Although the distance from the Internet cafe to the school is not too far, you have to go back quickly, commit the crime quickly, and escape quickly. This set of actions is very difficult for Qi Hai, whose work and rest are extremely irregular and his body is not very strong. Completed tasks, and no time is enough.

Therefore, Qi Hai basically has no suspicion.

As for... Liu Zhen.

"This Liu Zhen's confession..."

Ning Huanxin turned to Liu Zhen's page and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

"what happened?"

Yu Yuesheng asked, and then he thought about it again, and said again: "I have verified Liu Zhen's confession. He was drinking in a fellow's residence that day. The two of them drank until late at night because they drank too much. , He lived there that night, I have checked with his fellow villagers."

Everyone's confession, in the past few years, Yu Yuesheng has read it a hundred times, and he can basically memorize it backwards!

"Well, this confession seems okay, but everyone else has outsiders or a group of people to testify, and Liu Zhen and his fellow, um, this is Fan Hua, the two of them gave testimony to each other. The third person can prove it! And this Fan Hua is a bit strange. I just looked at his profile. He is tall and magnificent. Just looking at the photos and looks, you can see that the character is a bit fierce. How could such a person be willing? Hidden in the back kitchen as a helper? Actually, Fan Hua also entered and exited from Yanbei University. He was also on campus on the day of the crime. The place where Liu Zhen drank in the confession was Fan Hua’s dormitory for the kitchen, which was actually near the student dormitory. Isn’t it? So... these two people were both in school at the time and had the advantage of committing crimes. Both of them were tall and capable of committing crimes. And I heard from Qin Meng’s classmates that Liu Zhen and Qin Meng had a good relationship, so It is not ruled out that his secret love for Qin Meng’s courtship will not become annoyed and become angry! Another point is that Liu Zhen and Fan Hua are also closely related, so Fan Hua may also know Qin Meng, or have long been tempted by her beauty, and Liu Zhen and Song Ye had a conflict, and Song Ye found someone to be beaten up... Although I don’t know if it is related, I think this clue is very important!"

What if Liu Zhen and Fan Hua made perjury together?

Then the alibi of the two people are all invalid, they are all suspects!

"If it is a gang committing the crime, it may be a conspiracy of two people. If it is a separate crime, it is likely that the two people were alone at the time, and the murderer was afraid that he would be discovered, so he would trick the other person into perjury together with him!"

Ning Huan's confession was conclusive. Among these confessions, only these two confessions were the most suspicious and easy to overturn.

At the beginning, the suspects of the police were all those who did not have an alibi, and those who had a certificate were excluded.

Therefore, in the past few years, Yu Yuesheng has never doubted them.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Yu Yuesheng nodded vigorously: “It’s true. Over the years, I’ve only been investigating Song Ye, investigating his hiring crimes. I haven’t investigated those who have an alibi at all. This Liu Zhen, I still have some impressions. He looks very honest, and he seems to have a good relationship with Qin Meng. I never doubted him at the time. Now it seems that his and Fan Hua's confessions are suspicious.

As he said, Yu Yuesheng stood up suddenly: "I'm leaving! I went back to the bureau to call out the household registration of the two people, and check it out! Keep in touch!"

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