Under one person: I, Zhang Zhiwei, the arrogant Zhang

Chapter 633 Zhang Zhiwei patted his shoulder: Be quiet and peaceful, it is time to practice!

Zhang Zhiwei glanced at his master, and his first reaction was the Heavenly Master's Degree. He just didn't know whether the Heavenly Master's Degree was the Dharmakaya or the Reward Body.

He didn't think much about this aspect, after all, he didn't know much about the three bodies of the Buddha.

What he thought was that if Sakyamuni's subjectivity became the objective... that is, the Buddha Kingdom that was equal to the world.

Then the equivalent of the Ancestor Heavenly Master was the Dharma Lineage.

The Dharma Lineage has many names in mythology, but in the final analysis it is the same thing as the Buddha Kingdom.

Then, he thought of the example that the master initially used the Heavenly Master's Mansion as an example.

The Heavenly Master's Mansion is an objective thing.

The Heavenly Master's Mansion is also very large, but compared to the whole world, the Heavenly Master's Mansion is very small.

It is undoubtedly inappropriate to compare it to the objective.

But if the Dharma Lineage is the subjective product left after the Ancestor Heavenly Master has been polished to the extreme...

Then for the Taoists who have been ordained and converted, this subjective product is actually the objective world.

So, the master's initial example was actually correct, but there were some things that he couldn't say clearly.

Immediately, he remembered the thirty-six majestic thunder generals he saw when he was in the thunder department during the assessment of the law, and the Zhenwu Emperor who taught him a unique skill.

At that time, he asked his master about this.

The master did not say it clearly, but told him a lot of Zhang Sanfeng's past and the origin of Zhang Sanfeng and Zhenwu Emperor.

Although he did not say it clearly, his words pointed to Zhenwu Emperor as Zhang Sanfeng.

Now thinking about it, Zhenwu Emperor is not the polished subject left by Zhang Sanfeng?

He did not ask his master about this conjecture. At the beginning, the master did not say it clearly, so there was naturally some unclear reason. Now asking would be in vain.

He sighed in his heart that the closer he was to something, the more unreal it was like seeing flowers in the fog.

He knew why it was like this. He could not see the true face of Mount Lu because he was in this mountain. He was in the Tianshi Mansion, and it was inevitable that he would be biased when he went to see the Tianshi Mansion.

The underlying rules that the master said are the same. Perhaps other schools can be used to reflect everything in the Tianshi Mansion. In that way, perhaps the answer can be obtained... Zhang Zhiwei thought to himself.

He first thought of the Quanzhen Sect. Although they are both Taoists and need to convert to the Three Treasures, there are always some differences between Zhengyi and Quanzhen.

Zhengyi requires a talisman to join the sect.

Quanzhen requires ordination to join the sect.

In fact, compared with Zhengyi, Quanzhen is more of a product born from the integration of the doctrines of the three religions on the basis of Taoism.

It is very complicated and may not be a good object of reflection.

Then, Zhang Zhiwei thought of the Huode Sect.

Although this is a sect that plays with fire, most of the people in the sect are hot-tempered and reckless, not as fairy-like as the Sanyi Sect, but they are an orthodox sect, which is beyond doubt.

They worship a ball of holy fire. After converting to the holy fire, they will have the ability of fire escape.

Zhang Zhiwei is not unfamiliar with the word "guiming". In the morning and evening classes at the Tianshi Mansion, there is a sentence "Zhixin Guimingli" before each Baogao, which means "convert with all your life".

Compared with the Taoist ordination and precepts, Huode Sect is indeed simple and direct. Could it be that their ancestor who can reach the sky, the subjective that has been polished and has the same status as the objective world, is a ball of fire?

"So, the final result may not necessarily be a person, but also an object."

It is an object, and Zhang Zhiwei thinks of the Nasen sacred tree.

He has always felt that this tree is evil, or to be precise, he dislikes it, but it cannot be denied that this tree can reach the sky.

Or, this tree is a product of reaching the sky.

In the plot, the power of the Nasen sacred tree has not been directly demonstrated.

Only King Nasen and Nasen Wei are shown.

King Nasen has no strength, a weak little girl.

Nasen Wei and others are not worth mentioning in front of Behemoth's modern alien troops.

It seems that the entire Nasen Island is just a few big cats and small cats, not a dragon's den or a tiger's lair, let alone a sky-high place.

But if you think so, you are totally wrong. The power of the Nasen sacred tree can never be ignored.

This is a tree with self-awareness, or in other words, a tree with subjective consciousness.

It does not take action, or in its opinion, those kings and guards are not worth it.

If it takes action, the chapter of Nasen Island may have to be rewritten.

Because the Nasen sacred tree is rare and has appeared directly in the plot, and has the ability to destroy a country... thing.

Although there are only a few words about it, if it is released, it will be enough to shock the world.

The Nasen sacred tree was not originally on the island. It was called the God of the Forest in Europe.

The King of Nasen at that time was not as powerless as the current King of Nasen. The King of Nasen was selected through bloody killings. The necessary condition for becoming a king is to defeat all those who want to become a king.

