Undead Lord: Unlimited Synthetic Wraith Great Emperor At The Start

Chapter 161: Almost Got There! Wind Clan Prodigy Feng Lingtian!

There is no figure visible in the sky.

It was as if those powerful demigods had already left!

This made Lin Xiu hesitate.

But after hesitating, he decided to go out and take a look.

So, he took a cautious step and left the place where he fell.

However, when Lin Xiu just left the scope of the Land of Fallen Gods, his eyelids were beating wildly and his scalp was numb!

Inside, there is a strong sense of crisis arising!

The next second, Lin Xiu felt that his body seemed to be locked by an extremely terrifying energy!

"not good!!"

Lin Xiu's mood immediately exploded!

Without thinking, he turned around and rushed into the Land of Fallen Gods!

The next second he re-entered the Land of the Fallen God, a very terrifying energy was like a hurricane, shining with cyan light, and violently bombarded the place where Lin Xiu was standing before. .


Earth-shattering explosions resounded!

A terrible energy directly bombarded the ground for thousands of miles and dented it, forming a new Grand Canyon!

"It's such a pity that he still ran away!..."

In a void hundreds of miles away from the Land of Fallen Gods, a voice of regret slowly sounded.

If you look carefully, you can find that this person is Feng Bo of the Wind Clan.

He did not dare to get too close to the Land of the Fallen God, and the same was true for the induction of Spiritual Sense. Otherwise, he would probably be sucked in by the power of the Land of the Fallen God and swallowed!

This was also why he didn't sense Lin Xiu coming out of the Land of Fallen Gods at the first time.

In fact, he should have waited for a while until Lin Xiu had no way to re-enter the Land of the Fallen God, and then took action himself.

In the final analysis, I was still too anxious!

"However, as long as you stay here, you don't have to worry about you not coming out of the Land of Fallen Gods!"

Feng Boer said coldly, then raised his head slightly, looked around, and found that in other directions of the Land of Fallen Gods, there were also strong demigods standing there.

Obviously, their thoughts are the same as Feng Boer's.

Feng Boer just snorted and then sneered.

"I really want to see who can catch that Shura Clan person!"

"I hope Feng Lingtian won't disappoint me!"

"The one who just took action...is the ancestor?"

At the edge of the Land of Fallen Gods, the masters of the Wind Clan who had just entered the Land of Fallen Gods heard loud explosions outside the Land of Fallen Gods, as well as earth-shattering energy fluctuations.

Judging from the energy aura emitted by the diffuse energy fluctuations, these Wind Clan masters knew that the person who took action was their Wind Clan ancestor, the demigod strongman Feng Boer.

But why did the ancestor suddenly take action?

''''''々Okay, what happened outside has nothing to do with us, our goal now is to find the longevity (Zhao) fruit!"

At this time, one person among the Wind Clan people spoke.

Many masters of the Wind Clan looked over one after another, with awe and admiration in their eyes, and responded one after another.

"Yes, Master!"

The man who spoke was slender and handsome. Standing there, he had a transcendent and refined temperament.

He is the proud son sent by the Wind Clan this time, and he is also the direct grandson of Feng Boer, Feng Lingtian. .

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