Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1029: 1029: Dilemma (5)

Countless carrion corpses blocked the Shimen.

"Gosh! What is this? It's disgusting!"

"How did this thing come out? I didn't see it when I came here!"

Someone in the crowd is still yelling.

Ning Huanxin was speechless--

It's so close!

Had it not been for Miyue to lead someone to stop her, she would have left here long ago!

But it doesn't make sense to say anything now. It seems that my guess is correct. There is indeed a murderous intent in the tomb of King Wu!

"Everyone, be careful! This carrion corpse is extremely poisonous!"

At this time, there was a gentle male voice from the crowd, and everyone was fully alert when they heard that voice.

Because the person who just spoke was a member of the Dan Sect, and their sect was good at alchemy and detoxification, his words were right!

"Be careful!"

At this time, Gu Ting suddenly took a few steps forward, protecting Ning Huanxin and Gu Shuang behind him.

"Let's see the direction, I will cover you, and if there is a gap for a while, you guys must rush out in a hurry, leave me alone, remember?"


Hearing Gu Ting's words, Gu Shuang's eyes immediately turned red.

"Brother, what are you talking about? It's just a few carrion corpses. We can all deal with it. The game is the game. The people of the Xuan Society can't really kill us, right?"

Gu Shuang thought this was also a part of the competition.

After all, although every competition has a vicious place, it is designed long ago and it will not really kill these new disciples!

"It's too simple for you!"

Zhang Yuanjian, who had been standing next to a few people, opened his mouth low. While talking, he took out his magic weapon, which was actually a rosary!

Although not as exaggerated as Chang Ziang's rosary, there is also a strong atmosphere attached to this rosary.

Ning Huanxin saw Gu Ting guarding several people at this time, her eyes were a little complicated--

Originally, she thought that Gu Ting was desperate to express herself.

But he didn't expect that at the moment of life and death, he could stand up and protect his junior and younger sisters.

Could it be that all his strength at the beginning was purely to make Gu's family win the game?



At this time, the carrion corpses have rushed over. Although their attack power is not very high, they are tireless, and their thick skin can not be killed at once, and the thick green viscous sap on the carrion is dramatic. Poisonous, once splashed on a person, it will quickly corrupt your skin, even your flesh and blood!

These carrion corpses are really disgusting, and they must be fatal!

Ning Huanxin also joined the battle at this time, a fire flashed on the palm of her hand, and the fire went straight to the carrion.

With a "boom", the flames burst, and the carrion was all turned into fly ash in a red flame!

One hit!

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised by herself, could it be that... her fire-forbidden red lotus is the nemesis of these carrion?

"What kind of fire is this?"

"Could it be the true fire of the legendary Samadhi?"

"No, I feel like a red lotus karma fire!"

The few people around him even started talking about it seriously.

Gu Ting and Gu Shuang looked at Ning Huanxin's eyes slightly.

Ning Huanxin:...

Big brothers and sisters, we are fighting! Can we not gossip?

"Be careful!"

When Gu Shuang was distracted, a carrion corpse sneaked in.

Ning Huanxin immediately waved his hand, and another red flame flew out!

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