Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 428: One thousand - seven =?

The Scarlet Devil Township is the closest village to the Demon King's City, and Axel is indeed the novice village farthest from the Demon King's City.

To reach Scarlet Devil Township, it takes several days in a carriage, and the journey is quite long.

However, there are ways you can cut back on your trip.


That [Water City] is the only place to go to the Scarlet Devil Township, so everyone can use the teleportation magic to teleport there, and then drive the carriage to the Scarlet Devil Township, which can be reduced to one day.

This is undoubtedly the fastest way.

In fact, if Yoyo and Huihui had the coordinates of Scarlet Devil Township, it wouldn't be so troublesome.

You can use [Transfer] magic to teleport everyone there directly.

Unfortunately, neither of them learned teleportation magic.

One is specialized in [Explosion Magic], and the other is relatively low-level and lacks enough skill points.

Early the next morning.

After everyone got up, they went to Wiz's magic item shop together.

"Welcome, Lord Lord!"

"Banier, I will be away for a while, and the safety of Axel Novice Village is up to you."

"Oh? Yes, yes, um..."

Barnier looked at Zhou Fangwu, then at Huihui and Yoyo, with a hesitant expression on his face.

"Enough, I understand."

Looking at its expression, Zhou Fangwu understood what it meant.

"So, what did you see again this time?"

"No... how should I put it, the lord of the destination of this trip will encounter moments when his companions are confused. I hope the lord will think carefully and don't do things that make him regret... or something."

It speaks half-concealed like a magic wand... oh no, it's a demon!

"Riddler get out of Axel!"

Zhou Fangwu cursed angrily, but he also kept this matter in his heart.

Although I don't know what will happen, but if I can see what the clairvoyant Barnir said in the future, then I should be more careful.

"Well, I know, thank you, Barnier."

"Where is it, it is my honor to help the Lord Lord."

Barnier bowed slightly.

"Ah, yes!"

Zhou Fangwu suddenly remembered something again.

"The construction of the sage's dungeon must be done quickly. I hope that the construction has officially started after I come back. In addition, you will be fully responsible for Kiel's dungeon, is that okay?"

"Of course! I'd love to!"

Of course Barnier would not refuse.

After all, he who regards human emotions as food and is passionate about it will naturally not shirk.

"Hey, Wu, let's buy some props!"

Akuya held a strangely shaped bottle in her hand, and said excitedly: "I always think these things can be used!"

"Hey! Put it down, you disaster girl!"

As a merchant demon who cares about commodities, Barnir saw the commodities that were about to be purified in Akuya's hands, and immediately stepped forward excitedly to **** them.

"Wait, wait! Why did you **** it away!"

"You bastard! The potion you touch will become clear!"

"What's your attitude!"

Although it was Akuya's fault, she would not be allowed to back down here because of her character of grabbing three points without reason.

Not to mention, it was her sworn enemy who was arguing with her, and the two of them had always disliked each other.

"Have you ever heard that guests are gods? I am also a real goddess! You should treat gods with a corresponding attitude!"

"But you are just a poor goddess! Ah... wait, there are people who are rich."

Barnier, who originally wanted to quarrel, suddenly discovered the business opportunity.

Zhou Fangwu is rich = Akuya is rich!

This equation works!

His face was full of philistine smiles again, and he was selling products with a smile even to his mortal enemy, even Akuya who didn't like each other.

The poor devil who has been smoothed out by life has no courage to fight the goddess at all.

(same as me)


Aqua held her head high, like a winner.

But she didn't think about it, Barnier's enthusiasm for her was just because of Zhou Fangwu and the large turnover.

But in the end, I bought this bottle of potion.

Even the rest of the team also chose a bottle of potion.

A total of 4 million Eris.

so expensive.

After the purchase, the time was almost up, so Zhou Fangwu asked everyone.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

"Ready—!" x6

"Set off!"

"Oh—!" x6

"Then, I wish you all a safe journey."

Devil Barnier, send sincere blessings to everyone.

【Send! 】

With a flash of light, everyone disappeared in the magic item shop.

Opening their eyes again and seeing the scene in front of them, everyone knew that they had arrived at the water capital of Alcanredia.

Iconic buildings are too conspicuous.

"Hey, Wu, Wu—!"

"No way, Aqua."

