Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 268: Meet Apollo! Have you ever heard of magic falling from the sky...


On a piece of barren land, there are 6 young boys and girls standing.

They lined up in a row, with their waists straight.

They looked at the majestic city in front of them. They should have solemn expressions, but now they looked extremely relaxed.

"Oh oh oh, it's really a magnificent city wall. As expected of the gods, they built such a big city just for a game."

"Well, don't complain about Zorf, this is also the importance that the gods attach to this game."

"Yes, yes, Bell is so troublesome."

The fiery red short-haired boy waved his hand and asked again:

"Wu, what should we do next? To be honest, I don't agree with a frontal breakthrough. With just the six of us, I really can't think of any other way except for a surprise attack."

But he heard the young man he asked replied:

"What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't crush it upright, what kind of victory is it?!"

"Hey, hey, let me tell you, there are only 6 of us!"

"That's what we need to do to show the strength of our family, isn't it?"

Ignoring Zolf's noise, Zhou Fangwu looked down at the petite figure standing on his right, and asked softly with a doting smile:

"Are you right, my [only]?"

"Hmph, I haven't seen you for three months, but after calling me, you want to treat me as a coolie. Wu, you are really..."

The young girl complained in a sweet voice, with her eyes closed, her mouth pouted and her head tilted, as if she was complaining to the man who was holding her hand.

With her mouth puffed out and pretending to be angry, she looked extremely cute.

This cute young girl is wearing a gorgeous dress and is very delicately dressed.

With her like this, she didn't look like she was going to fight but an outing.

- She is Betty!

A great elf contracted by Zhou Fangwu.

This great Yin spirit, who had been offline for 3 months, reconnected under Zhou Fangwu's call.

And in the future, he will still follow him.

"Don't say that, I've been lonely the past few months without Beatrice."

"Hmph. Betty is the same about this."

"Beatrice too? As expected of being my [one and only], she feels the same way as me."

With a proud and charming tone, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but hugged her and rubbed her fair and delicate face fiercely.

While the always arrogant Elf was frightened, his face also turned extremely blushing.

"Ah! Let go, Wu, let me go!"

"Don't be shy! Let's get closer!"

The two people's frolicking and squabbling as if no one else was there was completely inconsistent with the serious and tense atmosphere of the battlefield, which made the teammates very helpless.

"Hey, hey, Wu, I have no objection to liking young girls, but if you two want to love each other, let's see what happens next?"

Zorf seemed to have just taken a bite of a lemon, and his sour tone made others want to laugh.

"Cough, cough, sorry, sorry."

Zhou Fangwu apologized in embarrassment.

"Wu, what should we do?"

Bell also asked: "This game only lasts 3 days, and it is basically impossible for the six of us to attack the city head-on."

Although he is the head of the regiment, but out of trust in Zhou Fangwu, he has not prepared anything for the past three days, and waited for Zhou Fangwu's return with peace of mind.

Now that the siege was about to start, he asked about the plan of this powerful man.

Not only Bell, but others also turned their heads to look at Zhou Fangwu. Even Lyu, who kept silent and acted as a tool man, looked curiously at this little-known man.

"3 days...no, just 30 minutes is enough!"

The corners of Zhou Fangwu's mouth rose wildly with confidence. With Betty by his side, he could indeed go crazy without restraint.

Looking at the city in front of him, Zhou Fangwu said arrogantly:

"I'm going to end this pointless fight in 30 minutes!

Right, my [only]. "

"Hmph. If the magic power is enough, Betty only needs 3 minutes."

I thought Zhou Fangwu was already arrogant enough, but I didn't expect this young girl with blonde curly hair to be even more arrogant!

"Ha... so, what should we do?"

Based on the principle of what you do, what you do, Zorf decided to lie down and ask the powerful Zhou Fangwu to take him to the flight.

Zhou Fangwu said to the young girl holding hands:

"Beatrice, I need all your magic power, including the three days' worth, I have taken it all."

"Are you serious? Huge magic power is not easy to control, be careful to blow you up!"

"Ah, don't worry, I know."

"It's up to you, but it's agreed, Wu can't do anything."

The young girl said worried words in an arrogant tone, "Wu, don't get hurt."

"Beatrice, you shouldn't be worried about me, but those who are my enemies."

Zhou Fangwu licked his lips, absorbing all the magic power to fill his body.

The huge magic power almost exploded him, but he still watched [Magic Power Expansion] forcefully integrate it.

"Beatrice will use defensive magic to protect them in a while, so let me send a big gift to Olalie's gods as your gorgeous appearance."

Breaking away from the team, he stepped forward alone.

This kind of behavior is extremely conspicuous in a barren open space, and the members of the [Apollo Family] sitting high on the city wall can spot it at a glance.

