The egg was so big that it was not easy to take.

Fortunately, ostrich eggs can be brought on the train, but Lu Lingfeng had to persuade the security guard to believe that he was carrying an ostrich egg.

He was really afraid that when he went through the security check, the security guard would say to him, "Smash it and drink a sip."

The security guard said that it was the first time she saw such a big egg, and asked to take a photo with Lu Lingfeng's egg as a souvenir.

On the train, Lu Lingfeng also called Xu San, hoping to get Lu Jin's contact information through Xu San, but he didn't expect that Xu Si's angry voice came as soon as the call was connected. Lu Lingfeng was too lazy to argue with him and hung up the phone.

In this way, Lu Lingfeng returned to Yiren's office smoothly after all the twists and turns.

And during the time on the train, he figured out what ability his ability copy enhancement card should copy.

Now everything is ready except for the east wind. When Lu Lingfeng meets that person, he can copy it. It will not take long for him to meet him.

Lu Lingfeng pushed open the door of the store and found Liu Yanyan sitting in front of the computer typing away, and she didn't notice that he was back.

Lu Lingfeng called her out, "Hey, what are you doing? Didn't you see I'm back?"

Liu Yanyan only noticed that Lu Lingfeng was back, but her eyes were rolling around and she didn't know what she was thinking, and then she jumped up to Lu Lingfeng.

"Boss, you're famous." Liu Yanyan said excitedly.

Lu Lingfeng was stunned for a moment, and didn't react to what Liu Yanyan was saying for a while.

Fortunately, Liu Yanyan continued to talk on her own, "It's the advertisement of the firm you asked me to post before. It's now popular in the community."

Lu Lingfeng only then remembered this matter, and secretly thought that he had been up all night and his brain was not working well.

"Good job, has anyone asked our firm to do the task?" Lu Lingfeng first praised Liu Yanyan's work results, and then asked about his own task situation.

Liu Yanyan was stunned by the question, "I don't think so..."

Liu Yanyan's answer made Lu Lingfeng confused. If there is, there is no, and there is no, why did she say there should be no.

Lu Lingfeng supported his forehead and rubbed his temples, "I saw you typing on the keyboard, aren't you communicating with the client?"

Liu Yanyan became interested again when she heard this, "No, I'm helping you fight those trolls."

Lu Lingfeng felt something was wrong when he heard her say this, and immediately went to the computer to check the situation.

After watching for five or six minutes, Lu Lingfeng took a deep breath and tried to calm down his excitement.

In a sense, he really became popular in the Yiren circle this time.

A small part of the credit came from his arrogant advertising words, but a large part came from Liu Yanyan's promotion on the Internet.

Lu Lingfeng pointed at the computer screen and asked, "The old predecessors of Maoshan warned you young people not to be too impetuous, how did you reply?"

Liu Yanyan replied with her hands on her waist, "If you are not impetuous, you are called a young person?"

Lu Lingfeng pointed his finger at Liu Yanyan's head, "What's the matter, are you Huaqiang? Are you going to chop people with a machete?"

There are so many posts accusing Lu Lingfeng on this network platform, Liu Yanyan wanted to fight back one by one, almost wanting to start the biggest network war in the history of the Yiren network platform with her own strength.

Liu Yanyan was like a child who had made a mistake. She placed her hands on her chest and fiddled with her fingers, mumbling, "You said that black and red are also called red. Aren't you going the black and red route?"

Lu Lingfeng stroked his forehead gently. He wanted to go the black and red route, but he didn't want to go the suicidal route. Look at the comments from the aliens online. They all wanted to challenge Lu Lingfeng.

However, the matter was done. Lu Lingfeng was too lazy to explain to these people online.

Although it was different from the path he had originally envisioned, the effect was still good. At least now most of the alien world already knew him, Lu Lingfeng.

It's not a big deal for young people to be arrogant, and everyone won't really make a big deal out of it.

If some aliens in their forties and fifties who have been famous for a long time were still so arrogant, they would probably have been beaten up.

Lu Lingfeng also found a comment from an acquaintance in the comments, that is, Xu Si, the head of the North China region of Nadutong. I didn't expect this kid to be so vindictive.

