Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 159 Weird Gravity! Enter The Land Of Fallen Gods!

"But...if you really want to take action, you have to be prepared to pay the price!"

The many masters of the Peach Blossom Clan behind Tao Yuanna also had sarcastic smiles on their faces.


When Qingshan saw this, he was furious and wanted to take action.

However, Qingyang spoke in a deep voice at this moment and stopped him.

"Qingshan, calm down and don't fall in love with her."

Qingshan "820" saw that Qingyang had already spoken, so he could only endure it, but the look in Tao Yuanna's eyes did not hide any murderous intent!

“Really a coward!”

Seeing that Qingshan didn't take action, Tao Yuanna sneered, then her eyes fell on Qingyang and said slowly: "Qingyang, you'd better pray that you won't meet me inside!"

"let's go!"

Tao Yuanna put down her harsh words and led many masters from the Peach Blossom Clan towards the Land of the Fallen God.

As for Qingyang, his face also became very ugly.

As we all know, the Peach Blossom Clan and the Qingliu Clan have always been opposites.

In the past, the Peach Blossom Clan was suppressed by the Qingliu Clan.

However, since the last battle in the Secret Realm, the Qingliu Clan lost and the Peach Blossom Clan won, a hundred years have passed. The Peach Blossom Clan has become more powerful than before and has begun to suppress the Qingliu Clan.

Just talking about this generation of young lords, the Peach Blossom Clan has Tao Yuanna.

Although the Qingliu Clan also gave birth to Qingyang, it is not easy to suppress Tao Yuanna.

Qingyang took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and then his tone became very sinister, and he said to himself: "Tao Yuanna, Tao Yuanna, do you really think you can defeat me?"

"You should pray that you don't meet me in the Land of Fallen Gods!"

"If you meet me..."

"I will settle the previous accounts with you!"

Thinking of this, Qingyang's eyes became clear. He waved his hand and said, "Let's go in!"

When the masters of the Peach Blossom Tribe and the Qingliu Tribe entered the Land of Fallen Gods.

The favored sons of various factions of Beast Human Race, the favored sons of various factions of Fu Clan, and other Independent Cultivators who got the news also entered the Land of Fallen Gods one after another.

After all, there are some powerful demigods who have personally issued a reward order. If anyone can snatch the longevity fruit from them, they will personally accept him as a disciple to teach and give guidance!

Such generous rewards naturally attracted countless lords to come!

It is conceivable that what a terrible storm will arise in the Land of Fallen Gods!

And this storm......

It is destined to be full of blood!

Lin Xiu didn't know that he was about to face the Infinite Lord's pursuit.

When he regained control of his body, he rushed into the Land of the Fallen God at lightning speed.

However, when Lin Xiu entered the Land of Fallen Gods, an extremely terrifying power suddenly came down!

Said to be power, 5.2 should actually be said to be a kind of gravity.

This kind of gravity is very strange, wet, and a little sticky.

At that moment, Lin Xiu's body lost its balance, and then it hit the ground hard, rolling up the surrounding black mist.

After continuing for a period of time, Xiu's body was able to adapt to the heavy experience here.

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