Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1428: 1428: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (1)

"Sister Gu!"

At the moment before entering the mist, Yun Ye couldn't help but finally stopped Ning Huanxin.

"what happened?"

Ning Huanxin stopped and looked at Yun Ye.


Yun Ye's face was paler than last night: "The Yin Qi here is too heavy, and my spiritual consciousness is eroded by the Yin Qi, and I can't release it at all. I'm afraid we will go away when we enter."


Ning Huan was stunned for a moment, and soon hid his surprise——

Can't the spiritual sense be released?


I have used my spiritual consciousness and spiritual power to come and go freely here in the past few days!

Could it be...

Because Yun Ye's practice is different from his own? Or... because of your own pure Yang blood?

Without comparison, Ning Huanxin really couldn't feel the specialness of her bloodline and the heavens.

"Senior Brother Yun, I've walked a few times. I'm more proficient, so let me hold you."

Ning Huanxin raised the sleeve of Yun Ye's windbreaker.

"You follow me, don't worry, you won't be lost."

Ning Huanxin said, turning his head to give Yun Ye a brilliant smile.

Gu Huan's face is very ordinary, it can only be regarded as pretty, but Ning Huanxin laughed, but it was so brilliant.

For a moment, Yun Ye felt that the girl in front of him shouldn't have such a face.

But this feeling was only a flash.

"Well, please ask Junior Sister Gu."

Yun Ye is not hypocritical, he can just take the opportunity to see how Gu Huan's cultivation is.

"Let's go."

Before Ning Huanxin’s words fell, she had already walked slowly into the mist. The thick mist would block all your sights. Like the previous two times, Ning Huanxin simply closed her eyes and concentrated on sensing with her spiritual and spiritual power. Step into the depths of the mist.

In front of Yun Ye's eyes, there was also a thick grayish white, other than that, nothing could be seen. After entering the mist, strong yin air poured from all directions.

Yun Ye tried to use his spiritual power to resist those yin qi, but every time he used the spiritual qi, he felt that the spiritual qi in his body seemed to be sucked away by something.

Yun Ye immediately stopped running aura.

This fog... is weird.

At this time, Ning Huanxin was still walking forward slowly, his body was steady and his breath was even.

She kept pulling Yun Ye's sleeves, and Yun Ye subconsciously followed Ning Huanxin's footsteps, calculating the distance and distance they had traveled. After a while, the mist in front of her gradually became thinner.

After more than ten minutes, the fog had completely dissipated, and what appeared in front of Yun Ye was a valley like a paradise.


At this time, Ning Huanxin slowly opened his eyes, let go of his hand, and turned to look at Yun Ye: "Brother Yun, how do you feel? Is this different from what you imagined?"

Ning Huanxin was surprised when she entered the valley for the first time. After all, it was a forbidden place with a fierce name outside. Who would have thought that it was like a paradise inside?

"It's very unusual."

Yun Ye looked around intently. Suddenly, his eyes changed. Not far in front of the two people, there was a car that was parked in the mud crookedly. This car was the car of the suspect Fan Yiwen!

"Let's take a look!"

Yun Ye flew past as he spoke. He felt movement in the car, there should be people inside, and more than one person!

Ning Huanxin followed Yun Ye's footsteps at this time, and the two rushed to the car quickly. When Yun Ye slammed open the car door, a small figure immediately fell down——


The exclamation sound was a bit childish, and Ning Huanxin immediately shot to catch the little bit that had fallen from the car!

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