In other words, the king must be the strongest.

Such a king would undoubtedly be able to control more power of trees and be more aggressive.

This aggressiveness made the Roman Empire, which was at its peak at that time, feel uneasy.

Therefore, the Roman Empire, which was at its peak, defeated the Nathan tree and its believers with the whole country's strength.

After this battle, the Nathan tree moved away from Rome, and there was an island of Nathan in the world.

After this battle, the Roman Empire also slipped from its peak and never recovered.

The impact of this war was like the An-Shi Rebellion in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. Although it was only a few strokes, it caused an empire to decline. The cruelty can be imagined.

Zhang Zhiwei didn't know whether Rome launched a war against trees for the so-called population red line or because of a war of faith?

Perhaps the two are actually the same thing in essence. After all, Rome and the Church of God are closely related. It is not uncommon for the Church of God to launch a holy war and burn heretics to death.

Even the encirclement and suppression launched by ordinary people against aliens in order to maintain the population red line, which is talked about by people in later generations, also has their shadow.

For example, the witch trials in Europe, the initiators behind them are not ordinary people, but rather the Church of God in the guise of ordinary people.

Another example is the destruction of Buddhism by the Three Wus and One Zong in Shenzhou. Many people think that it is ordinary people who are engaged in aliens, but the knife behind the knife of ordinary people is actually Confucianism, and they are the ones who are making plans.

In essence, the population red line is more like something that several forces standing at the peak of aliens and the forces standing at the peak of ordinary people jointly maintain.

After all, the cake is limited. If there are too many people sharing the cake, there will be chaos, and some people have to be killed.

The Nathan sacred tree a thousand years ago touched the cake of the Church of God and Rome, so it was defeated and forced to go overseas, turning the island into a prison and binding itself for a thousand years.

It also has many rules, such as it cannot open a challenge for the throne as before, and the king of Nasen can only be selected from weak newborns, which is why Li Muxuan's granddaughter became the king.

Thousands of years later, the Nasen sacred tree may have had enough of red tape, or perhaps it has had enough of weak kings, and it has reopened the selection of true kings, which is a signal that it wants to expand.

After receiving this signal, the scene of a thousand years ago was staged, and various forces came to the island, and Behemoth took the lead and uprooted it, revealing the roots under the sacred tree.

In Zhang Zhiwei's view, that root system is no different from a lineage, and the island where the Nasen sacred tree takes root is no different from a "world".

The gods live on the island, and they are blessed by the Nasen sacred tree to become aliens at birth.

After they die, they will return to the embrace of the sacred tree, that is, they will be absorbed by the sacred forest of the sacred tree.

The divine guards among them will become monsters that look like humans and are connected to the roots of the tree.

The kings were at the core, entangled together, like a nightmare scene, ordinary people would feel sick when they saw it.

These kings and guards who became indescribable, they could make sounds, have partial consciousness, not completely dead, but also had no freedom, and could only suffer endless pain and torture.

Now thinking back to Master's words, everything is very clear.

The reason why those Nasen guards did not turn into holy forests, but turned into half-human and half-monsters, should be that their polished subjective part and the objective tree are equal existences, so they were not absorbed, but remained, and lived with the tree.

But they could not get rid of the control of the tree, and could only be imprisoned in the roots, imprisoned forever, and could not be freed.

It's like... the eighteen levels of hell after death.

The kings are the same, and even because the Nasen sacred tree randomly selects babies as kings, these kings are even more unbearable.

They are not even like guards, with a half-human and half-tree body, and can only survive like a pile of dog shit rubbed in a pile.

The more the subjectivity is polished, the more the objectivity is freed, and the more subjective consciousness remains after death.

But what is the meaning of this?

No matter how much the subjectivity is polished, the clearer the consciousness is, if it cannot be completely equal to the objectivity, then it cannot be freed? Will it not be rooted in the dark roots of the tree forever? !

And if it is equal to the sacred tree, or even surpasses the sacred tree, how many people can do it in the past thousand years?

This is also the reason why Zhang Zhiwei does not like the sacred tree. Converting to it will be a torture for eternity.

If the sacred tree is compared with the Tianshi Mansion...

The Taoist priests who are granted the talisman return to the Dharma lineage and turn into nutrients similar to the holy forest. The power commanded by the talisman may have a share of them.

Maybe it is precisely because of the special source of this power.

Therefore, the ritual of drawing talismans is very complicated, setting up the altar, offering pig heads, burning incense, and burning yellow paper. No step can be missed.

It takes several hours to complete a set.

In fact, these steps are more like paying homage to ancestors and praying to the heavens than practicing the law.

Zhang Zhiwei used to like to skip these steps and draw the talisman in the simplest way.

He now understands that these steps are not necessary, but to give due respect to this power.

This is the end of ordinary Taoist priests. When a person dies, it is like a lamp going out, which is almost the same as ordinary people.

And the high-level Taoist priests will become... guardian gods similar to tree people.

The higher the degree of subjective polishing, the higher the spirituality of these guardian gods.

