierce your body at any time!

"Damn, what went wrong?"

Lin Xiu cursed in his heart, because he had tried many ways, but this feeling still lingered!

This means…………

A powerful demigod is chasing me!


How did the powerful demigod find himself?

Hasn't Tianji become temporarily chaotic now?

Can they still use heavenly calculations?!

Lin Xiu could feel that his emotions were becoming more and more uneasy, and even his heartbeat became very violent and accelerated.

The sound of "...々dong dong dong" sounded like a war drum in Lin Xiu's ears, making people tremble.

This made Lin Xiu hesitate for a moment.

Could it be...that I really couldn't leave with the longevity fruit?

Yes, Lin Xiu understood very well that as long as he (Mano Zhao) brought the longevity fruit, the group of demigods would be like a group of sharks that smelled the smell of blood, coming madly and not stopping at all.

And what about yourself?

If you are not careful at all, you may be shattered to pieces!

The current Lin Xiu is not yet fully capable of confronting a powerful demigod head-on!

The issue is………………

Isn’t it such a pity to just throw away the longevity fruit?

This became the biggest dilemma in Lin Xiu's heart. .

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