Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1030: 1030: Dilemma (6)

At this time, the situation in the main tomb was very chaotic and dangerous.

Ning Huan can't take care of others, but she must protect the people of the Gu family, because she has a relationship with the Gu family, and Gu Qianchen and Gu Xiao's kindness to themselves and their trust in themselves are all in mind.

"Everyone moves closer to me, and I will fight them with flames for a while. If there is a gap, you will go out first and I will chase you later!"

Ning Huan studied with a few people with a low heart.

"No way."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, several people shook their heads in unison.

"We can't leave you behind. Gu Ting will never leave a woman behind."

Gu Ting's face was serious.

Ning Huanxin:...

Nima, when you first entered the tomb of King Wu, didn't you leave Gu Shuang behind? Don't tell me that is a tactic!

"It's not the time to be able or to fight, listen to me right!"

Ning Huanxin continued to use flames to attack while talking. In an instant, a clear space appeared in front of a few people, and the stone gate that went out was already close at hand!


Ning Huanxin pushed Gu Shuang in front of him.

"Sister Huan, be careful!"

Gu Shuang gritted his teeth and told Ning Huanxin, then his figure flashed, and he went straight to the stone gate!


When Gu Shuang reached the gate of Shimen, she was bounced back by an invisible force before she touched the organ next to Shimen!

this is……


An invisible barrier did not know when the entire main tomb was sealed!

All of them are trapped here!

"Can't get out!"

Gu Shuang turned around in astonishment. At this time, her face truly showed a look of fear: "Isn't this... a match?"

Just when Gu Shuang's face was panicked, many people's exclamations suddenly came from the crowd——

"Can't get out!"

"what happened?"

"I want to quit! Why did the jade card expire?"


Nearly a hundred people entered the tomb of King Wu, but now there are sixty or seventy people trapped in the main tomb!

At this time, endless panic spreads in everyone's hearts. Some people are distracted because of fear. The next moment, they will be attacked by carrion.

The screams came one after another.

Those who are attacked by carrion corpses will quickly decay their flesh and blood, leaving only a deep black mark on the ground, and the Yin Qi in the main tomb will become stronger and stronger.

These Yin Qis are...

Ning Huanxin secretly used his spiritual power and used psychic techniques!

Her eyes flashed, she turned her head and looked behind her, she saw the disciples of other families who had just died, their souls were involuntarily sucked to a certain place, and that place was the center of the main tomb. The wooden platform, on that wooden platform, is the black coffin of King Wu!

That coffin is absorbing everyone's souls!


Could it be...

"Everyone, be careful, don't underestimate the enemy! King Wu's coffin is absorbing the souls of the dead! Therefore, if we work together to kill these carrion corpses, we will definitely be able to break through the prohibition and escape!"

Ning Huanxin suddenly yelled with her spiritual power at this time.

At this time, only if everyone works together, can there be a trace of life!

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the expressions of the others also changed drastically.

Many people in the Profound Sect know how to psychic. They know that Ning Huanxin is not alarmist. The coffin is really absorbing the soul, and at this time... it is like its food!

If the coffin absorbs enough souls, what will happen?

Will King Wu in the coffin...will he be resurrected?

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