Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 429: The story Sato Kazuma and the pig-headed monster have to tell

Also known as: [Sato Kazuma Harem of the Beast Ear Girl]


【An Le Girl】is dead.

Just like its name, Zhou Fangwu made it die peacefully.

Although asked a painful question, in the end, instead of causing it to suffer physical pain, Sato and Shinichito sent it into reincarnation.

I also hope that as it said, I will not be a monster in my next life... If it is sincere, it is not a simple deception.

The monsters blocking the carriage could not delay the speed of everyone.

This is just a small episode on the road.

But the girls in the carriage didn't intend to just swallow this breath.

"Damn it, that monster really lied to us!" Akuya scolded angrily, "I was thinking of treating it, but I didn't expect it to be fake!"

Darkness: "Well, even I didn't think of that."

Hui Hui: "It really is a monster."

Yoyo: "It's really unexpected."

Several other people also echoed Akuya.

After all, the [Anle Girl] just now had really sinister intentions, and everyone almost fell for her under her pitiful appearance.

If it wasn't for Zhou Fangwu's quick mind to break through its disguise one step ahead, everyone might not be able to detect its false appearance.

"What scares me more is its way of survival... That's what I said, Wu."

"Well, Darkness is right."

After solving the foreign [Easy Girl], the girls who couldn't bear it were still a little sad, and even wondered if it was wrong to do so.

But when Zhou Fangwu smashed the stone to reveal the corpse parasitized by the monster below, the expressions of the girls changed slightly.

Maybe they are not very proficient, but Sato Kazuma is very good at it.

He clearly pointed out that these human beings with only bones left were not old people, and there were no hidden wounds on their bodies.

It means that the monster is indeed bewitching travelers.

The facts are right in front of us.

But this made them even more angry.

They were angry at themselves for being so easily deceived, which was why Akua was so angry just now.

"Okay, okay, doesn't this also reflect from the side, you guys are kind by nature, so don't be angry anymore, how about it."

Zhou Fangwu comforted him from another angle.

The effects are also very effective.

"Well... if you really want to say that."

In fact, Zhou Fangwu wanted to say that they were stupid.

But after thinking about it, he kept his mouth shut.

Don't rub salt in the wound at this time.

"Hey, everyone!"

Sato Kazuma held up his adventurer card and shouted happily: "I've upgraded, a full level 3!"

"Huh?! What's so fun about this?"

Aqua felt that Sato Kazuma made a fuss over a molehill.

It's just an upgrade. For her high priest whose skills are already full, the level is the most useless.

"Indeed. In the entire team, only Kazuma has the lowest level, so you will give up that monster to you."

In fact, the real reason is that the girls couldn't bear to do it, and finally it was handed over to Sato Kazuma.

"Besides... If you want to show off, how about working hard to upgrade and surpass the two of us as soon as possible?"

Huihui made up for it even more.

"You two..."

Sato Kazuma held the card tightly, with veins on his forehead, his face was flushed and he was out of breath.

It is enough to prove how angry he is at this time.

He suppressed his voice until finally he couldn't help roaring loudly.

"Isn't it the fault of you two idiots who ate all the ingredients I worked so hard to collect and left nothing behind—?!!!"

like he said.

The reason why Akuya and Huihui have such a high level is because when Zhou Fangwu left, they secretly ate all the rare ingredients that he had worked so hard to collect behind Sato Kazuma's back. .

In other words, it's spring.

Is it time to use the special ingredients temporarily stored at Lord Dustinis?

"But, we got punished too, didn't we?!"

"Is that a punishment—?!"

"Okay, everyone, let's talk about this topic later."

Just when the two were about to continue their quarrel, Darkness who was sitting in front turned her face away from the small window.

Then she looked at the crowd and said with a serious face: "That plain, as long as we cross this plain, we will arrive at the Scarlet Devil Township."

"Then let's hurry up..."

"But, I always feel something is wrong." Darkness said to everyone: "I don't know why, this plain is so quiet."

"…I understand."

Sato Kazuma nodded, and suddenly began to take off his equipment.

Akuya asked blankly: "Kazuma, who are you?"

She also didn't understand what Sato Kazuma was going to do all of a sudden.

"I'm going to check it out."

"No, it's better for Wu to go at this time."

"Hmph, stop looking down on people! I'll let you all see how I grow."

Sato Kazuma is very confident in himself.

"What... are you talking about all of a sudden?" Huihui couldn't understand, she said out loud, "It's just a three-level promotion, so what can I do?"

"Don't underestimate me, Huihui."

Sato Kazuma raised the card in his hand so that everyone could see clearly.

I saw a ray of light emerging from a skill on it, obviously it was just ordered, relying on the 3 skill points just obtained.

— [Intermediate Magic].

