Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 160 I Don’T Know If Those Powerful Demigods Are Gone.

"The gravity here is so weird...

After adapting to the gravity of the Land of Fallen Gods, Lin Xiu twisted his neck, slowly got up from the ground, murmured in his mouth, and looked around.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiu spread his soul and sensed his surroundings.

However, just as Lin Xiu guessed, it is filled with a strange power.

Not only has the gravity here been changed, but the range of the soul's perception has also been limited.

Originally, the power of his soul could sense all spaces a thousand meters away.

but now………………

There is only about 500 meters left!

This is something Lin Xiu didn’t expect at all!

This actually made Lin Xiu feel a little unaccustomed to it.

Of course, fortunately, his soul perception is still 500 meters away, instead of shrinking the Basic Accomplishment to only one or two hundred meters.

In this way, even if an enemy sneak attacks on you, you will be able to react immediately.

In addition, Lin Xiu found that the divine power in his body seemed to be suppressed.

During the operation process, it also became a little unsmooth.

This is also a big trouble for Lin Xiu.

After all, when fighting, every second counts!

If you slow down for even one second, it is very likely that you will face the difference between life and death!

But fortunately, this place is a place where gods fall!

There must not be many enemies who can really put Lin Xiu into desperate situation!

Not to mention the powerful demigods.

It is absolutely impossible for those who glorify the king and subvert the king to enter here.

Otherwise, they will suffer!

As for other levels of lords...

Haha, although Lin Xiu can't be beaten now, they can't catch up if they want to run away!

In other words, Lin Xiu is actually invincible in the Land of Fallen Gods!

Of course, saying it is invincible is not necessarily true!

Because Lin Xiu discovered that in addition to the changes in the gravity environment of the Land of Fallen Gods, the range of the soul's perception was limited. The most important point was that the divine power in his body was passing away quietly.

It's like being eaten away by the Land of Fallen Gods!

This leaves Lin Xiu with no way to stop him!

In other words, Lin Xiu cannot stay here for too long, otherwise... he will definitely encounter those evil creatures in the Land of Fallen Gods, and his life will be in danger as a result.

At the moment, Lin Xiu looked around, taking in the environment here.

The Land of Fallen Gods is really a very magical place.

There was darkness and mist everywhere.

It seems that flowers, trees, mountains, rocks and rivers all exist.

But what about in reality?

These are all condensed from black mist. 790

Even in the river, there is thick black mist flowing.

No one knows what these black mist are.

Some people say it is the energy formed by the mutation of divine power, while others say it is the resentment of the gods.

But no matter how you look at it, it is a very strange existence!

So for Lin Xiu, the last thing to do is to leave as soon as possible!

"I don't know if those powerful demigods are gone!"

Lin Xiu thought about it secretly in his heart. After all, he has been here for a long time, why not go out and take a look?

So, Lin Xiu quietly came to the edge of the Land of Fallen Gods.

Lin Xiu raised his head slightly and looked at the sky. .

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