The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"Girl, where is your boss? Let him come out, or you can't say your brother bullied you."

In the lobby on the first floor of Yiren's office, two men who looked like they were rich and powerful sat on chairs in the living room with their legs crossed.

Standing not far from them, Liu Yanyan raised a contemptuous smile, "Oh, I really want to see how the two brothers can bully me."

The younger man seemed to feel that he was being looked down upon, and shouted loudly, "Brother, this little girl is going to be angry, let's teach her a lesson."

Before the older man could speak, the sound of Lu Lingfeng coming down the stairs came from the stairs.

Liu Yanyan heard the voice and immediately felt that there was nothing fun to do. "Okay, our boss is here, you guys can chat."

After saying that, Liu Yanyan turned and walked towards the counter.

Lu Lingfeng hurried downstairs when he heard the noise. He originally thought that the advertisement had attracted the aliens to cause trouble.

As a result, he found these two guys when he went downstairs. They were also acquaintances in this body.

Zhang Xiaolong and Zhang Xiaohu were also considered the local tyrants on this commercial street. To put it bluntly, they were essentially two gangsters.

Lu Lingfeng, who was originally an ordinary person, was always oppressed by these two people when doing business on this commercial street. They forcibly collected some "management fees" and other fees.

This is also one of the reasons why Lu Lingfeng was so poor after crossing into this body. He only earned so little money a month, and he had to pay them one or two thousand.

If he didn't pay, these gangsters would find ways to rectify these businesses.

If these two people didn't come to the door again, Lu Lingfeng really didn't bother to spend time arguing with such ordinary people.

But now that they have come to the door, we have to settle the old and new accounts together.

Zhang Xiaolong, who was sitting in the reception room, saw Lu Lingfeng coming downstairs, and immediately stood up and walked towards Lu Lingfeng, stretching out his hands to shake hands,

"Boss Lu, it seems that you have made a fortune recently, and you have also hired such a beautiful receptionist. If there is any way to make money, you must take care of the brothers."

Lu Lingfeng knew that Zhang Xiaolong's politeness was just a disguise. This is just a smiling tiger. When collecting bills, he usually plays the white face and lets his brother Zhang Xiaohu play the red face.

Lu Lingfeng was not in the mood to shake hands with him. Standing on the stairs, he patted Zhang Xiaolong's shoulder condescendingly, "It's just a little money, not worth mentioning."

Zhang Xiaolong's hand froze in the air, his face changed, and he just put his hand down awkwardly without saying anything.

Zhang Xiaohu on the side was about to get mad, "Lu, don't be shameless, what's your attitude towards my brother?"

Before Lu Lingfeng could speak, Zhang Xiaolong scolded his brother, "Xiaohu, how can you talk like that? I told you to be polite when you go out."

Lu Lingfeng just stood there with a smile on his face, watching the two people perform quietly.

Sure enough, after Zhang Xiaolong scolded his brother, he turned around and said to Lu Lingfeng, "Boss Lu, you have made a fortune, should we increase our management fee appropriately?"

Zhang Xiaolong was still quite cautious. When a cowardly person like Lu Lingfeng suddenly became tough, he always had to test whether he had found a new backer.

Lu Lingfeng was happy when he heard about the increase in management fees. "If it's going to increase, it must increase. Let's do this, Liu Yanyan, go get me a few bottles of beer from the refrigerator, and I'll have a good talk with the two brothers about the increase in management fees."

Lu Lingfeng's words made the two brothers a little confused. It was the first time they saw a merchant who was so happy about the increase in management fees.

Several people sat around the table in the middle of the reception room. Liu Yanyan, who was watching the show on the side, took a few bottles of beer from the refrigerator and put them on the table.

Lu Lingfeng looked at the two brothers with a half-smile, "Is that so, Xiaolong? I have been paying management fees for you in the first two years."

"This year, I suddenly don't want you to help me manage. I want to manage it myself, and even manage you."

"Can you return all the management fees paid in the first few years to me, and then calculate the interest?"

Zhang Xiaolong frowned after hearing this, and Zhang Xiaohu stood up directly, "Fuck..."

Unfortunately, before Zhang Xiaohu could finish his sentence, Lu Lingfeng swung the wine bottle in his hand, and with a bang, the wine bottle exploded on Zhang Xiaohu's forehead.

Zhang Xiaohu collapsed on the table in an instant and fainted.

