Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1441: 1441: The Secret of the Forbidden Land (14)

During the day, Qu Hong said that the night feast should refer to these resentful spirits.

Then the people in the village should stay at home quietly at this time and dare not go out. People who dare to go out at this time are naturally very special. Therefore, the sudden footsteps, could it be...

Ning Huanxin's movements paused, and sure enough, after a few seconds, a somewhat familiar figure appeared in front of her, and the figure took Ning Huanxin's hand without hesitation.

"Come with me!"

Before the end of the voice, Ning Huanxin turned his head and moved away in the other direction.

"village head."

Ning Huanxin let herself be pulled by Xia Qiu, and the resentful spirits stopped when they saw her, as if they were a little afraid.

Why...Will the resentful spirit be afraid of Xia Qiu?

At this time, Xia Qiu had already pulled Ning Huanxin into his yard and closed the courtyard door tightly.

"Miss Gu, do you know how dangerous the night here is!"

Xia Qiu turned around panting, looking at Ning Huanxin solemnly.

"I don't know, the village chief doesn't seem to tell us."

Ning Huanxin looked at Xia Qiu innocently: "Now, can the village chief tell me what is going on? What are those monsters?"

"Knowing too much is not good for you."

Xia Qiu turned around coldly: "You can live with me tonight and go back tomorrow morning!"

"No, Yun Ye is gone, I'm going to find him!"

Although Ning Huanxin wanted to discover Xia Qiu's secrets, at this time, Yun Ye's life and death were more important.

"Why go to die, being stared at by those monsters, he can't live, even the Xuanmen cultivator... can't live."

Xia Qiu smiled coldly.

"You know our identity, don't you also..."

Ning Huan's heart and body shape flashed, standing in front of Xia Qiu, looking at her coldly, "Xia Qiu, who are you?"

"Who am I? I am Xia Qiu!"

Xia Qiu suddenly laughed: "This name has been with me for decades. Of course, I also like others to call me the village chief."

Xia Qiu's eyes were a little strange, she raised her eyes and looked at Ning Huanxin: "The spiritual power of the Xuanmen is basically useless here. I think that Donghai Yun family's kid, I am afraid that it is too bad for you. You are so worried about him. Actually It's better to save some thoughts and take care of yourself. Your surname is Gu, from Yanjing Gu's family?"

Ning Huanxin did not answer, this Xia Qiu was indeed a member of the Profound Clan!

Could it be that she has been using any special means to hide her profound cultivation base?

Seeing Ning Huanxin not answering herself, Xia Qiu was not angry. Instead, she smiled softly: "More than a hundred years ago, there was an unknown rumor in the Xuanmen that the Yanjing Gu family was descended from a special bloodline. , It’s just that that kind of bloodline is extremely rare, and it won’t appear for a few hundred years. I didn’t expect...this time it actually appeared."

Speaking of Xia Qiu suddenly raised her hand at Ning Huanxin, a force of the most yin came on her face!

Ning Huanxin did not evade, her hands were sealed, and a large red lotus bloomed in her palms, extremely hot!

The two forces collided and caused a turmoil in the air. Xia Qiu was shocked and took a step back. When she raised her head again, the eyes of Ning Huanxin were already full of shock!

This Gu Huan is so powerful!

The spiritual power of ordinary monks in this place was suppressed. Xia Qiu believed that Gu Huan in front of him must have been affected at this moment, but she did not expect that even so, she still had such a strong attack!

As expected of the person chosen by that adult!

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