I’m not a very good student, and I’m not proud of it.

Even back in junior high, I was at the bottom of the class. So much so, that when I told my teacher where I wanted to go, he tried to persuade me to go to a local high school that matched my academic ability, saying that the deviation score was too high and that there was no need to go for a school that was, A, far away from me, and B, too hard for me.

But I had to go there.

I studied laboriously to fulfill my promise with Yuki, even though I had never been an applied student before. I devoted all three years of junior high to studying for the entrance exam. I didn’t play with my friends and concentrated every last free hour of my day on reading the textbooks. My parents even hired a private tutor to encourage me to work hard and devote my time more efficiently.

To be honest, it’s difficult to live alone, away from my parents, as it’s hard to keep up with the high-level classes I attend. And since none of my friends from junior high were really close to me, they told me there was no need for me to choose this specific high school.

But I just had to go to school with her.

I couldn’t give up on this one thing, this one desire. After I passed the exam and met her again, I’d become self-indulgent and fell off with studying, perhaps due to all the constant work I did until now.

And finals were nearing close.

I was in deep trouble, not even knowing where to start. Fortunately, there was a kind savior who gave me a kind helping hand.

Yuki was the top student in my grade, and she helped me by explaining the scope of the test to me in an easy-to-understand way. She was a force to be reckoned with during midterms, but finals were another type of beast.

Depending on the results of the test, our precious summer vacation would be used for make-up work. I definitely didn’t want to lose my free time with her.

“Haru-kun, the way you solved this question here is different from mine. Look, it’s like this.”

“I see… It’s really complicated, unlike middle school…”

“Yeah, that’s true, but this is basic high school math. Well, this specific subject is difficult to understand and is likely to have a heavyweight in scores. Let’s learn it through and through.”

“You’ve already perfectly learned it, haven’t you? I really need to follow your example.”

On Sundays, we both study together at a coffee shop to do our final strides to learn what we need for finals.

Besides us, a lot of students from other schools, even universities, studied hard, and even some businessmen also held their laptops, typing away, clickety-clacking for their respective jobs.

Yesterday I spent the whole day studying at home, but Yuki suggested we change the atmosphere, so today we came to this coffee shop. It had a very different vibe from our rooms.

The air conditioning made the temperature comfortable, and the soothing, soft melodies of jazz echoed throughout the shop. Along with it, the mahogany scent of espressos whiffed about, calmly, relaxing.

As I opened my math questionnaire, I glanced sideways at Yuki. She stood up straight in her chair beside me, solving problems away. I’ve also noticed a lot of people paying attention to her, which was only natural.

Her silky, snowy hair shimmered, sunlight streaming through her strands from the windows. Her white one-piece dress, adjourned by frills, only served to exalt her neat figure, and her model-like unblemished face captivated all who glanced at her. Yuki’s beauty was unique, and she was so precious.

And I’m sure most here agree with me. Whenever she’d brush her pearly hair over her ears, I felt the murmur grow even a tad bit louder.

I couldn’t help but remember her sickly self as people stared, not in admiration, but in contempt. Everyone used to glare at her with suspicious eyes, but now, they all looked with envy and delight.

After a bit, Yuki analyzed the problem I’ve solved, nodded, and looked up.

“Hm, hm~ Haru-kun, you’ve learned this part right away, good job! I think you’re a fast learner after all.”

“Your teaching style is great. If it was even possible, I’d love to have you as my teacher at school so I could learn properly.”

“Ehehe~ Thanks for the compliment! I’m happy you said that.”

Yuki closed her math problem book with a shy smile and then reached for the menu at our table. I glance at her, looking forward to seeing what she’d teach me next.

“We’ve covered math already, so why don’t we take a break? They’re important to learn properly, after all.”

“I agree. My head’s been in overdrive all day, and I’m kinda hungry, so perfect timing.”

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to try this shop’s seasonal menu, this pancake here in specific.”

She pointed to a picture. Large strawberries, large and red, were cut neatly and placed tidily on top of a thick pancake, as a pink strawberry cream draped over it.

“Looks amazing. I’m craving for pancakes now, thanks to this photo.”

“So, you want the same thing, Haru-kun?”

“Hmm, I’ll have this one with maroon cream on top. I’ll order a different one than you and share it, so we can both experience two separate flavors.”

“You sure? Can I have a bit of yours?”

“Of course! In return, I’ll have a bite out of yours as well. Deal?”

“I don’t mind. I’ll order them right away!”

She then pressed a button to call the waiter and ordered two pancakes. They looked delicious in the picture, but I was excited to see what they would be like in person.

A few moments later, the waitress brings a plate of magnificent pancakes. Yuki’s eyes sparkled at the diverse array of colors in front of us.

“Wow, these look absolutely delicious!”

“Yeah, and the portion’s generous, too.”

The two meals were arranged very tidily, and a mouth-watering fragrance arose, wafting through the air, enticing my appetite. It would be great nourishment for my body and mind after a long day of studying. She and I reached for our tableware and we immediately started eating.

Round, plentiful, and nicely browned, the pancakes were sliced into bite-sized pieces by our forks. The deep, rich cream, sweetly made with chestnuts, dressed the dessert. It was delicious, soft to the tongue, and the cream gave it all even more texture. My mouth was filled with happiness.

And Yuki’s pancakes were also amazing, brightly colored with an abundance of bright red strawberries. As she ate it, a smile blossomed on her face, as a flower blooms in spring. It’s strange how witnessing her happiness only makes me enjoy the dessert I’m eating even more.

She must’ve noticed my gaze since she stopped eating and looked back at me.

“Haru-kun, you told me earlier you wanted to share pancakes, right? Would you like some of my strawberry-and-cream one?”

“Oh, that was quick. I’ve been wondering about it a bit since you looked so happy eating it. I’ll have some, please.”

I reached for a small plate to get one of the bites I’d cut up, but she tilted her head and stared at me.

“What are you doing?”

“Hm? I was going to ask you to give me a bite on this plate.”

“No need for that. Here you go~”

She cut up a piece of her dessert, put a dollop of strawberry cream on it, and held it up to my mouth, holding it with her prim hands.

“Are you… Feeding me, Yuki?”

“Ehehe~ Since we’re here, let’s feed each other. Here, open your mouth~”

Terribly embarrassed, I can’t help but notice the stares from people around me, and even some whispers. But Yuki didn’t seem to mind at all, smiling and waiting for me to open my mouth.

I decided to just go with the flow and do as she told. She wouldn’t back down even if I tried to refuse. After doing that, she brought the pancake piece into my mouth, grinning happily as she did.

Yeah, it’s delicious. The cream, sweet yet sour, and the dense fluffy pancakes were just made for each other. Though… I was still a bit embarrassed, so much so I swallowed before tasting it to its fullest potential.

“Your turn, Haru-kun~”

“Eh, I’m doing it… Too?”

“Of course,” She smiled gently.

Well, that’s the way it goes, isn’t it?

I shyly do as she said, cutting up a piece of my maroon cream pancake, and brought it to Yuki as she waited for it, mouth open like a baby bird.

Yuki took a quick bite of the pancake and rolled it around on her tongue as if savoring it slowly, with an entranced expression on her face. She tasted the pancake with a big smile on her face, and she looked as if this was much more delicious than when she was eating earlier, perhaps because I had fed it to her.

We kept feeding each other until the previously hearty plates were completely emptied. Afterward, we tasted the freshly brewed coffee and soon resumed our study session.

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