Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 156: If You Take What Belongs To Me, You Must Pay The Price


The power burst out from Supreme Bone bombarded the giant hand.

The giant hand suddenly trembled and became blurry.


The owner of the previous voice made a sound of surprise at this moment.

It seems that he did not expect that such a situation would happen.

But soon, he snorted coldly and said in a cold voice: "Even if this is the case, you will definitely die!"

"If you take what belongs to me, you must pay the price!"

The vague giant hand suddenly burst out with more powerful power at this moment, and then the vague giant hand suddenly became more solid, and the aura it exuded was ten times more powerful than before, as if Just like the real hand of God.

Immediately afterwards, the giant hand suddenly shook.

The Supreme Bone power that burst out from Lin Xiu was crushed by the giant hand.

The next second, the giant hand came to grab Lin Xiu again!

Lin Xiu is in dire straits again!


However, just when Lin Xiu was at the point of life and death, a cold snort suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a roar sounded in the shattered void.

"Bai Hongzhen!! How dare you!!"

The next second, the giant hand that originally wanted to grab Lin Xiu suddenly stopped in mid-air. Immediately, cracks appeared on the surface, densely packed like a huge spider web.

Immediately, there was a "bang" sound, and it exploded into pieces, turning into countless light fragments and dissipating in the void.

At the same time that the giant hand shattered and dissipated, Lin Xiu also felt the pressure on his body suddenly dissipate.

This allowed Lin Xiu to regain control of her body.

Without any hesitation, Lin Xiu mobilized his divine power with all his strength, turned into a stream of light, and flew directly into the Land of the Fallen God!


A roar full of anger resounded in the void, spreading three thousand miles away, causing the earth to crack every inch!

The mountain peaks cracked and giant trees collapsed!

The next second, a figure shot out from the shattered void, exuding an earth-shattering momentum.

However, the clothes he was wearing seemed a little embarrassed.

This is a middle-aged man.

He was wearing a white robe with a pattern of peach blossoms on it, giving it a different kind of beauty.

However, at this moment, the ferocious expression on the middle-aged man's face completely destroyed this beauty.

There was also a wound on the palm of his left hand, from which red blood slowly flowed out.

'''々'Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Not long after the middle-aged man in peach blossom robes appeared here, every inch of the void was shattered!

When it was broken, figures appeared one after another.

The aura emanating from them is not the same as that emanating from the middle-aged man in peach blossom robe.

They are all powerful demigods!

Feng Bo also appeared.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the middle-aged man in peach blossom robe, and asked: "Tao Ming, where is the longevity fruit?"

Tao Ming is a demigod from the Peach Blossom Clan, a branch of the Spirit Clan.

The Spirit Race is just a general term!

Just like the Beast Human Race, the Rune Race!

Like Wind Bol, who comes from the Wind Clan of the Eldar Tribe.

Tao Ming is from the Peach Blossom Clan among the Spirit Clan.

Therefore, although both of them are powerful demigods of the Spiritual Clan, their positions are different.


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