Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1440: 1440: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (13)

The spirit-seeking talisman of the Yun family in the East China Sea is a special spell of the Yun family. This spell is only used to record the breath of a person, and the person whose breath is recorded can be found along the breath.

Before leaving the house, Yun Ye took two special spirit-seeking charms and recorded his breath and Ning Huanxin's breath respectively, and then gave the charm that recorded his breath to Ning Huanxin.

"Junior Sister Gu, this is my Yun family's spiritual talisman. If you and I accidentally get separated, you can use this to find me, and I can also find you through the spiritual talisman."

This was originally given to Ning Huanxin by Yun Ye just in case, but he didn't expect it would really come in handy at this time.

At this time, Ning Huanxin had long been unable to find Yun Ye's figure, and even because of her special circumstances, she couldn't sense Yun Ye's breath and location. At this time, she could only rely on this spiritual talisman.

Ning Huanxin threw the spell in the air, and the spell immediately flashed a faint light, moving forward a little bit.

And Ning Huanxin followed the spell and walked forward step by step. After walking for a full ten minutes, Ning Huanxin suddenly stopped.

Although she has just entered the village, she still knows the terrain and roads of the village very well. After all, she deliberately walked several times. At her own speed, the road was over long ago, and now...

But it seems that there is no end.

what's going on? Does the ghost hit the wall?

Ning Huanxin was trying to run the spiritual power in her body. At this moment, everything around her changed in vain. Ning Huanxin saw many people, many people passing by and passing through him.

Are they souls? Or a phantom?

Ning Huanxin looked horrified at the sight of those people, and seemed to be running for their lives, but no matter how they fled, they couldn't escape.

Immediately, the scene turned, the figures in front of her disappeared, the gray gas gathered again, the muddy ground under her feet was trembling non-stop, Ning Huanxin reluctantly supported her body, her eyes widened suddenly, she Seeing big hands one by one, slowly breaking through the ground.

Those palms were dripping with blood, and some were hideous and terrifying!

With countless palms stretched out, each body appeared like evil spirits resurrected from the ground, slowly and stiffly in front of Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin subconsciously covered her mouth. She had seen such a scene before when she was shooting a horror movie, but the special effects of the 50 cents movie, compared with the real horror scene in front of her, were really a heaven and an underground.

One, two, three...

The people in front of you, let’s call them humans, because they look like people have hands, legs, body and head, but...

Their limbs are festered, their bodies are broken, their stomachs are all dug out, and even their faces...

Ning Huanxin could not find a word to describe everything she saw before her eyes.

Accompanied by the stench of decay, those humanoid monsters walked towards her step by step, and with each step, a thick green liquid would drip down.

Ning Huanxin smelled the breath of death accompanied by deep resentment!

These monsters were formed after the death of the resentful spirits!

So many wraith spirits were buried underground in this village!

No wonder the atmosphere here becomes so terrifying at night!

Ning Huanxin calmed down and subconsciously wanted to take his own Jinghong Sword, but at this moment, Ning Huanxin heard some voices——

someone is coming?

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