Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1185: 1185: News of Li Yuan

Speaking of Director Li's niece, Sui Yushu's expression was a bit complicated. He raised his head and glanced at Ning Huanxin: "By the way, I heard that you live in Block B 808? Director Li's niece also lived there before."


Hearing Sui Yushu's words, Ning Huan raised an eyebrow.

The surname of Li who lives in 808 is...

"Is it Senior Sister Li Yuan?"

Li Yuan is the roommate of Zhuang Xiaoqing who disappeared ten years ago!

After the disappearance, because she and Zhuang Xiaoqing were romantic rivals, she was invited to the police station for questioning. Later, there were many bad rumors in the school. At that time, Li Yuan probably couldn't stand the blow and dropped out.

Seeing that Ning Huanxin actually knew Li Yuan, Sui Yushu nodded: "Unexpectedly, you also know that it is a pity that Li Yuan's child is also a pity. What happened back then caused her to suffer from depression. These years, she often has repeated episodes. It’s not easy. You have to take care of her often, so... she, hey, don’t talk about it."

Sui Yushu felt as if he had become nagging before he knew it or not. Is it because he is getting old?

However, I still shouldn't comment too much on other people's housework.

"Teacher, then I'm leaving."

Ning Huanxin saw that Sui Yushu didn't want to go on, so she immediately took the false note and left.

Before leaving the office building, Ning Huanxin received a call from Yu Yuesheng, and the two of them made an appointment with the teahouse yesterday.

This time, Yu Yuesheng arrived earlier than Ning Huanxin, and he seemed very excited today.

A stack of materials was placed on the wooden table. When Ning Huan reached the third floor, she saw Yu Yuesheng looking at the materials in a daze.

"In the game."

Ning Huanxin let out a cry, then walked to the wooden chair beside Yu Yuesheng and sat down.


After seeing Ning Huanxin, Yu Yuesheng immediately recovered his senses and pushed the information in front of Ning Huanxin: "I brought you the information, take a look!"

Yu Yuesheng was also impatient. He didn't rest well last night because of this.

Ning Huanxin looked at Yu Yuesheng's dark circles under her eyes, she couldn't help taking off the sunglasses she was wearing specially, and subconsciously touched her dark circles.

Two people look at me and I look at you. This scene is like two giant pandas looking at each other.

"You didn't sleep well last night?"

Yu Yuesheng naturally found Ning Huanxin's dark circles.


Ning Huanxin nodded. Of course, the reason why she couldn't sleep was actually very complicated.

"Me too." Yu Yuesheng gave a wry smile: "When people are old, they are becoming impatient!"

"Yu Ju, don't worry, I will look at these materials carefully."

Ning Huanxin picked up the documents, which were all confessions from related personnel in Qin Meng's case.

She looked at each person’s confession carefully, focusing on the confessions of Liu Zhen and Qi Hai, because they were Qin Meng’s classmates and should be familiar with Qin Meng, and according to Zhan Tianyu’s statement, they were The male classmates here all have ideas about Qin Meng, so the two of them are most suspicious.


Both have an alibi!

Qi Hai is thin and can't do much in general work, but he is very proficient in playing games, so he works as a network manager in an Internet cafe outside the school. The work is reversed day and night. During the day when others work, he sleeps, and at night, others get off work. This night owl webmaster has just started to work.

On the night of Qin Meng's accident, Qi Hai was on duty in the Internet cafe all night, and the cash register in the Internet cafe and some old customers could testify for him.

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