The old man was very happy.

Lu Lingfeng flipped the Tongtian Talisman with his left hand, looking for the parts he didn't understand.

His right hand kept moving in the air, solving these problems one by one.

The main feature is a "face-to-face, one-to-one" teaching.

Zheng Zibu's card reading machine; click on the part you don't understand!

This time, Lu Lingfeng finally understood what learning makes me happy.

Those obscure and difficult problems are now understood at once. So these things are so simple in the eyes of those "student tyrants"?

Lu Lingfeng's main task now is to click on the part you don't understand.

Lu Lingfeng's understanding of the way of talismans has also become more and more abundant with the help of Zheng Zibu.

However, during Zheng Zibu's teaching, Lu Lingfeng also discovered a problem:

That is, even if Zheng Zibu claimed to be the creator of this unique skill, he could not fully grasp the magic of this unique skill.

Where did the eight unique skills come from?

Who cares? Lu Lingfeng didn't care where he came from. He only cared that this thing was really useful.

Under the blessing of the Summoning God Talisman, Lu Lingfeng studied day and night.

He studied and studied, and finally fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up, he found that Goudan was already beside him.

Lu Lingfeng rubbed his sore forehead and asked Goudan: "Goudan, what time is it now?"

Goudan said unhappily: "It's nine o'clock in the morning now."

Lu Lingfeng rubbed his eyes. He remembered that when he studied the Summoning God Talisman, it was 10 o'clock in the evening of the previous day.

Unexpectedly, he slept until 9 o'clock the next morning. Lu Lingfeng yawned and said, "I didn't expect that I slept so deeply."

Goudan made the pillow on the bed fly up and hit Lu Lingfeng in the face, "Are you sleeping so deeply? You fainted directly."

"You have been unconscious for two days. It is now 9 o'clock in the morning of the third day."

Lu Lingfeng took the pillow off his face. He was still a little confused. He had been unconscious for two days.

He soon realized that this should be the side effect of using the Summoning God Scroll.

He studied too hard at the time. It may be that he summoned Zheng Zibu to his body for too long, which overloaded his soul and made him faint.

It seems that this Summoning God Scroll really needs to be used with caution.

Goudan was still nagging Lu Lingfeng, "Tell me what you are doing in the room alone? You almost fainted."

"Do you know that I, your grandpa, kowtowed and prayed for you? I kowtowed so many times before I kowtowed you back."

Lu Lingfeng immediately grasped the key to the problem: "How did you kowtow?"

Goudan seemed to be choked by Lu Lingfeng's words. He held it in for a long time before speaking: "You bastard, don't talk to me."

Goudan may have been surfing the Internet too frequently recently. He always likes to learn Internet terms from the Internet and use them in real life.

Lu Lingfeng is already considering whether to restrict him from surfing the Internet.

After all the talk and the noise, Lu Lingfeng still went downstairs to ask Liu Yanyan to prepare some food for him. After sleeping for so long, he was indeed hungry.

While making food for Lu Lingfeng, Liu Yanyan asked, "Are you okay? Why haven't you come downstairs for the past two days?"

It turned out that Goudan saw that Lu Lingfeng was in a normal state except for his coma, so he didn't tell Liu Yanyan about it.

Lu Lingfeng waved his hand, saying that he was too selfless in his cultivation and forgot to eat and sleep.

Soon Liu Yanyan fried eggs and sausages and served them to Lu Lingfeng. Lu Lingfeng asked while eating:

"How is the business in the store these days? Are there many new tasks?"

After coming back this time, Lu Lingfeng has not been worried about the tasks of Yiren Agency.

In his opinion, he has made some name for himself in Luotian Dajiao, so it should be easier to get tasks.

Liu Yanyan brought her laptop over and reported:

"The number of tasks in the store has not changed much in the past few days. The main reason is that there are fewer people who originally came to make appointments for the ring."

Lu Lingfeng nodded when he heard this, which was also within his expectations.

First, his reputation has improved, and no one wants to beat him anymore;

Second, after showing his strength at the Luotian Grand Ceremony, most people are unwilling to fight with Lu Lingfeng, mainly because they are afraid of his strange talismans.

They are even more afraid that one day they will take off their clothes and dance for no reason.

Lu Lingfeng directly decided: "In the future, we will not fight in the ring.

You don't have to take this kind of mission anymore."

Now for Lu Lingfeng, 50,000 yuan for a fight is not considered rich.

If he wants to make over 100 million yuan by fighting in the ring, he has to fight thousands of times and spend more than 10 years to complete it. He doesn't have so much time.

Liu Yanyan nodded and said, "Although there are fewer fight missions, more people want to buy your talismans."

"If you want to sell talismans, you should be able to make a quick buck. "

An ordinary talisman can usually be sold for tens of thousands of yuan, and a slightly stronger one can even be sold for hundreds of thousands.

With Lu Lingfeng's speed in drawing talismans, selling talismans is indeed a way to make money.

Lu Lingfeng fell into deep thought after hearing Liu Yanyan's words.

Talismans can be sold, but the problems that will arise later must be considered.

The alien world does not prohibit the reselling of talismans, but the premise is that people have few talismans.

If Lu Lingfeng's shipment volume is this high, he suspects that Nadutong will intervene.

So if he really wants to sell If he did that, he would catch the company off guard and sell a large amount of goods at once.

When the company found out and found him, he promised not to sell again.

This way he could make a profit.

But this operation also needs to be done slowly. At present, Lu Lingfeng is not in a hurry to make money from talismans.

Because his mind is currently on Wang Ye's commissioned tasks.

As long as he gets Wang Ye's commissioned tasks, his system can be upgraded again.

Lu Lingfeng asked Liu Yanyan: "Besides these people who ask me to buy talismans, don't you have other tasks?"

Liu Yanyan turned the computer screen to Lu Lingfeng, "There are other tasks, but I think most of them are quite simple, so I entrusted them to Zhang Chulan. "

Liu Yanyan did not forget that Zhang Chulan was also a member of Yiren Office, and she was not polite when she used Zhang Chulan for these trivial matters.

However, Liu Yanyan still brought a good news, that is, Lu Lingfeng asked her to negotiate with the landlord of Yiren Office.

Since Lu Lingfeng had money, he planned to buy the house of Yiren Office.

Finally, after Liu Yanyan's soft and hard persuasion, he bought the house at a relatively fair price.

From then on, Yiren Office really became Lu Lingfeng's private base.

Lu Lingfeng just planned to take Liu Yanyan out for a good meal at noon to celebrate the purchase of the house.

Just then, a man pushed the door and walked into Yiren Office.

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