The next morning, Lu Lingfeng boarded the train back to his hometown.

Although Lu Lingfeng was only taken back to his hometown once by his eccentric father when he was very young, he still remembers the specific location.

Because not long after that trip back to his hometown, his eccentric father disappeared.

Before his father disappeared, he said a few irrelevant words to the young Lu Lingfeng, including not to forget the location of his hometown house, but not to go there again.

At that time, the young Lu Lingfeng didn't know why his father said this, but he still remembered it in his heart. Over the years, he always recalled the location of his hometown in his heart, but never set foot in Jiangnan again.

From Lu Lingfeng's current perspective, he and his cheap father have something that some people covet, and there should be relevant clues in the old house.

I just don't know what the clues in the old house are?

Could it be a certain person or a treasure? Or even clues related to the Eight Secret Skills?

In Lu Lingfeng's impression, the secrets that can destroy a family and hide in "Under One Person" are probably related to the Thirty-Six Thieves and the Eight Secret Skills.

The news that Lu Lingfeng was asked to go back to his hometown this time was brought by Lu Jin, so what is the relationship between him and Lu Jin?

Sitting on the train, Lu Lingfeng tried to sort out the clues, but unfortunately there was no breakthrough.

In his memory, the only connection between him and Lu Jin was that they both had the surname Lu, but he had never heard his cheap father say that they had any relatives with Lu Jin?

Lu Lingfeng couldn't even figure out whether Lu Jin's attitude towards him was an enemy or a friend.

Logically speaking, if Lu Lingfeng and Lu Jin really had a close relationship, then their family shouldn't have to hide, right?

After all, the famous Lu family, which is as famous as the Wang family and the Lu family, is not a vegetarian. Even if a family of this level can protect the eight unique skills, can it not protect Lu Lingfeng's family?

It is impossible that the secrets held by Lu Lingfeng's family are greater than the eight unique skills, right?

Since he couldn't figure it out, Lu Lingfeng simply stopped thinking about it. There must be a way when the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. Maybe this time he will have an answer when he returns to his hometown.

After getting off the train, Lu Lingfeng took another bus based on his memory, and finally arrived at the old house in the countryside after many twists and turns.

It must be said that the changes between urban and rural areas in recent years have been really great. Lu Lingfeng also asked many people before he could find this place.

Fortunately, the location of this old house is in the suburbs of the countryside, otherwise it would have been rebuilt long ago after these years of renovation.

Lu Lingfeng pushed open the gate. The yard was overgrown with weeds. To put it nicely, it could be called an old house. To put it bluntly, it was just an abandoned bungalow with no one living in it.

Lu Lingfeng walked through the yard to the house, and saw a rusty old lock on the door.

What should I do without the key? Lu Lingfeng grabbed the lock and applied a little force, and saw the rusted part of the lock break.

Lu Lingfeng pushed the door and entered the house, and found that grass had grown in the cracks of the brick and stone floor in the house. It seemed that no one had lived in this house for a long time.

Glancing around the environment in the house, I found that there was nothing to pay attention to. To be more precise, there was nothing in the house.

There was only a cabinet in the style of the 1970s and 1980s in the house, which also looked tattered.

The rest of the things were gone, or they were moved out, and the house looked particularly empty.

In Lu Lingfeng's memory, although this old house was also very dilapidated, there were still a lot of miscellaneous things in it.

Lu Lingfeng remembered that he had worshipped his ancestors in this room at that time, but now those tablets and incense tables were gone.

Now there is only an empty house left. What clues can this leave for Lu Lingfeng?

Lu Lingfeng walked around the whole house and found that the windows of the back room were completely removed. If someone wanted to go in and out, they didn't have to go through the front door.

In this way, some miscellaneous daily necessities in the house might have been taken away by people nearby through the windows.

After all, in the village, this kind of abandoned house is a place that everyone can use at will.

But the incense and candles in the hall can't be taken home by others for worship, right?