Even if Akuya was acting like a baby, Zhou Fangwu knew what this idiot Goddess of Water wanted to say, so he refused without thinking.

"The most urgent thing now is to go to Scarlet Devil Township. If you want to go to the church here, wait until you come back."

"why is it like this…"

Although Akuya was wronged, Zhou Fangwu still wouldn't let go.

Because it's so annoying!

Even if Zhou Fangwu thought he had a good temper and recognized their faithful belief in Akuya, once he was entangled by them, it would definitely delay time.

At this moment, saving the Scarlet Devil Township is the top priority.

Rejecting Akuya's request to go to the church, and at the same time refusing to rectify here, they found the caravan owner who had been riding in the last time they came, and after his mediation, everyone bought a suitable carriage within an hour.

Knowing people is convenient.

It takes about two days to walk to Scarlet Devil Township from here, and it takes about half a day to take a carriage.

However, all the villagers in Scarlet Devil Township have a unique skill - teleportation, they can reach other towns in an instant, so they don't know how to take a carriage at all.

So the problem facing everyone is that even the carriage cannot go directly to the Scarlet Devil Township.

Drive out of the city gate and go straight to the distant forest.

But when they came to the entrance of the forest, they saw a green-haired girl sitting on a rock by the roadside, and she waved at the carriage.

Obviously, she also saw the carriage driving towards her.

"Is this girl alone..."

Although this is outside the forest, even the entrance is dangerous, and no one will stay here.

Unless, there are other reasons.

Sure enough, the girl was injured.

Her right ankle was wrapped in a bandage, and blood was oozing from it, which looked very serious.

Coupled with her small movements of peeking from time to time, she frowned slightly in pain.

Then, she looked at everyone pitifully.

"She's hurt! Now, are you all right?"

"Wait, she's not hurt."

Zhou Fangwu grabbed Akuya's shoulder and stopped her from approaching.

"There is no smell of blood in the air, the bandage is fake, even the blood on it is fake."


"She's a monster."

"Eh?!" x5

"Indeed, my [Sensing Enemy] skill also captured a strong monster breath, she is a monster imitation."

Except for Kazuma Sato's assertion, no one else in the team believed it.

However, what Zhou Fangwu said, coupled with the confirmation of Sato Kazuma who has related skills, must be true.

"An Le girl."

Zhou Fangwu said the name of this 'girl'.

Or [race].

"This plant-based monster does not cause physical harm, but it will arouse a strong desire to protect travelers passing by, and attract travelers to its side. Once a traveler is tempted, it will be imprisoned until death. "

Hui Hui: "Ju, unexpectedly..."

Akuya: "But, but Wu, she has been looking at us with a face that is about to cry, is she really a monster?"

Darkness "Yeah..."

Yoyo: "It's so pitiful."

Zhou Fangwu could see the sympathy of the girls.

Other than Sato Kazuma... no, this idiot also has intentions.

After all, she was a beautiful girl with a cute appearance, and he couldn't accept this type of girl the most.

Even though he always said that men and women are equal, he is still a pervert in essence.

I had no choice but to continue explaining.

"This kind of monster relies on its pitiful appearance to arouse people's strong desire for protection. When travelers stay with it, they will smile happily, and once they leave, they will cry sadly... In other words, the kinder the person, the more Easy to control."

"But, but this girl is holding back her tears and showing a smile..."

Darkness was originally a crusader in the shape of a virgin, so naturally she had no resistance to the pitiful face of this young girl.

The pity and compassion in my heart began to overflow.

But he was still forcibly hugged by Zhou Fangwu.

Forbid her to touch the girl in the past.

Even Darkness, who is physically strong, would find it difficult to save her once she was entangled.

"Once the conscience is condemned and entangled, this monster will stick to the traveler's body and is difficult to peel off. But people are still hungry and thirsty. When the traveler wants to leave, they will pick their own fruits for the traveler. Fill your hunger."

"What, it turned out to be a good monster!"

Akuya and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what Zhou Fangwu said.

"It would be nice if that was the case."

"…What's the meaning?"

Hearing what Zhou Fangwu said, the girls suddenly raised their minds again.

This obviously has other meanings.

"Those travelers, almost all of the people left behind are kind-hearted people. After seeing the happy girl handing over the fruits they borne to themselves, they will definitely be condemned by conscience, and finally they will not even eat anymore, and die of malnutrition. .”


