Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1457: 1457: Amnesia again? (2)

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Yun Ye turned around and looked at her solemnly with his eyes down, "Ning Huanxin, don’t you...don’t remember?"

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Ning Huan subconsciously touched his face.

"Where is my mask?"

Ning Huanxin's expressions and movements are not fake.

"I remember I was like..."

Ning Huan frowned, with a tangled expression: "By the way, I was calculated by Wuming and Jiang Ziluo. They also arrested Cui Can. Where is I... Where is Brother Cui?"

Speaking of this, Ning Huanxin immediately stood up excitedly.

"Cui Can's okay, he went to Miss Jiang, but you, what do you think?" Yun Ye looked at Ning Huanxin with some worry.

It seems she really doesn't remember everything just now?

In fact, Yun Ye really has a lot of questions, and there are a lot of things to ask Ning Huanxin, but now she is obviously "amnesia", so that Yun Ye's tens of millions of questions cannot be asked.

"I...fortunately, my spiritual power...recovered?"

Ning Huanxin suddenly looked at Yun Ye with surprise: "Where is Wuming? Where is Jiang Ziluo?"

"Um, they were gone when I woke up, Wuming seems to be dead, the Jiang Ziluo in your mouth also ran away, and these villagers... they were all purified."

Yun Ye said the matter briefly: "Actually, I don't know what happened, probably... a **** descended to the earth to save us?"

Gods descend to earth?

Hearing Yun Ye's words, Ning Huanxin secretly smiled in his heart.

Brother Yun's eloquence is so good, he must believe it.

In fact, Ning Huanxin has no memory loss.

She has awakened part of the memories of her previous life, and even...everything that just happened, Ning Huanxin can remember clearly, she just doesn't want to cause trouble to herself, she doesn't want to be asked by Yun Ye, by Donghai Yun's family or other sects. Stare.

Therefore, she could only pretend that she was "amnesia", so that Yun Ye would not ask her anything. At the same time, she was afraid of her abilities and identity, and Yun Ye would not spread this secret everywhere.

This was the result Ning Huanxin wanted. She didn't want to be famous, let alone be known by others. She was the reincarnation of the fairy clan.

"Thank you two immortals for saving us!"

At this time, the villagers who had survived all recovered and looked at Ning Huanxin and Yun Ye with gratitude.

Ning Huanxin made a blank look. At this moment, she suddenly saw Li Heng among the living.

"Brother Li."

Ning Huan couldn't help calling Li Heng, "You are now... alright?"

In fact, Ning Huanxin was at a loss for the nameless experiment. She didn't know what the villagers were in.

"Benefactor, I'm already healed, I feel like... I'm alive again."

When Li Heng talked about this, his eyes were shining: "In fact, although we are alive these years, we do not look like a living person. We have to eat those special mountain vegetables every day to maintain our body energy, and we are experimenting. The body has been transformed. Only in places full of yin and resentment will our body not decay. If we leave this valley, we will become monsters."

It turned out to be so, no wonder Qu Hong was obviously on the edge of the Misty Valley that day, but he dared not take a step out.

And Fan Laosan said that the monster he saw five years ago should be the experimental body that escaped from Misty Valley?

"If you can survive, you can live your life well in the future. It's best to go to the new city incognito and don't tell anyone what happened here, otherwise...you will know the consequences."

Ning Huan hearted lowly. Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, those who survived by chance nodded vigorously. They were enough guinea pigs and naturally knew the deep meaning of Ning Huan’s heart. Even if they died, they would not tell anything People what they experienced in the Misty Valley.

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