"Eh, that guy...?!"

"What's wrong?"

"Look, he actually came forward alone, and he didn't defend himself at all."

Looking in the direction of his fingers, he found that Zhou Fangwu's speed was very slow, and he didn't seem to want to make a surprise attack on the city at all.

"What to do, Captain?"

"Don't even think about it, of course it's shooting!"

The team leader looked at him viciously, and shouted loudly: "Think carefully! If this guy joins the family, he will compete with us for God's favor with Apollo, so we have to kill him. He killed, did you hear me!"

Let's not mention how hot he is, just compete with him for God's favor or something, Zhou Fangwu respects and thanks Bumin.

How could that **** guy get close even if he couldn't hide in time?

The team leader measured the distance and found that Zhou Fangwu had entered the range, so he yelled at the archers on the wall:

"Everyone! Draw the bow and release the arrow!"

call out! call out! call out!

call out! call out! call out!

Under the command of the squad leader, the adventurers on the wall shot the arrows in their hands.

【Arrows rain down】

The dense arrows were like black rain falling from the sky, rushing towards Zhou Fangwu densely, and surrounded him up, down, left, and right in an instant, leaving him nowhere to hide!

"Hmph! Go to hell!"

The team leader squinted his eyes and talked a lot, looked at Zhou Fangwu who was still not dodging, and his body was already full of arrows in his mind.

Even though God had said before that he should not be harmed, but now it is on the battlefield, how can there be no harm in war!

So, death is also possible.

‘He must die! '

The captain subconsciously said such words.


In the next second, he discovered that all the arrows were staying within one meter of the man.

All the arrows shot at him were floating in mid-air, unable to advance an inch.

That man has a protective cover!

"Damn it!"

The team leader subconsciously thought that Zhou Fangwu wanted to rely on this magic to forcibly come under the city wall so as to break open the city gate.

However, he will not let Zhou Fangwu wish.

"Fire the arrows! Keep shooting the arrows!"

Decided to use more arrows, forcing Zhou Fangwu to retreat out of range.

It has to be said that what he did was correct.

Usually you will be forced to retreat.

Of course, only the general public.

This method has no effect on Zhou Fangwu.

But he still stopped, looking at the large city nearly 50 meters away from him.

It's not that he can't move forward, but because this distance has reached his casting range, there is no need to move forward.

However, the squad leader didn't know about it.

He also simply thought that Zhou Fangwu was suppressed by him, unable to move forward against the dense rain of arrows, and unable to approach the city gate again.

He smiled triumphantly.

But he found that even within the range of the arrow rain, Zhou Fangwu still didn't take half a step back.

An ominous premonition lingered in his heart.

"what happened?"

Lie on top of the wall and look down, wanting to see what's going on.

His excellent eyesight allowed him to see Zhou Fangwu's face effortlessly, even opening his mouth to say something loudly.

"No! It's magic!"

In an instant, he understood!

It turned out that Zhou Fangwu wanted to release magic!

But the next second, he relaxed again.

Nearly 50 meters away from the city, how could the weak magic of LV2 Zhou Fangwu reach such a long distance to cause damage?

Not to mention, such a magnificent city.


What he never expected was that this magic...it was a deadly nuclear-bomb level magic!


Opening the protective cover, Zhou Fangwu closed his eyes to communicate with the magic power when he was about 50 meters away from the city, and began to chant spells in his mouth.

Don't think about it, it must be [Explosion Magic]!

When is there no need to wait any longer?

Zhou Fangwu can use [Explosion Magic] instantly, but deep chant can increase the power of the skill.

More importantly, it can confuse other people.

Such a powerful magic does not require a long period of brewing, which will definitely make other people alert, and even have hostile thoughts.

Therefore, it is still necessary to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

But in terms of power...

Hehe, let the Gods of Orario watch a big firework!

"The lord of darkness who rules the four worlds, follows your shards!

Gather all your strength and grant me stronger magic power!

Something darker than dusk, something redder than blood!

In the stream of time, appear!

By your great name, I swear in the dark!

Get rid of all the stupid things that stand in our way!

Gather your strength and give them equal destruction! "

【—! ! ! 】

In Zhou Fangwu's shout, a huge amount of magic power evaporated instantly.

Instead, another scorching [sun] appeared in the sky!

It fell from the sky with unparalleled heat, and rushed towards the city where the [Apollo Familia] was stationed.

Family A: "Hey, don't you feel hot?"

Family B: "From what you said, it's really hot."

Family C: "The weather is so annoying."

Family D: "This is the brilliance of the sun, it is the love of Lord Apollo!"

When the other family members heard this, they all rolled their eyes at him.