"With this skill, I have become stronger than before!" He was full of pride, "Even if it is the Demon King Army, I have the strength to compete with it!"

"Hey, it's only to this extent..."

"It's okay! Didn't I take off my equipment!" Sato Kazuma continued to take off his leather armor and said, "In case of danger, I can escape more easily, can't I?"

"But Sato-kun, you..."

"It's okay! Trust me, Senior Zhou Fang!"

"Uh... well, if you must."

Zhou Fangwu stopped persuading him.

To put it simply, Kazuma Sato has swelled up, and his strength has spanned a lot compared to before, thinking that he can win against the Demon King's army.

But he does have the capital to expand.

【Intermediate Magic】

It is magic that includes all attributes, and consumes a lot of skill points. But again, the effect is also very considerable.

Coupled with the flexible minds of Sato and Mana, various attributes are switched back and forth, combined and arranged.

The general Demon King Army is definitely not his opponent.

Even the cadres of the Demon King's Army can deal with it for a while.


Sato-kun, you still don't know how dangerous the plain is before you!

I hope you can return safely, Amen... No, may the goddess of water bless you.

He took off his leather armor, didn't bring bows and arrows, and long knives, leaving only a dagger.

Kazuma Sato prepares to travel light.

"Aqua, I leave the blessing magic to you."

"no problem."

Although the two have been arguing and bickering, the auxiliary magic that should be there will not be left behind.

And Sato Kazuma is still going to thunder for the team, so it is even more necessary to add the highest standard of blessing magic to him.

"Go, Kazuma, you have been strengthened!"


Sato Kazuma let out a long breath.

Then he restrained his aura, slowly concealed his figure, and disappeared in front of everyone.

Head straight to the plains.

He first touched the green grass on the plain.

This is his experience. On the surface, sometimes it seems that there is no danger, but in fact there is a swamp under the grass, and you will fall into it if you are not careful.

Simply, there is no danger.

There are no small creatures on the grassland, which may have been driven or hunted to death, but there are no large monsters such as griffins on their heads. Sato Kazuma felt strange but did not stop.

keep going.

Not far away, a figure walking upright appeared in front of him.

"this is…"

Sato Kazuma's Hawkeye skill is activated.

It's a half-orc.

And in front of him was a pig-headed monster.

Just like in another world, it has the head of an animal pig and the body of a human.

It's a female pig-headed monster.

"Just one?"

Sato Kazuma did not rush forward rashly, but searched carefully in the distance, wanting to see if there were other monsters.

This is a good habit he has developed for a long time.

However, when he turned around, he suddenly found that Huihui and Darkness in the team were waving their hands desperately, and his eagerness made him confused.

"Do you want to kill it quickly?"


Now there is only one monster on the plain, and it is not difficult to get close to it quietly.

Unfortunately, this is a plain.

Sato Kazuma had no place to hide his figure, so he could only be exposed in front of the pig-headed monster.

But he wasn't afraid.

A mere pig-headed monster, how can you still kill him in seconds?

If you can beat him in seconds, he will be on the spot...!

Just when he was about to stand up, the pig-headed monster had already rushed towards him, and it got close to a distance of about 3 meters in the blink of an eye!

"not good!"

Sato Kazuma secretly said something bad.

But he didn't panic, he could easily deal with this kind of problem.

But this pig-headed monster was more relaxed.

"Hey, little brother~ Do you want to do something happy with me?"

"Excuse me for refusing!"

The pig-headed monster's invitation was rejected by Kazuma Sato without hesitation. After all, his strike zone is not so wide that it is not limited to any kind of race.

If it is a beast ear girl, the kind of beastman with a human appearance and body, he can still consider it.

And this one in front of me...

Pig's head, pig's nose, pig's ears, plus grinning to see the yellowed teeth... Please forgive him for really not being able to accept it.

"Don't reject me~ let's get closer."

As he spoke, it approached.

The distance from Sato and the truth is less than 1 meter!

"Hey, hey... how about letting me go?"

Sato Kazuma looked at the pig-headed monster who was at least 2 heads taller than him. The strong physical gap made him tremble uncontrollably, and his legs trembled a little.

"If you're willing to let me go, I can also give you some food as a thank you... How about it?"

"Hum hum…"

The corner of the pig-headed monster's mouth drooled.

Just when he thought the food could be tempting, the next action of the pig-headed monster made him feel desperate.

"What is the food, if you go back with me, little brother, I can give you more!"

After speaking, it rushed up!

Food is far less important than men!

"Not good! The veil!"

Sato Kazuma immediately sensed the danger.

Release the skill [veil].

The black mist enveloped the pig-headed monster, turned around and ran towards the direction of the team.

But pigs have the most sensitive noses, even several times more sensitive than dogs!

Sato Kazuma's masculine scent stimulated it deeply.

In this case, how can you lose your way?

