Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1458: 1458: Purification

There are only less than ten villagers who can survive. Qu Hong is not in it. It seems that her physical condition should be very poor, and...the will is not firm enough.

As for Dabao and Xia Qiu, they should be the more powerful people under the nameless man, but unfortunately because they were seriously injured during the battle just now, they were directly injured and died after purification.

Ning Huanxin guessed that if they can have such a strong strength, perhaps their physical transformation is different from that of ordinary villagers, so they cannot withstand the power of purification.

However, no matter what happened in this village before, it has now passed...


"Actually, I'm a little curious, how did you guess the nameless identity?"

Yun Ye's voice suddenly rang in Ning Huanxin's ears.

He was really curious about this, because when he woke up, Wuming had already played against Ning Huanxin, and he didn't know everything before.

Now that Ning Huanxin has "amnesia" and has forgotten the following things, but should she still remember everything from the beginning?

Hearing Yun Ye's question, Ning Huanxin suddenly became happy.

"Senior Brother Yun, have you forgotten what you are here for?"

Yun Ye entered the Misty Valley with Ning Huanxin in order to arrest Fan Yiwen.

"When we arrived in the Misty Valley, we found the bodies of Fan Yiwen and Fan Laosan. You said that the two had just died. At that time, I wondered, could it be that the murderer just killed someone? But he was there at that time. I didn't feel the breath of other people nearby, only Dabao and Erbao were the two children. Could it be...are they the murderers?"

Although it was a very absurd guess, Ning Huanxin really secretly wrote down this doubt.

It is because she remembers every doubtful point in her heart, carefully verifying, and boldly guessing, then she will be so sure of her nameless identity.

"You are so careful."

Yun Ye nodded. In fact, he checked the two corpses and suspected that the murderer had not gone far. It was a pity that he could not use spiritual power to investigate at that time, and there were only two children around him at that time. Yun Ye had never suspected two. A child would be a murderer.

"Now, what should I do here?"

Yun Ye raised his eyes and took a look. The village had been completely burned long ago. Only a few of the villagers were alive, and those resentful monsters were also purified. But maybe because the resentment was too deep, they were still still Existing, not dissipating.

"There are too many dead spirits here. They are all the innocent poor people involved here, Brother Yun, our Gu family has a spell to save the dead, but I am not very skilled. I believe Donghai Yun family also has this. It’s better to try the two of us together to see if we can supersede all the undead here, so that they can get the chance of reincarnation."

Naturally, the most powerful person to save the dead is the Buddhist disciple, a Taoist monk like Chang Ziang, but now there is no such condition at the scene, Ning Huanxin can only arrange this way.

"Alright, let's get together!"

Because the entire Misty Valley has been purified, Yun Ye could use his spiritual power a long time ago.

They are not Buddhist disciples and do not pay attention to compassion, but the cultivators cultivate humanity and merit. If they were able to exceed their success, the two of them would definitely get a lot of merit today, which would be very good for their own cultivation.

"Gu...Junior Sister Ning, I still have some spirit gathering talisman here. Let's set the spirit gathering formation first. The more aura, the greater the chance of super completion!"

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