Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1429: 1429: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (2)

"Second Treasure!"

The other door of the car was also opened at this time. Dabao looked aside anxiously, and he was relieved when he saw that his younger brother was caught by Ning Huanxin.

"Sister, it's you!"

Da Bao was very familiar with Ning Huanxin, but when he saw Yun Ye next to Ning Huanxin, Da Bao immediately looked at him vigilantly, with alert in his eyes.

"Thank you sister."

At this time Er Bao grabbed Ning Huanxin's neck and looked at her with a smile: "Sister, why are you here? Where did you go to shelter from the rain last night?"

"I took shelter in the cave from the rain."

Ning Huanxin put down Erbao and looked at him with a smile: "Erbao, why are you in this car? Where is the owner of this car? Have you seen it?"

"do not know."

Er Bao looked confused and shook his head: "We stopped here when we came out to play in the morning, and the door was still open, so we got in and played, but it was not fun at all."

With that said, Er Bao seemed to have just discovered Yun Ye next to Ning Huanxin, his eyes widened and looked at him curiously.

"Brother, who are you? Are you sister's boyfriend?"


Yun Ye smiled awkwardly: "I'm just her...friend."

In fact, Yun Ye's heart was shocked at the moment, Gu Huan actually knew the people in Yunwu Valley!

It's incredible.

"Sister, is this brother the friend you're looking for?"

At this time, Er Bao looked at Yun Ye and asked Ning Huanxin.

"No, obviously the older brother in the photo looks different from this older brother."

Before Ning Huanxin could answer, Dabao had already given a decisive answer.


Er Bao blinked his eyes and looked up at Ning Huanxin again: "Sister, you have so many friends."


Ning Huanxin smiled and patted Erbao's head: "This friend of mine is actually a... a policeman! He chased the bad guys into the valley last night. By the way, this car was driven by the bad guys. Now The bad guys don’t know where they are. They rushed into your village, right?"

Ning Huanxin said, and asked some serious questions.

"do not know."

Both Erbao and Dabao shook their heads.

"Then you take us back to the village to see, OK?"

Ning Huanxin still remembered that the man who took Qu Hong told herself last time that if he couldn't get out for three days, he could go to the village.

Today is already the third day.


Dabao and Erbao were very happy to hear Ning Huanxin's words.

"Sister, let's go!"

The two children were very enthusiastic towards Ning Huanxin, and towards Yun Ye...

Well, Yun Ye stood at the back and slowed down consciously. It seemed that he had no children.

The four of them didn't go far before Ning Huanxin stopped suddenly, and Yun Ye's expression behind her changed drastically.

The smell of blood.

Both of them smelled the blood, which was very strong.

"Sister, why don't you leave?"

Dabao and Erbao looked at Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye stupidly.

"Gu Huan, take your child and stay still, I'll take a look!"

Before the words fell, Yun Ye's figure had disappeared quickly.

"Wow." Dabao's eyes widened suddenly: "This brother is so fast! Is it Superman?"

"This should be martial arts!"

Er Bao tilted his head aside, and the brothers quarreled again.

And Ning Huanxin had a strange feeling in her heart, the smell of blood was so familiar and obvious, she knew it was the smell of human blood, that is to say...

Most likely, someone died.

who can that be?

Could it be...

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