Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 269: Meet Apollo! Have you ever heard of magic falling from the sky...


There are not a few gods gathered here because of [War Game].

Almost all of Orario's gods are there.

Although in their view, there is a huge gap in strength between the two sides in the duel.

But anyway, it can bring a little bit of fun to their boring days, so they followed.

the most important is.

The two giants of Orario came to watch, which really aroused the interest of many other gods.

The drainage of the head boss is still very effective.

It is worth mentioning that.

After Apollo's "unremitting efforts", almost all the gods of Orario sided with Hestia.

All of Apollo's actions were sneered and disdainful.

Of course, this cannot change the outcome of [War Game].

As the parties, Hestia and Apollo arrived at the venue early in the morning.

And when they met, they fought each other.

Apollo looked down at the little loli god, and said in a villainous tone:

"Hmph, Hestia, have you said goodbye to those two children yet?

Well, enjoy yourself in Orario... no, it's your last time in the Nether.

This is the last day!

Because when you lose, I will ask you to leave the lower realm! "

"Hmph, you are the one, Apollo!

Starting today, all your property will be taken over by me!

And you will be exiled forever! "

Hestia, who had the backing of Zhou Fang Wudang, certainly wouldn't back down, and faced Apollo's attack, he aggressively turned back.

The two spoke harsh words to each other, and neither would let the other.

Seeing Hestia's confident appearance, Apollo always felt that things were not going as he thought.

Because Hestia was so calm, and the way he raised his head was even more confident than him.

However, Apollo didn't think Hestia could win.

With 100 powerful family members, he has such confidence.

The final winner must be himself! ...This beautiful result is nothing but his imagination.

On this point, even Loki and Freya, the gods of the two top family members of Orario, think so.

"Hey, Freya, I have a question I want to ask you."

Loki asked the goddess of beauty who was sitting with her in the corner.

Squinting her eyes like a fox, she asked slyly, "This [war game], Freya, which side do you like?"

Upon hearing the question, Freya replied without thinking: "Yes. If I have to say it, I am optimistic that Apollo will win."

"Oh—is that so?"

Loki lowered his voice slightly, his expression relaxed.

But I heard Freya say: "...Well, but as a weak person, he has the courage to show his fangs to the strong. I still hope that sister Hestia can win."

"Really, you too."

Her words sounded meaningful.

As she who knew exactly Zhou Fangwu's strength, she understood that Apollo's defeat was already doomed.

But before [Monster Festival], the beauty **** asked her to do something, which made Loki always feel that Freya had some other purpose.

That's why I pretended to be puzzled and asked aloud, trying to find out her real purpose.

But what I didn't expect was that this cunning level was no less than her Goddess of Beauty, and the words she spoke were ambiguous, making it impossible to guess what was going on in her heart.

Therefore, in order to ensure its true purpose, Loki deliberately tested it.

Until now, she is sure!

This **** of beauty, on the surface, loves that [rabbit], but actually has feelings for Zhou Fangwu!

Loki, who had already guessed what Freya was thinking, frowned subconsciously.

She finds it difficult.

As the uncut jade who had saved his family's children before, Loki also sincerely did not want Zhou Fangwu to fall into the clutches (charm) of the God of Beauty.

‘Ahhh, that kid, what’s going on? '

Freya answered Loki's question perfunctorily, but she was lamenting resentfully in her heart.

Because in these three days, as a tavern waiter, I couldn't see Zhou Fangwu at all.

Except for Bell who came to ask for help, hoping that he could persuade Lyu to join the game.

Asking Bell, the answer he got was that he had expected the dungeon early.

Even Bell, the head of the family, didn't know what Zhou Fangwu wanted to do.

Even if the family members were sent to search in the dungeon, even if they went down to the [30th floor], they still did not see Zhou Fangwu.

So these days, where have you been?

The beauty **** of fraternity is a little melancholy.

For the amazing child she loves, she wants to watch her grow up.

Even if she leaves her sight for a short time, it will make her go crazy with anxiety, so that she is so irrational that she makes abrupt actions that are not in line with her beauty.

However, when Zhou Fangwu appeared again, she suddenly looked forward to it again.

Looking forward to Zhou Fangwu, who disappeared for a short time, can bring her more surprises.

Only in this way can she fill her empty heart (body).

In the corner of the venue.

Loki began to think, and Freya was full of anticipation.

Both of them fell silent.

The venue was still noisy until the time gradually approached noon.

Afis took out her pocket watch, checked the time, and reminded: "Master Hermes, it's almost time."