It seems that there are still people with ulterior motives who have come to the old house in recent years. I just don't know if that person will be his cheap father or an enemy.

After searching around, Lu Lingfeng sighed at this old house with nothing in the physical sense.

tnnd, Lu Jin asked him to come to the old house and said

There are clues, where are the clues?

This old man is just playing tricks on him, right?

Or does Lu Jin not know the current situation of the old house?

Lu Lingfeng fell into thinking. Judging from the current situation, if the clue Lu Jin mentioned is something, it is likely that it has disappeared.

If the clue is someone, then he should wait in the old house for someone to find him?

Lu Lingfeng scratched his hair. This old man is really unreliable. He doesn't know how to speak clearly, which makes Lu Lingfeng want to call him to ask clearly.

But the problem is that Lu Lingfeng doesn't know Lu Jin's phone number!

Lu Jin just asked Xu San to bring a message, saying that if there is any difficulty, he can find him, but he didn't even leave a contact information! If there is something, should Lu Lingfeng throw a message in a bottle to find him?

Lu Lingfeng complained about Lu Jin in his heart, thinking that this old man who claimed to have a flawless life was too unreliable.

But he decided to wait in this old house for one night. He was already here, what if someone came to find him?

This night was destined to be boring. The old house had been in disrepair for a long time, and the bed was tattered. Lu Lingfeng couldn't really sleep here, so he could only stand and play with his phone.

Lu Lingfeng, who was playing with his phone until midnight, suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Since the house was emptied, there was only one cabinet left. Assuming that the person who did this did not take the answer away, would it be a process of elimination for Lu Lingfeng?

Is there something wrong with this cabinet?

In fact, Lu Lingfeng had checked this cabinet before, and there was nothing inside.

But after this idea came into his mind, Lu Lingfeng decided to check it more carefully.

He opened the cabinet door and removed it with a force. That was not the end. He dismantled the wood of the cabinet door bit by bit and split it into pieces.

Then he went back and forth, and it took a few minutes to dismantle a tattered cabinet into a pile of rotten wood pieces.

Unfortunately, nothing was found. Lu Lingfeng held his forehead and muttered to himself: "Did the facts prove that I thought too much? Is there a cabinet left in the room simply because it is difficult to move?"

Difficult to move?

Difficult to move!

Lu Lingfeng's eyes gleamed. He had already dismantled the cabinet into pieces, but the bottom of this floor-standing cabinet did not move at all.

Lu Lingfeng kicked the bottom of the cabinet with his foot and found that it was indeed connected to the ground, and the material was much stronger than the other parts of the cabinet.

Lu Lingfeng circulated Qi around his body and quickly dismantled the bottom of the cabinet. He found that there was indeed a secret compartment under the cabinet.

However, the contents stored in the secret compartment were unexpected.

Originally, Lu Lingfeng thought that the contents stored in this secret compartment would be some secret scrolls, or even the practice method of one of the eight unique skills.

As a result, when he opened the secret compartment, he found that there was an egg in the secret compartment!

An egg that was larger than an ostrich egg, all white, with a little pattern on it.

After traveling for a long time, I finally got an egg? Go play with the egg. .

However, when Lu Lingfeng took the egg in his hand, he actually had a familiar feeling.

He tried to input Qi into the egg, but found that the egg swallowed his Qi into it, and then it trembled slightly.

Lu Lingfeng's eyebrows also jumped. He didn't expect that the egg had been in the secret compartment for so long and still had vitality.

This should be the only gain from his trip to the old house, but fortunately it is better than returning empty-handed.

Most of the night had passed, and Lu Lingfeng left the old house at dawn.

He looked back at the old house. This trip to the old house was not perfect, but it was not without gain. When he returned home, he would try to contact Lu Jin and he believed that he would get some new information.

Lu Lingfeng put the egg into the backpack behind him. It must be said that the egg was too big. It made his backpack bulge and he couldn't zip it up.

Lu Lingfeng began to worry. Can this thing pass the security check?

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