The upper **** cannot use divine power in the lower realm, so how could it be possible to use the power of the sun **** to strengthen the brilliance of the sun.

However, the [sun] is getting bigger and hotter at the same time.

No matter how idiot they are, they have discovered the problem at this time.

"What... what is that?!"

Pointing at the [Sun] whistling from the sky, everyone's faces showed expressions of horror.

"That's not the sun at all! It's a big fireball! And it's so fast!"

Still trying his best to complain about the members of the family, facing the huge fireball that was about to hit, he couldn't escape, he could only stand dryly and wait for death.

Yes, wait to die.

The power of this magic is not something they can resist at first glance.

Rather, they have no way to resist.

Because, there is no preparation at all!

"Didn't it mean that they only have 2 LV2?"

"Yeah! Why is there such a powerful magic?!"

"Die, die, die!!"

All the [Apollo Families] standing on the city wall are like ants on a hot pot at this moment, circling anxiously under the baking of the [Sun] but don't know what to do.

"Quickly invite Captain Hyacinthus!"

At the last moment, the captain could only shout this sentence.

However, nothing worked.

boom-! !

World, world, nuclear, peace!

The huge [Sun] hit the center of the city, as if it had been baptized by a nuclear bomb, and no grass grew anywhere it went!

The heat burst out from the center, and even Bell and the others, who were far away from the city, could feel the heat rushing towards their faces!

The scalding hot air made them retreat subconsciously, wanting to escape from the unbearable heat.

When the white light dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was ruins.

There are no magnificent cities, no towering walls.

There are only ruins that have been completely destroyed.

And, I don't know if there are any survivors.

This battle, only 30 minutes!

It ended neatly.

Even the main generals of the two sides did not meet, and the duel ended in such an anticlimactic manner.


Let's move the timing forward a little bit.

1 hour before [War Game] is about to start.

"Cassandra, where are you taking me?"

Monica was dragged by her friend, and she wanted to break free, but found that she was pulling harder than expected.

"Monica, don't say anything, just follow me."

With panic on her face, Cassandra ran towards the underground passage of the city without looking back.

"Could it be your prophetic dream again?"

"…should be."

"should be?"

Monica asked curiously: "Cassandra, what's going on, and where are you taking me?"

"Go underground! I'll tell you the specific reason when we get there!"

While running, Cassandra said beggingly: "Please, Monica! Don't ask anything, just follow me now!"

"…ok, I get it."

I don't know why, but my friend is unexpectedly stubborn.

Monica, who doted on her, had no choice but to follow her as she wanted.

After a while, the two came to the underground sewer dredging place.

Monica said in a slightly relaxed tone, jokingly: "Cassandra thought they would invade from here?"

However, she didn't get an answer.

In the quiet and dark underground space, she could hear her friend's short and rapid breathing, and subconsciously hugged her tightly, but found that her friend's body was trembling uncontrollably, as if she was shrinking into the corner of the wall and trying to hide herself.

"What's wrong, Cassandra."

She asked with concern: "Are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to see a healer?"

"No, don't go! Please, don't go!"

The friend's repeated begging made Monica feel puzzled but distressed.

He patted her on the back comfortingly, not intending to leave again.

After a long while of silence, my friend's panic eased a bit.

With her thoughts scattered, Cassandra said softly in a confused and uncertain tone:

"I had a prophetic dream, an extremely real dream! Our family... was destroyed."

"What did you say?!"

Monica screamed.

She couldn't think of this answer.

Comparing the combat power of the two sides, no matter how you look at it, they are the complete victory, so how can they say they were defeated or even destroyed? !

This is incredible!

However, she couldn't refute it.

Because of my friend's prophetic dream, there are almost no times when it does not come true.

But that's exactly what she expected!

It's better to destroy this disgusting family as soon as possible!

Then, she stopped asking, but stayed here with her friends in peace, waiting for the final judgment.

In the outside world, where they couldn't see, a huge scorching [sun] descended.

boom-! ! !

A violent explosion came directly above them.

Even though they were underground at this time, the violent shaking and the shock of being unable to stand all showed that they were in the center of the explosion at this time!

"What the **** is going on~www.readwn.com~?!"

Panicked, Monica had no choice but to hug her friend, while praying silently in her heart, don't collapse!

Silently praying in her heart, accompanied by violent shaking, the prayer in her heart gradually became more devout.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Please!"

At this time, her heart was full of longing.


The sound of the explosion disappeared, and the ground no longer shook.

They are lucky.

Except for the arm scratched by the collapsed wall, the rest was not injured, but looked disheveled and embarrassed.

Looking at each other, they found that both of them had a look of joy in their eyes, and they hugged each other at the same time.

The two survived.

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