"Ah, I know, let's get started then."

Under the reminder of his family, Hermes took the initiative to assume the responsibility of the host of the venue and started this [War Game].

"Uranus, please allow me to use my divine power."

"I agree."

Hermes stood in the center of the venue, and after getting the permission of Uranus underground, he turned on [Divine Power·Mirror] to broadcast the distant battlefield in real time.

Explain a little bit.

[Shen Jing] has the ability of clairvoyance, even if the location is separated by two places, it can see everything in one glance.

It can be regarded as a [projector].

This is also the only special divine art recognized by the upper gods in the lower realm for entertainment.

"[The Divine Mirror] has been set up!

Let me explain again, this time the war game is [Hestia Familia] VS [Apollo Familia], the specific method adopts the form of [Siege War]!

The main forces of the two camps are already on the battlefield, waiting for the bell to announce the start of the war at noon!


[War Game], it's the opening! "

After Hermes finished his opening remarks, and the bell rang at noon, the [War Game] began.

At the same time, the screen changed.

The picture is shifted from Hyacinthus who is deploying defenses in the city to six young men and women far away from the city.

"Hehehe, Hestia, even if your family now has 4 more family members, but 6 people VS 100 people, no matter how you think about it, you can't defeat me."

Apollo is still hitting Hestia's self-confidence.

Because the current Hestia is not nervous at all, the Sun God, who thought he had the chance to win, became nervous instead.

So he wanted to use this method to greatly relieve his anxiety.

"Hmph, who knows what will happen?"

Hestia pursed her lips, turned her head and stopped arguing with Apollo, but concentrated on looking at the 【Mirror】.

At the same time, he was praying in his heart that Zhou Fangwu could lead Bell and others to victory.

Although she believed in Zhou Fangwu's strength, she still couldn't help worrying.

When she saw Zhou Fangwu going out alone, her worried expression was beyond words, and she couldn't hide it anymore.

"Hahahaha—! Is your child stupid!"

Apollo couldn't stop laughing loudly, and when he saw the squad leader ordering the family members to shoot arrows, he shouted: "Solis! Don't hurt him, you must not!"

Even though the voice couldn't be conveyed, Apollo still jumped up and down to direct the battle like a monkey in heat.

Its purpose is to constantly put pressure on Hestia.

Hestia couldn't help but close her eyes, only feeling that the eyes of the one beside her were extremely noisy.

Obviously, his plot succeeded.


"This is…"

"Well, interesting."

"That child, did you use magic?"

It wasn't until she heard the inconceivable tone of the gods around her that she slowly raised her head.

After seeing all the arrows staying within 1 meter of Zhou Fangwu, Hestia couldn't help cheering in his heart, and suddenly felt a sense of victory.

"What are you doing, Solis!"

Apollo was also very flustered when he saw it, and he shouted blindly: "Shoot the arrow! Shoot the arrow! Go on!"

That hurried and flustered appearance, I don't know who was yelling just now, 'Don't hurt him;.

【Disgusting sun god】

What he did, for a moment, made all the gods feel extremely disgusted and disgusted.

Even Freya was already staring at him viciously, thinking about how to send him back to the heavenly realm.

"Hahaha, that's it, that's it!"

Seeing that Zhou Fangwu was 'forced to retreat' and couldn't advance an inch, Apollo became arrogant and erratic again.

It's just that he was too happy!

"That's right, that's right, that's it! Give me a hard...ga—?!"

Apollo's exquisite handsome face turned panic-stricken.

In his field of vision, in the [Divine Mirror], the scene presented was a scene that all the gods in Olalie, including him, had never imagined.

【Sun】It's falling!


Obviously [Shen Jing] could not convey his voice, but all the gods present understood his words.

Looking at the giant fireball falling from the sky, even if they are all idiots, they should know what happened.


Powerful magic!

Unparalleled magic!

Magic beyond imagination!

It is also a super magic that can destroy the entire Orario!

And when this [sun] falls, it is conceivable that the entire city will be blown up and wiped out.

It is conceivable that [Apollo Familia] will be delisted from now on.

Not only in Olali, even in the lower realms, the name of this family is no longer heard.


A huge fireball fell in the center of the city.

Even though they were far apart, the gods sitting high in the venue felt a slight vibration.

No, it should be the entire Orario who felt this vibration!

The dust that covered the sky and the sun was flying randomly in the air, mixed with heat waves, rushing and spreading around, and the spreading area was getting bigger and bigger until it covered their sight.