Lu Lingfeng's smile remained on his face, as if he had just done

It was a trivial matter, and he casually threw the broken pieces of the wine bottle in his hand to the ground.

"Xiaolong, your brother's alcohol tolerance is not good. He poured a bottle on the table."

After saying that, Lu Lingfeng seemed unsatisfied and added, "But being young is good, you can fall asleep as soon as you lie down."

Zhang Xiaolong originally wanted to fight, but when he saw Lu Lingfeng's neat skills and calm expression, he knew that he was definitely not his opponent.

He had to threaten Lu Lingfeng, "You, the surname Lu, should know that the boss behind us is Brother Qiang, and Brother Qiang is a big boss who is good at both black and white in this area."

Lu Lingfeng leaned on the back of the sofa nonchalantly, "Black and white? Your boss is greedy?"

Liu Yanyan, who was standing aside and watching the excitement, couldn't help laughing when she heard this, but she soon noticed that Lu Lingfeng was looking at her, so she tried to tighten her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.

Zhang Xiaolong didn't know what to say at this time, so he could only beg for mercy, "Okay, Boss Lu, we brothers admit defeat today, we don't want the management fee, just let us go."

Lu Lingfeng waved his hand, "Of course not."

Zhang Xiaolong gritted his teeth and said, "Are you really going to do it to the extreme today?"

Lu Lingfeng stood up and walked out the door, waving his hand to signal Zhang Xiaolong to follow, "Let's go, take me to see your greedy boss who eats both black and white."

"If I don't deal with you all today, I don't know what tricks you little devils will come up with in the future."

In this regard, Zhang Xiaolong was right. Lu Lingfeng was going to do it to the extreme today to prevent future troubles.

If these villains were deterred at one time, there would be less trouble in the future.

Zhang Xiaolong was relieved when he heard Lu Lingfeng ask them to go find Brother Qiang. What he feared most was that Lu Lingfeng was a fool and knocked them both down here.

He supported Zhang Xiaohu's body and walked out the door.

Liu Yanyan, who was sitting at the counter, suddenly became interested when she heard that they were going out. She raised her hand and shouted, "I want to go and watch the fun too."

Lu Lingfeng glared at her and said unhappily, "You stay at home and look after the house."

Then he led Zhang Xiaolong out.

. . . . . . .

Not long after walking, they arrived at their destination, after all, they were all on a commercial street.

Lu Lingfeng pointed to the bar in front of them and asked, "This is it, your greedy boss is here?"

Zhang Xiaolong returned to his old nest and seemed to have regained some confidence, "That's right, but I advise you to think it through, otherwise you will have a hard time when you meet Brother Qiang later."

Lu Lingfeng raised his foot and kicked Zhang Xiaolong's butt, "Why are you still standing there? Take me in."

Zhang Xiaolong had to drag his brother Zhang Xiaohu and limp in front to lead the way.

The security guard at the gate saw Zhang Xiaolong and immediately trotted over to greet Brother Long, then took Zhang Xiaohu and asked Brother Hu what happened.

Zhang Xiaolong glanced at Lu Lingfeng with a gloomy look, and took Lu Lingfeng to find Brother Qiang without talking nonsense with the security guards.

As soon as Lu Lingfeng entered the bar, he was annoyed by the noisy atmosphere inside. The speakers were turned up to the maximum DJ dance music, and a group of people were shouting and drinking.

But soon Lu Lingfeng met Brother Qiang in a private room. The sound insulation of this private room was not bad, not as noisy as outside.

Lu Lingfeng sat opposite Brother Qiang in a relaxed manner and looked at this middle-aged man, who was about 40 years old and a little fat.

Zhang Xiaolong leaned over and whispered to Brother Qiang's ear about what they encountered today. I think he didn't want others to hear it and lose their face.

Brother Qiang's face became darker and darker as he listened to Zhang Xiaolong's words. He pointed at Lu Lingfeng and said, "You kid set off trouble in the territory I manage and beat my brother."

"How do you want to solve it?" Brother Qiang seemed to want to use his tyrannical momentum to subdue Lu Lingfeng first.

However, Lu Lingfeng was calm and said, "Tell me how you want to solve it first."

Brother Qiang said coldly, "It's easy to solve this matter. I'll give you two choices."

"The first one is that you let my brother cut you open first, and then give you 100,000 yuan for medical expenses."

"The second one is even simpler. I will destroy you here today, and the grudge between us will be wiped out."

"Which one do you choose?"

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