Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1445: 1445: The price of eternity (1)


Seeing Ning Huanxin still not giving up, Xia Qiu just smiled coldly: "Why are you so anxious? He is your man? Since you like him so much, then come with me!"

As soon as Xia Qiu turned around, he went to his yard.

Seeing Xia Qiu's movements, Ning Huanxin immediately followed her, but kept a three-step distance from her.

This is the first time Ning Huanxin has walked into Xia Qiu’s room. From the outside, her house looks the same as the other rooms in the village. When she walks inside, at first glance, Xia Qiu’s bedroom is large and tidy, but this room The layout is a bit different from ordinary bedrooms.

Xia Qiu didn't stop after entering the room. Instead, she skillfully pressed a switch on the wall. Soon, a door appeared in front of the two people.

The door turned over, and another room suddenly appeared in front of Ning Huanxin's eyes.

This is a very single and empty, very modern room, surrounded by pure white crystals.

Those crystal walls are very special, and Ning Huanxin understands that they should be something that can only be found in certain high-tech laboratories.

"Come with me."

Xia Qiu walked in while talking.

Ning Huanxin also followed her in.

The style of this room is so incompatible with the outside room and the entire Anle Village and Misty Valley.

But it was so true that it appeared in front of Ning Huanxin.

Sure enough, in this world, anything can happen, no matter what you do, don’t just look at the surface——

The surface of anything, the surface of anyone, can be deceptive.

Entering the laboratory, there are no **** pictures, no people, bodies, or specimens. Of course, Ning Huanxin knew that they had done this experiment for decades and used countless human experiments, and now it has entered the final stage. Up.

"Xia Qiu, you just said that I was the chosen person. Actually... someone cooperated with you and brought me here, didn't you?"

This is Jiang Ziluo's real trap.

The demons are really good calculations.

Ning Huanxin had a clear mind for a long time. Hearing what Ning Huanxin said, Xia Qiu didn't answer, because she didn't know the specifics. From the beginning to the present, she just acted on orders.

In the eyes of the villagers, she is a terrible village chief, who controls everything in this village and base.

In fact, she is just a **** in the hands of an adult.

Xia Qiu didn't stop, and soon she opened another door, and the two of them entered another room.

The temperature in this room is very low and the lighting is very dim. In the center of the empty room, there is a big white bed. At this moment, there is a person lying on the big bed, and that person is Yun Ye.

"Brother Yun!"

Seeing Yun Ye on the big bed, Ning Huanxin's expression immediately changed slightly. Just as she was about to approach, Xia Qiu immediately stopped her.

"Gu Huan, I advise you not to get too close, it is dangerous."

Xia Qiu said and raised his hand, the light in the room suddenly turned on, the light was dazzling.

Ning Huanxin adjusted to a few seconds before he could see everything in the room clearly.

She saw that what was hanging over Yun Ye at this time was an awl-shaped glass bottle filled with dark green liquid, and the bottle was facing the position of Yun Ye's heart.

"Although there are many experimental products, there are not many more, let alone the elite of the Donghai Yun family."

Xia Qiu said while looking at Ning Huanxin: "Of course, if you are willing to cooperate with us, we can still have a good talk."

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