The study session with Yuki was a success.

I was just barely above red marks on the midterms, but I managed an average score for the school year.

The rankings for the final examinations were posted in the hallway at lunchtime. I was surprised to see my name written in the middle of the list. Yuki’s teaching style is very good. The main points she teaches are clear, and even I was able to improve my grades dramatically.

And at the top of the ranking list, Yuki stood queen. She’d achieved a perfect score in all subjects and had conquered the number one position in her grade. The students in the hallway let out a cry of admiration while looking at her name written on the topmost spot.

“Her performance was already amazing in that tournament, but to even ace the tests…”

“She got a perfect score on the midterms, too, right? I can’t believe it happened twice in a row.”

“She’s a great student, athletic, and… Beautiful to boot.”

They were completely right.

But there’s something they don’t know. Something only I do.

She took care of me, teaching me how to study, all the while achieving perfect scores on the exams. She had excelled academically since she was a child, but these excellent grades were the result of her hard work.

I felt proud to be close to Yuki and to see her excel so much. Whenever I heard her praising me, I felt elated, as if I could work even harder.

At the moment, I’m the only one being spoiled, but if I could somehow support her as I did in the past, I’d love to.

After seeing the scores, I went to the rooftop as usual. Yuki was waiting for me on a bench under the shade. Upon seeing me, she smiled and waved gently.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, Yuki.”

“Um, I hope you don’t mind but, how did you rank?”

She looked at me with upturned eyes, eyes locked on mine… Too cute.

“Thanks to you, I got a much higher ranking than I did on the midterm.”

“I’m glad to hear that! You worked very hard, and I’m happy to see these results.”

She smiled softly, taking out two lunch boxes wrapped nicely.

This was our usual routine. We’d sit next to each other, eating her special homemade meals, spending quality time together while chilling.

“Hey, Haru-kun… What are you going to do during summer vacation?”

“Hmm, I’m struggling to decide to be honest. I’ve actually been spared from remedial classes, huh.”

“What does your mother think?”

“She told me to do what I want to, but I think deep down she wants me to visit her. I’m thinking of doing just that during Obon.”

(TL: Obon is a festival that happens typically from between the 13th of August to the 15th.)

I haven’t been back home ever since Yuki and I started cohabiting. Well, my mom comes to check on me once in a while, but I haven’t seen my dad for a long time. I know both of them would want me to go home during summer vacation, but I wanted to spend it with Yuki if possible.

“What about you? Your parents are back in Japan, right?”

“Yup, they are. Well, as for me, they said that as long as I show my face at least once, I’m free to do what I want.”

“I see, so kind of like me.”

“If you want to go back to your parents’ house, I’ll do the same. Though, if you want to spend your summer vacation at the apartment, I’ll also do the same.”

“So it’s up to me?”

“Yeah. It all depends on what you choose.”

If I chose to spend my summer vacation at the apartment, I can stay with Yuki?

“Then… Can we spend this year’s summer vacation together?”

“Of course! I’m looking forward to spending time with you, Haru-kun.”

“Oh, I also have a few things I want to do.”

“Things you want to do? What kind of things?”

I took out my phone and opened a website, then showed her the screen.

“Let’s see… I want to do something with you I can only do in the summer, like a summer festival, or a fireworks display… Just like we did back when we were kids.”

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the pictures of fireworks displays and bustling summer festivals I put on screen.

“And after that, um… I also want to do things you couldn’t do when you were all bandaged up, like go swimming together or something like that.”

“Summer festivals, fireworks, swimming in the sea… It’s amazing I can now go to these amazing places with you, but well… I don’t have a swimsuit, so I’ll have to prepare one.”

Yuki beamed a shiny smile, joyfully listening to me. She probably imagined the scenes playing in her head as we went to these amazing new experiences together. Seeing her like this only reaffirmed my decision to stay here and spend time with her.

“Let’s play around during summer vacation, at least, if you want to. Of course, I have to do my summer assignment, but I’ll be more motivated if I’m with you, Yuki.”

“I accept! We’ll play and study together, I can’t wait for this vacation!”

“Same with me. Well then, I look forward to this summer together with you.”

“Yes, Haru-kun! I look forward to being with you.”

We both look up at the clear blue sky together, imagining the summer scenes to come. Clouds seldom drifted by, wafted by occasional winds that brought along a pleasant breeze.

I couldn’t wait for this year’s summer.

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