And the Tianshi of all generations will become the core of the tree.

But most of the Tianshi have a high level of cultivation, and they should not become a bunch of indescribable things like King Nasen.

All this sounds like it is much better than the Nasen sacred tree, but the essence is actually the same.

Moreover, this is just his idea. What will happen specifically depends on the subjective consciousness of the ancestor Tianshi.

However, compared with the jungle law of the jungle of Nasen Island, the Tianshi Mansion is strictly a family business, and the ancestor Tianshi may not be so cruel.

Of course, this is just a wishful guess, and the details are unknown for now.

So I am now... Zhang Zhiwei remembered the ceremony of being given a surname and granted the thunder method many years ago.

Unlike ordinary people, he was given the thunder method and the surname at the same time.

Now he thinks that this should have two meanings.

Being given the thunder method by the Heavenly Master should be equivalent to the divine guard of Nasen Island.

Being given the surname by the Heavenly Master should be equivalent to breaking the golden branch on Nasen Island.

Represents that he has participated in the challenge of becoming a king and has the qualifications to become a king.

The difference is that to become a king on Nasen Island, the breaker needs to fight a great battle and kill the old king to complete the replacement.

But the Tianshi Mansion does not need to do this. The new Tianshi is directly appointed by the old Tianshi.

In this way, the authority of the Tianshi is much higher than that of King Nasen.

And all this is unknown to ordinary Taoists, even high-level Taoists do not know.

The only person who knows is the Tianshi, which may be the meaning of the Tianshi degree.

Of course, in addition to these authorities, the Tianshi degree must be related to the subjectivity of the ancestor Tianshi, and it is not certain that he can even talk directly with the ancestor Tianshi.

The ancestor Tianshi is a saint. In theory, his subjective consciousness should be equal to the objective world.

So what secrets in this world does he not know?

So, even if the Jiashen Rebellion seems to have nothing to do with the Tianshi degree, in the plot, the old Tianshi still told Zhang Chulan that if you accept it, you will know everything.

Whether it is the complete thunder method, various secrets, or the eight strange skills or any other strange skills, the ancestor Tianshi can give it to you, and he has the ability to do so, but the premise is that he is willing.

Once you accept the Tianshi degree, it means that you have taken on the subjective and will of the ancestor Tianshi.

The power of this will exceeds everything imposed on you by the objective world.

Zhang Chulan vaguely sensed it, so he called it a restriction that is countless times larger than the Shougongsha. Once you take it on, you are no longer free.

Maybe Zhang Chulan has some things and some secrets.

But what are these things in front of the subjective consciousness of the ancestor Tianshi?

Before, although Zhang Zhiwei was a little concerned about all this in his heart, he had never analyzed it as carefully as he is now.

Of course, these are all his guesses, which may not be correct. If there is a definite answer, maybe...

The twenty-four sections of Tongtian Valley flashed through his mind, and he immediately shook his head. It was still unclear there. If that was the case, he might as well take some time to go to Nasen Island and pull up the sacred tree for research.

Of course, it was too early to say these things now... Zhang Zhiwei suppressed his thoughts and looked at his master.

He couldn't help but wonder, when he looked at his master, was the Zu Tianshi in his master's body looking at him again?

He didn't know. He felt that if Zu Tianshi was not a person who liked to look around, he should have only looked at him twice.

The first time was in the dragon vein, Zu Tianshi's Dharma image descended and looked at him.

The second time was when he was telling his master the Golden Light Mantra. He had a desire to explore and wanted to dig out the master's secrets. As a result, he dug out a big eyeball-shaped fireball, which glared at him, and then he was pulled out by his master.

In any case, it is better to keep this Tianshi degree in the master.

Zhang Zhiwei picked up the wine bowl, drank it all, and then put it down heavily.

Ever since the master said that Wu Man had passed away and went to the Western Paradise, there had been no words at the table. Everyone was thinking about their own things. Now Zhang Zhiwei suddenly drank, and the others looked at him in surprise. What was this kid doing?

Zhang Zhiwei patted Zhang Jingqing on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"Master, you told us before that we are not ordinary people. We are seekers of the Tao. People who seek the Tao value life the most."

"Have you ever seen a seeker who feels that death is a kind of freedom before he has finished seeking the Tao?"

"If you haven't finished seeking the Tao, no matter how painful it is, you must live. I have passed on Qingxuan's Saint Thief to you. You should practice well and polish your subjectivity well."

"Even if one day you can't stand the disadvantages of this Saint Thief or something else, and want to pass it on and want to be free."

"Jingqing! Remember to your disciple, that is the time to practice..."

After that, Zhang Zhiwei pointed at Zhang Jingqing's eyebrows and directly instilled the method packaged by Lan Hand into the master's mind.

Taking advantage of the master's daze, he walked away without waiting for a response. He ran out of the tavern in three or two steps and disappeared in a flash.

The people at the table stared at this scene blankly.



Zhang Jingqing slammed the table: "What did this beast call me?"

He looked furious, with his hair and beard standing on end, but there was no anger in his eyes.

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