Sitting in the coffee shop, looking at Ning Huanxin at the other end of the table, Lu Dongbin's mood fluctuated.

If the leaders and teachers in the school find him, he will not be surprised. Although he has changed his surname over the years and moved with his mother, he can still find his original name and his family by checking his household registration. Background.


Ning Huanxin is a star or a new transfer student, why would she know? Why would you be interested in that matter and Qin Meng?

This is strange.

"That thing..."

At this time, hearing Lu Dongbin's temptation, Ning Huanxin deliberately lengthened her voice.

"Yes! I know about that, I think, I probably know more than others, I know-Chen Anwen is a good person, he is innocent!"

Ning Huan watched Lu Dongbin with heart, and spoke very seriously, with a serious tone.

Hearing these words from her, Lu Dongbin could no longer control his emotions, his eyes suddenly turned red, his hands trembled, and he overturned the juice glass in his hand.

"Guest, are you okay?"

The beautiful waiter who had been paying attention to this direction immediately rushed over nervously.

"It's okay, the beauty can help clean up, and by the way, give my friend another milk tea, warm."

Ning Huanxin smiled at the waiter. The little girl immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, tidying up the table quickly.

"You... can you say it again?"

At this time, Lu Dongbin stared at Ning Huanxin's face, and he was about to cry when he was excited.

The man does not flick when he has tears, but he is not sad.

At this moment, Lu Dongbin really couldn't control his emotions.

"I said, your father is innocent, he is a good man!"

At this time, Ning Huanxin was basically certain that Lu Dongbin was Chen Anwen's son!

His current name is likely to follow his motherhood, or his surname changed because his mother remarried.

"thank you."

Lu Dongbin suddenly nodded at Ning Huan with a bitter and happy expression on his face.

"Over the years, I have always believed that he is innocent, and my mother and I have always believed in this, one believes him, no one believes us. In order for me to go to school well and not be squeezed out, my mother can only sell it. Our original house took me to a new city, and even... She even changed my surname specially and asked me to follow her surname. Actually, at first I refused. I think my mother forgot my father, but later ...I saw her being pushed out and verbally abused. Even in the new city, there were still people revealing her scars. She asked me to change my surname to Lu to protect me."

Mother's love is so deep, just like father's love.

Lu Dongbin talked, tears finally fell: "It's me, if I didn't argue with my dad that day, he wouldn't be bored to relax. If I didn't get angry and didn't answer his phone, maybe he wouldn't touch him either. That incident, encounter Qin Meng, then nothing will happen!"

Lu Dongbin felt that he was also a murderer and killed his father's murderer.

So even after all these years, even though Yanbei University was repelled from the bottom of my heart, he did not hesitate to take it as his first choice when he applied for the college entrance examination!

He knows that there are some things that he must face, and he must complete it himself!

"Don't blame yourself too much, it's not your fault."

Ning Huanxin sighed and comforted Lu Dongbin.

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