Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1446: 1446: The Eternal Price (2)


Hearing Xia Qiu's words, Ning Huanxin raised her eyes slightly and glanced at her: "How do you want me to cooperate with you? Do you want to be your experiment?"

"Gu Huan, you are a smart person."

Xia Qiu looked at Ning Huanxin with a calm expression: "Our experiment has entered the final stage. Now ordinary people's bodies can no longer test the truest energy of the medicine. Only the strongest blood can cooperate to complete this experiment, and you, we are. The selected target, as long as you wish, we will not only release Yun Ye, but also make you stronger and make you eternal! All monks practice against the sky, but they are only for the pursuit of the great road, the pursuit of ascension and eternal life , And now... we can let you fulfill all your wishes."

With that, Xia Qiu took out another bottle from her arms. The medicine in this transparent bottle was the same as the medicine hanging above Yun Ye's chest.

"If I cooperate with you, would you really release Brother Yun?"

Hearing Xia Qiu's words, Ning Huan's heart seemed a little moved, and his expression became hesitant.

"Of course, what good is it to cheat you? And this medicine is very good for your body, as long as you drink it, you will live forever."

Xia Qiu's voice was full of bewitching.

She stretched out her hand slowly and passed the potion to Ning Huanxin: "Come on, drink it, and create an eternal world with us!"

"it is good."

As if bewildered, Ning Huan's eyes were a little dull, she raised her arm little by little, and took the medicine in Xia Qiu's hand.

"Drink quickly, don't hesitate."

Seeing Ning Huanxin's movements, Xia Qiu immediately looked ecstatic, and continued to bewitch her.

Ning Huanxin had slowly opened the potion bottle at this time and brought the bottle to her lips. At this moment, Ning Huanxin suddenly exploded with a strong evil spirit!

With a "swish", a purple-red afterimage flew past. Xia Qiu still didn't understand what had happened, her throat had been blocked by a sharp sword.

"Such a good thing, such a strong potion, is it a waste for me to drink it?"

Ning Huanxin's eyes had already been clear at this time, and her eyes were full of coldness when she looked at Xia Qiu.

"You, don't you want to save him!"

Xia Qiu felt the strong murderous intention from Jinghong Sword at this time, her face changed slightly, and she could only use Yun Ye as a shield.

"I still want to save Senior Brother Yun, but our Yanjing Gu family and Donghai Yun family are in a competitive relationship in the final analysis, so... if I cannot save Senior Brother Yun, I can only blame him for this catastrophe. Hey."

Ning Huanxin sighed with regret: "The Yun Family will lose a genius because of this. It is really the misfortune of our Profound Sect!"

Xia Qiu:...

Why does this sound wrong?

Are you sure you are trying to save people?

When Xia Qiu was stunned, she successfully mastered the initiative and Ning Huan was carefully looking at everything in this room, and then she suddenly looked in a certain direction, her eyes solemn.

"After watching for so long, don't you want to come out and chat? Your men are now in my hands."

Ning Huanxin looked at that direction and spoke lowly.

She could feel that there was a breath in that direction and that place. Someone was there, but he didn't show his figure.

But it must be that person.

This experimental site, the real master.

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