After the incident, the two sides were still in a mess.

After returning to Yiren's office, Lu Lingfeng simply said hello to Liu Yanyan and threw the dog egg to her.

He went upstairs alone, locked the room, and imported the video recorded by the pinhole camera into the computer.

After everything was done, Lu Lingfeng opened the video file.

Two minutes later, Lu Lingfeng punched the table hard, "Damn!"

He never expected that a wise man would make mistakes.

The pinhole camera took clear photos and recorded complete sounds.

It was just that in the video, a lone dog egg appeared on the bed, pulling Lu Lingfeng back to reality.

Damn, Liu Kunsheng is a spirit!

How could a camera capture a spirit? . .

Not only could he not take a picture, but there was no sound from Liu Kunsheng in the entire video. Only Goudan could be heard.

This might be because the soul does not transmit information through sound, but through soul communication?

Indeed, Liu Kunsheng usually relies on Deng Youfu's body to make sounds.

But the audio module can only record the vibrations that represent the sound, so it is naturally impossible to record what Liu Kunsheng said.

One can only sigh that technology is not omnipotent and has its limitations.

Fortunately, it is not all in vain. At least Lu Lingfeng can still get some information from Goudan's words.

Lu Lingfeng analyzed Goudan's conversation in the video sentence by sentence. Apart from the initial greetings, a question asked by Goudan caught Lu Lingfeng's attention.

"How is Lu Mingzheng doing with you? Did he cause any trouble?"

Lu Mingzheng, this name is the name of Lu Lingfeng's cheap father.

Lu Lingfeng stroked his chin. It seemed that Goudan knew the whereabouts of his cheap father, but he just didn't tell Lu Lingfeng at first.

It seemed that Lu Lingfeng's cheap father should be hiding in the northeast at this time, and he had some connection with the Chuma lineage.

But unfortunately, he couldn't hear how Liu Kunsheng answered.

He could only hear Goudan say after a while: "Yes, the boy outside is Lu Lingfeng, the son of Lu Mingzheng;"

"But his family's genes are better than the previous generation, and the son is always better than the father, haha."

Then Goudan asked again: "What plans do you have recently?"

Lu Lingfeng wanted to slam the table after hearing this. Goudan asked all the questions he wanted to know, but unfortunately he couldn't hear the answer.

Perhaps Liu Kunsheng gave him the answer. Goudan continued to ask: "What do you say about Shanhaitang?"

Lu Lingfeng heard a new force name from this sentence: Shanhaitang.

This is a force he has never heard of in the alien world. He can find an opportunity to learn about it and maybe get some clues.

At the end of the video, perhaps Liu Kunsheng also asked Goudan what his next plan was.

Goudan said indifferently: "What plans can I have? I just need to follow Lu Lingfeng and wait for hatching."

"Don't laugh, you old worm. I'm really about to hatch this time."

"If you dare to laugh at your egg master again, I will smash all your tablets when I hatch."

The video ended here. Lu Lingfeng closed his eyes and carefully selected useful information for himself.

First of all, his cheap father should be in the Northeast.

As for what he was doing, Lu Lingfeng could guess it.

It should be to use the power of the Northeast to deal with the Wang family. After all, the Wang family is also a common enemy.

In the world of aliens, the top forces are nothing more than the Ten Lords.

If you want to deal with the Ten Lords, you can only rely on the power of the other Ten Lords. This is the normal thinking of using the power of others.

There are also differences in closeness and distance among the ten masters;

For example, Zhang Zhiwei and Lu Jin have a deep friendship, Wang Ai and Lu Ci have similar interests, and the witch Guan Shihua and Na Ruhu seem to have a close relationship.

If you want to deal with Wang Ai, the best helper is naturally the horse-riding lineage represented by the witch Guan Shihua.

So Lu Lingfeng was not surprised at all that Lu Mingzheng was in the Northeast at this time.

As for the plans mentioned by Liu Kunsheng and Goudan, although Lu Lingfeng was curious, he did not intend to intervene.

After all, they have their own plans, and Lu Lingfeng also has his own plans. It should be faster for Lu Lingfeng to deal with the Wang family.

What really interests Lu Lingfeng is actually the Shanhaitang.

What kind of force is so mysterious? And Goudan and Liu Kunsheng have to consider the attitude of Shanhaitang.


Since he couldn't figure it out, Lu Lingfeng simply stopped thinking about it and waited for a chance to attack Goudan indirectly.

Putting Goudan and Liu Kunsheng aside for now, Lu Lingfeng took out the Summoning God Scroll from the space to study.

He hadn't figured out the system reward for this system upgrade yet.

After some research and fiddling, Lu Lingfeng roughly figured out how to use the Summoning God Scroll.

First of all, the soul you choose to possess you must be at least a heroic spirit or a divine spirit;

If they are willing, they can complete the possession, if they are not willing, it's useless.

If the state of possession is too strong or lasts too long, it will cause backlash, and Lu Lingfeng is not sure about the specific extent.

Lu Lingfeng looked at the jade card in his hand and thought that this was also a double-edged sword.

He needed to try the effect of the Summoning God Scroll to facilitate future use.

But who should he choose for the first time to summon a heroic spirit to possess him? Who would agree to possess him?

Suddenly, Lu Lingfeng had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a suitable role.

If it is possible, it would be amazing.

Lu Lingfeng held the summoning scroll in his hand and poured Qi into it.

He recited the Taoist formula for summoning gods: The fragrance is heavy and responds to the universe, and the fragrance is burning through the gate of heaven. . .

After reciting the formula, Lu Lingfeng raised the summoning scroll and shouted softly: "Junior Lu Lingfeng, please ask grandpa Zheng Zibu to help you!"

That's right, the heroic spirit Lu Lingfeng wants to invite this time is Zheng Zibu.

First of all, Zheng Zibu has been confirmed dead, and with his cultivation, it is probably no problem for him to become a heroic spirit after death.

In addition, Lu Lingfeng has some blood relationship with Zheng Zibu, and I believe the probability of him giving face is still higher.

At the moment when Lu Lingfeng finished summoning the gods, he instantly felt that the whole world around him was different.

It's not that the world has changed, but his perception of the world has changed.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing through the room, stopping in front of Lu Lingfeng.

The next second, although there was no prompt, Lu Lingfeng knew that he had successfully summoned the gods.

Lu Lingfeng gently raised his right hand, and the surging Qi danced on his fingertips, and a talisman to trap the immortal was written out of thin air.

This is the talisman drawn with Qi in the Tongtian talisman. Originally, Lu Lingfeng could not use it easily, but now he can do it easily.

Lu Lingfeng hurriedly took out the Tongtian talisman that Lu Jin gave him.

The teacher has already mastered it, why not learn it quickly?

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