Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1155: 1155: His life experience (2)

Lu Dongbin ordered a glass of juice with ice, holding the glass firmly with both hands.

Even Ning Huanxin, who was sitting opposite, seemed to be able to feel the coolness on his hands at the moment.

He was very nervous.

"Drinking with ice this season is not good for your health."

Ning Huanxin spoke softly, in a casual tone, just like chatting with an old friend. Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Lu Dongbin seemed to relax a little. He lowered his eyes and quietly looked at the cup in his hand.

"I... probably got used to it!"

Only the cold stimulus will make him sober.

"Shall we talk about Qin Meng's affairs?"

Ning Huanxin raised her hand and tapped the portfolio on the table with her slender white finger.

Qin Meng...

Hearing the name again, Lu Dongbin subconsciously used force, holding the cup with both hands and gripping it tighter.

A very complicated aura began to fill his body, it seemed... there was pain and endless resentment.

"I... I don't know her."

Lu Dongbin whispered suddenly.

"I just went to the archives to look for something, but I didn't find it. It happened that this archive fell on the floor. I was curious about..."

"Don't you dare to look into my eyes and say it again? You can tell at a glance that you don't often lie, such an untechnical lie, do you think I will believe it?"

Ning Huanxin smiled and took a sip of coffee.

"Looking at your age, you should be not as young as Qin Meng. Are you a fellow? Old acquaintance?"

Ning Huanxin put down the coffee cup and tried his best to make his voice gentle.

Lu Dongbin said nothing, just shook his head.

Don't you really know Qin Meng? Then...

Ning Huan's heart shuddered and suddenly thought of a certain possibility.

Boy at this age, is it...

"Do you know... Chen Anwen?"

Ning Huanxin cautiously tested, and Lu Dongbin, who was sitting opposite, trembled his hands, suddenly raised his head, looking at Ning Huanxin with terrible eyes.

There are too many emotions in these eyes, so strong and complicated that it makes people sad.

Lu Dongbin looked straight at Ning Huanxin. After about five seconds, he shook his head and said, "You... what do you know?"

Lu Dongbin was very nervous, and he lowered his head again.


Chen Anwen, this name, for him, is a life-long hurdle.

"I know Chen Anwen has a son. I heard that his academic performance is very good, but his temper is bad."

Ning Huanxin suddenly smiled at Lu Dongbin: "After all, he should be a college student, right?"


Lu Dongbin stopped talking, he suddenly picked up the juice glass and took a sip. The cold and sweet feeling calmed his mood a bit.

Eighteen or nineteen, in their early twenties, many boys at this age are very arrogant, rebellious, and playful.

Lu Dongbin is 21 years old, but he is different from other boys. Even if he looks good, has a good figure, and has a strong motor nerve, he is very popular in school. He still likes to be alone. He has few friends, he doesn't smoke, let alone drink.

He is different from most boys of the same age, because there is some pain, buried in his heart, and has been unable to get away.


After drinking the juice, Lu Dongbin looked up again, looking at Ning Huanxin, his expression and eyes had calmed down a lot.

"Do you know that?"

Lu Dongbin tentatively asked Ning Huanxin.

In fact, his mood really fluctuates a lot at this time.

Since Ning Huanxin could name "Chen Anwen" all at once, she must have known something.

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