Even though they were no longer on the battlefield, the scene in front of them still made them feel this devastating blow!


This result emerged in the minds of all the gods at the same time.

No one can resist this devastating magic!

LV7's 【Fighter】can't do it, let alone the LV5's 【Apollo Familia】!

Only LV9's [Empress] has the possibility of blocking it.


There was a crisp crackling sound.

The [Divine Mirror], which appeared in front of everyone, shattered a crack enough to split it in half because it couldn't bear the huge magic impact.

But luckily, it still works.

Even if the picture is blurred, it still shows the tragic scene of the bombed city for the gods sitting high in the venue.

After the dust, dilapidated walls, collapsed city.

A ruin!

Seeing this unbelievable scene, the gods were all in shock.

The entire venue was silent.


A certain sun **** was crying and his face looked distorted.

He knelt on the venue and roared loudly:

"How is it possible, how is it possible!

Liar! Liar! Liar!

How could my family be defeated like this!

It is impossible for my family to lose so easily! "

It seems that he can't accept this result.

"Hmph! The facts are in front of you, Apollo, what else do you want to say!

Your defeat is doomed, the winner is me, our [Hestia Familia]! "

After seeing this scene, Hestia's heart was finally relieved.

Standing up, his small body looked down at Apollo who was kneeling on the ground with a victorious attitude.

She did not succeed as a villain, but said the result very plainly.

But it is precisely because of this that Apollo looks more like a clown.

"There is definitely something wrong with that magic! That child is not LV2 at all! Absolutely not!"

Even Watson, no matter how Apollo is, has grasped the blind spot at this moment.

He asked loudly: "The magic that that child used is not as powerful as LV2! Hestia, you have concealed the strength of the family!"

"Apollo, I once said, 'Zhou Fangwu was promoted to LV2 the day before. If you don't believe me, you can go to the Adventurer's Guild to verify it'. I told you this early on."

"You are lying! There is absolutely no way he is LV2!"

It is impossible for Apollo to believe it.

Not only him, but other gods are also whispering, thinking that Hestia is indeed lying.

But what was unexpected was that there was an absolutely trustworthy person who testified for her.

Such a voice came from the void.

"I, Uranus, admit that Zhou Fangwu's level is indeed only LV2."

After that, he stopped talking.

But enough!

As Uranus, who maintains an absolute neutral position in Orario, his guarantee is more useful than anyone's explanation!

However, Apollo couldn't figure out why Zhou Fangwu could use such powerful magic.

On this point, Hestia gave an explanation.

"Apollo, do you know that my family member—Zhou Fangwu, has been recognized by the fairy."

Hestia's words were astonishing.

This news shocked all the Gods in the venue!

As a fairy spirit that has long since disappeared in the lower realms and rarely appears in the public eye, the members of Hestia's family have been recognized by it!

"It turned out to be a fairy spirit, I said so."

"Well, indeed, if it's a fairy..."

"If it is a fairy spirit, making a contract with it can indeed increase the strength of the contractor."

"That guy Hestia is really lucky."

"That's right."

"Who said it wasn't?"

At this moment, all the gods were sour.

But at the same time, the mystery of why Zhou Fangwu is so strong is also solved.

"It's, it's a fairy...?!"

Apollo held his head in his hands, his face full of disbelief.

But he still accepted it in his heart.

Because as early as in the distant ancient times, the blessings brought by the fairy spirits to the children of the lower realms were extremely powerful.

【Avatar of God】It's not called for nothing.

And Hestia smiled.

She chose to spread the news about Betty only after obtaining Zhou Fangwu's permission.

Because the strength is too exaggerated, a reasonable explanation is needed.

Rather than saying it is the effect of [device], it is better to put Betty on the bright side.

After all, it is more convincing that way.

The appearance of 【Xianjing】~www.readwn.com~ is enough to stop all the gods who want to find fault.

"So, since the game is over, shouldn't it be time to settle the grievances between us? You, be mentally prepared."

"Wait...wait a minute! I was just addicted for a while, because your family is so cute, so..."

"Shut up! Talking is useless! Accept punishment, Apollo!"

Ignoring the pleas of the sun **** who was kneeling on the ground, Hestia pronounced his sentence.

"All property is confiscated! The family is disbanded! You will be permanently exiled and leave Olalie forever, and you are not allowed to take another step!"

"No, don't, ahh—!"

Apollo's face turned livid and he wailed.

But there was nothing he could do, so he had to accept the punishment.

On this day, the screams of the gods sounded and spread throughout this Olalie.

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