"It's not just this superficial reason."

Zhou Fangwu interrupted what Akuya wanted to refute, and said: "Although the fruit produced is delicious, it's a pity that it doesn't have any nutrition."

Sato Kazuma continued to talk, and said: "Not only that, but the fruit it bears contains ingredients that cause neurological abnormalities. Continuous use will lead to cutting off signals such as hunger, drowsiness, and pain, causing irreversible trauma to body functions... Right."

"Sato-kun is right."

Zhou Fangwu nodded, and said: "Therefore, some old and helpless adventurers often come to find the habitat of this monster in order to find a safe way to die, so it has the name [An Le Maiden] .”

"So, that's how it is..."

"That is to say, it will not take the initiative to attack people who come and go, right?"

The girls patted their chests reassuringly, and then moved closer together.


Hey, although it won't take the initiative to attack, the effect of confusing people's minds is real.

Aren't you guys afraid of being bewitched?

Come forward.

Everyone finally saw what it looked like.

Except that the hair color is too green, whether it is clothes, attire, or appearance, everything else is almost the same as the girls in the town.

"...Really, she wasn't hurt."

Akuya looked at the bandage of the Anle Girl, and found that it was indeed not injured as Zhou Fangwu said, and the wound was simulated by it using mimicry.

The clothes on his body, the bandages oozing blood, and his pitiful expression.

All are mimicry to confuse travelers.

nasty race.

"Well... can I touch her?"

Huihui was talking, but her hand was already stretched out.

The An Le girl in front of her already showed a joyful expression, and then stretched out her little hand.

However, the moment before he almost touched the finger of the An Le girl.

But Zhou Fangwu stopped him again.


Decisive and firm.

"Wu?!" x4

Except for Sato Kazuma, the four girls were all deceived by Anle Girl, and even Zhou Fangwu resisted.

Darkness: "Wait, wait a minute! Wu!"

Huihui: "She's just a poor girl, you don't want to kill her, do you?"

Yoyo: "That's right, poor girl."

Aqua: "Let her go this time!"

Hey, did I say it, is she pretending to be pitiful?

"This monster should indeed be exorcised."

Sato Kazuma said seriously: "This monster looks injured, but it is actually intact. Everything it does is to deceive travelers. This shows that it is quite a cunning monster!"


"Anle girls, there is another rumor that they are very intelligent monsters, proficient in human language and knowledge."

Zhou Fangwu also thought of this information, and then he said with a smile: "Well, if you can answer my question, then I will let you go, how about it?"

"Eh? Shouldn't you be unable to answer?"

Huihui grasped the point at once.

The conditions proposed by Zhou Fangwu are very tricky.

If the An Le girl answered, it meant that it had intelligence comparable to that of humans, and in this case it would also be killed.

But if he couldn't answer, Zhou Fangwu still wanted to kill it.

But unexpectedly, An Le girl is smarter than everyone thinks.

"...Are you going to kill me...?"

An Le girl spoke first, sitting on the rock and looking up at the crowd, with tears in her eyes, her body trembling uncontrollably.

She can talk.

"It's so painful...I'm a monster...It's because I'm alive...that's why I have this kind of trouble...I'm sorry...I've been...for the first time...talking to humans like this...If there is an afterlife...I hope...the next life...I won’t be a...monster... "

It's like she's resigned to her fate.

Those intermittent words, that lovely and pitiful expression, that unstoppable desire to protect.

Anyone who sees it will choose to do anything for her.

Unfortunately, it's completely useless.

The pitiful expression she put on, saying this kind of words one step ahead of time, is completely telling everyone that her wisdom can be compared with human beings!

"This is what it means to be mistaken by cleverness..."

Sato Kazuma drew the dagger from his waist.

Akuya, Huihui, Yoyo, Darkness also backed away quietly, away from this pitiful and happy girl.

But Zhou Fangwu approached it instead.

Crouching down, said:

"Hey~www.readwn.com~ Stop pretending at this time.

What you just said is still valid, if you can answer my question, I will let you go, how about it? "


"Then I'll start asking, it's just a simple math problem."

The corner of Zhou Fangwu's mouth twitched into a nasty smile.




【No, I started to feel pain again.

Who can know how painful it is for me to take a day off for National Day?

ps: Calculated, no charge. 】

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