Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 157: That Is The Real God-Eating Place

Upon hearing Feng Boer's inquiry, Tao Ming's face became even more ugly.

There was cold anger surging in his eyes, and he replied in a cold tone: "Run away!"


Tao Ming's answer surprised many demigods present.

The old lion king's eyes were cold and he said hastily: "Tao Ming! Are you kidding me?! You can let a mortal escape in front of you?"

"Is it possible that you have already obtained the longevity fruit, so you deliberately deceived us like this?"

"Tao Ming, Tao Ming, I didn't expect you to be so shameless!"

"Tao Ming, hand over the longevity fruit!"

All of a sudden, the other powerful demigods spoke out again and again, looking at Tao Ming with unkind eyes.

When Tao Ming heard this, his face became even more ugly. 997

He let out a cold snort and said in a cold voice: "I'm not lying to you, this is a fact!"

"Originally I was going to catch him, but it turned out that that damn guy Bai Hongzhen...

At this point, Tao Ming was so angry that he gritted his teeth again!

"Anyway, the person has run away!"

"The longevity fruit was also taken away by him!"

Many demigods looked at Tao Ming's face seriously and found that he did not seem to be joking.

The old lion king was very anxious, because there was not much life left in it that belonged to him, so he hurriedly asked: "Where have you gone?"

"The place where the gods fell." Tao Ming replied coldly.

"The Land of the Fallen God?!"

When many powerful demigods heard this, their expressions changed drastically, and they all looked towards the Land of the Fallen God not far away!

At this moment, the black mist surging throughout the Land of Fallen Gods was thicker than usual, and even the howling sounds were more harsh and loud.

That feeling was as if the gathering of these demigods made him very eager for their blood, and he became very excited.

"If that boy really brought the longevity fruit into the Land of Fallen Gods, it would be troublesome..."

"That's true......

Many powerful demigods looked at the place where the gods fell, full of fear.

Ordinary lords may not know the origin of the Land of Fallen Gods, but as superpowers in the realm of demigods, they know it very well.

That is the nightmare of all powerful demigods!

Fu Changfeng frowned and asked, "Tao Ming, can you clearly see who the guy who stole the longevity fruit is?"

"Judging from the aura on his body, he is a member of the Shura Clan." Tao Ming did not hide anything and said this directly.

After all, this kind of thing can be investigated with a little investigation.

After saying this, Tao Ming turned around and planned to leave.

Of course he didn't leave because he wanted to give up like this.

That's because, in the land of fallen gods, demigods are not allowed to enter!

That is the real god-eating place!!

The only solution for now is to find other help!

Seeing Tao Ming leave directly, the other demigods did not stop him.

They were all thinking about this problem secretly.

After a while, many powerful demigods left one after another!

Even the old Lion King is no exception!

Not long after, the forces behind these powerful demigods swarmed in like a swarm of locusts and gathered in the Land of Fallen Gods!

The longevity fruit is a good thing!

It is impossible to make demigods like them give up. .

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