Didn't I just use the cowardly charm on him once? He actually scolded me for two whole pages online.

But Liu Yanyan

I didn't indulge him, I just cursed back three pages and added a sentence at the end, "You dare to talk to me like this, are you from the Nine Clan wholesalers?"

Lu Lingfeng carefully read the quarrel between Liu Yanyan and Xu Si, and this time he understood why Xu Si was so excited when he called Xu San in the morning.

Xu Si and Liu Yanyan not only cursed each other online, but also arranged a place for offline duel.

Lu Lingfeng looked at Liu Yanyan with a smile, "You should go to this duel yourself, right?"

Liu Yanyan smiled flatteringly and took Lu Lingfeng's arm and said coquettishly, "Of course, this is a duel for my wise and powerful boss."

Lu Lingfeng thought that this girl was quite narrow-minded. She was resentful of Xu Si for beating her up and asked him to help her vent her anger.

Since it was already like this, Lu Lingfeng told Liu Yanyan not to curse with those people online anymore, and to focus on finding suitable tasks to take on.

However, Lu Lingfeng had been up all night, and he was in no mood to care about these trivial matters. He took off the backpack on his shoulder and handed it to Liu Yanyan, "I'm going upstairs to catch up on some sleep, you help me put the bag in the cabinet."

Because the zipper of the schoolbag was not zipped up, Liu Yanyan saw the egg at a glance, "What kind of egg is this? Don't you need to put it in the refrigerator?"

Lu Lingfeng was too lazy to explain, and just simply replied, "Ostrich eggs, just put it in the cabinet."

After saying that, Lu Lingfeng turned and went upstairs, but he didn't notice that Liu Yanyan's eyes flashed after hearing the three words "ostrich eggs".

Seeing Lu Lingfeng's figure disappear on the stairs, Liu Yanyan turned on her mobile phone and started searching for how to make delicious ostrich eggs.

Seeing the search results, there is a reputation as the king of eggs, with clear egg white, mellow egg yolk, delicate taste, delicious taste, and rich nutrition. . .

Liu Yanyan's saliva is about to come down after seeing this series of adjectives.

Poor Lu Lingfeng went upstairs and fell asleep. He didn't know at this time that the egg he had worked so hard to find had been targeted.

. . . . . .

He slept for about five or six hours, and was woken up by a phone call.

Lu Lingfeng yawned and answered the phone. It turned out to be Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan briefly told Lu Lingfeng what had happened from last night to now. The general content was that Quan Xing was desperate and disclosed Zhang Chulan's identity as the successor of the Qi body source.

Zhang Chulan joined the company under Feng Baobao's "persuasion", and then the two major forces of Tianshi Mansion and Tianxiahui also came to the door.

Now the company is preparing to arrange for Zhang Chulan to participate in Luotian Dajiao to compete for the right to inherit the Tianshi of Tianshi Mansion.

After listening to Zhang Chulan's story, Lu Lingfeng replied: "It seems that everything is still within our expectations. As for the Luotian Dajiao, we should go if we have to."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help complaining, "What's the matter? I obviously don't know what the origin of Qi is, but these people come to me."

Lu Lingfeng picked up the mineral water from the bedside and prepared to drink it. "It doesn't matter whether you know the origin of Qi or not. You have to make others believe that you don't know the origin of Qi. This is important."

Zhang Chulan fell into thought after listening to Lu Lingfeng's words, but changed the subject, "But I have to thank the boss for this matter."

"Thank me for what? Thank me for telling you these things in advance?" After saying this, Lu Lingfeng drank a sip of water.

"Boss, don't you go online? The news that I am the heir of the Qi Body Origin has already reached the second place in the hot search of the alien network platform. Fortunately, the advertisement of your Yiren Agency has suppressed it."

"If it weren't for your number one hot search, my news might have fermented and let more people know."

"Now it seems that except for some people with ulterior motives, most people's energy is focused on your agency and they have no time to care about me."

After listening to Zhang Chulan's words, Lu Lingfeng spit out the water he had just drunk, "Get lost!"

Indeed, for most ordinary aliens, the Eight Wonders are not as interesting as gossip and quarrels.

As soon as he hung up Zhang Chulan's phone, Lu Lingfeng heard a noise coming from downstairs.

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