The pig-headed monster licked its lower lip, stuck out its pig nose, and rushed forward anxiously.

Chase and put pressure on him.

"This is the territory of half-orcs, we will never let any male go!

…It’s such an amazing feeling!

Brother, at first glance you are not strong at all, but for some reason I can feel a strong survival instinct.

My intuition is very accurate, the child born with you must be very strong! "

The pig-headed monster said words of praise.

If its appearance is not a pig-headed monster, but a real beast-eared girl, Sato Kazuma will not refuse. Even Phyllis (Cong Ling's cat ear girl), he can barely accept...although he can't have children.

Unfortunately, no.

"Excuse me for refusing!"

Sato Kazuma continued to run forward, but unfortunately the pig-headed monster chased him before he accelerated.

There is no escape!

Sato Kazuma stared.

Turn around and attack!

There's only one pig-headed monster, he has nothing to fear!

With [Intermediate Magic], there is absolutely no problem!

In fact, it is true.


It just used a little trick, relying on wind magic to blow up the soil grabbed from the ground, and easily took its sight away.

"Oh huh—"

The pig-headed monster fell down while covering its eyes.

There is no strength to resist.


Sato Kazuma is not a rookie, and his ability to seize opportunities is still pretty good.

Come forward quickly!

But it is not to attack with a dagger, after all, it is difficult for a dagger to pierce the skin of a half-orc.

Instead, he chose to grab the pig's head with his bare hands!

—【Absorbing Touch】!

Forcibly deprive the pig-headed monster of its physical strength!

This time, the pig-headed monster who has no physical strength can't get up again! ...if only that were the case!

Pig-headed monsters... should be said to be half-orcs.

Currently, in this world, there are no male half-orcs.

The male half-orcs died out a long time ago.

Even if some male half-orcs are born occasionally, they will be played to death by these female half-orcs, and they will not even survive to adulthood.

Therefore, for the continuation of the race, these female half-orcs will go to other races to plunder the males, and then they will do something to give birth to the next generation.

In other words, all orcs now are of mixed blood.

It is a mixed blood of various races, or even a mixed blood of mixed blood.

Such them have absorbed the strengths of various races.

For example, the pig-headed man now has the advantage of being physically strong!

When Sato Kazuma mistakenly thought that he had absorbed all the pig's head monster's physical strength and relaxed his mind, it suddenly exploded and pressed Sato Kazuma under him!


Sato Kazuma panicked.

I didn't expect that the pig-headed monster's physical strength was so perverted, and it still didn't fall down after enduring his [Touch of Absorption].

Even if the physical strength is not as strong as Darkness, it is estimated that the difference is not far behind.

"You, what a wonderful man, you can actually make me lose my mind!

I will never let you go!

I'm so excited, I can't help falling in love with you...

How are you responsible? "The pig-headed monster gritted its teeth and said with a smile: "I definitely want to give birth to your child!" "

Sato Kazuma, who was crushed under him, was shocked.

If he lost his body to this kind of orc, he would rather die!

It's not what makes him despair.

What made him even more desperate was that many half-orcs appeared on the distant plain.

There are cats, dogs, wolves, and rabbits.

There are many types of half-orcs, but without exception, they are all the same as the pig-headed monster, with the head of a beast.

"Damn it, **** it!"

Kazuma Sato desperately used [Touch of Absorption], trying to escape from the control of the pig-headed monster, but he didn't know whether the pig-headed monster was too scary, or his skills had failed, no matter how much he sucked it, it had no effect.

Even the pig-headed monster licked his lips and gave him a very 'charming' look.

"Hmm~ Hate~"

"No, don't—! Stop, stop—!"

Sato Kazuma screamed in fright.

But he still didn't give up begging for mercy, Xiaozhi said emotionally and rationally: "Name! By the way, we don't know the name yet. This may be my first experience! Yes, yes, my name is Sato Kazuma Ahhhh——!”

"Hmph, half-orc Svartinas, sixteen years old alive and kicking."

The pig-headed monster also briefly introduced itself.

Then he pulled Sato Kazuma's pants and said impatiently: "Come on, this time it's your little brother's turn."

"Wait, wait—! My little brother is very shy!"

Sato and Zhen were so anxious that they were about to cry.

He tugged on his pants desperately, and shouted anxiously: "It's good that we know each other's names today, let's call it a day—! Senior Zhou Fang—!!"

At this moment, he finally realized his mistake.

He shouldn't be so arrogant, arrogantly thinking that he can handle it.

What 'can solve the Demon King's Army', you idiot!

"Sato-kun, potion, use the potion—!"

Zhou Fangwu wanted to go to save him.

But not only Sato Kazuma, but also surrounded by a large number of orcs, even if he can solve it, he will still be held back.

At that time, it is estimated that the pig-headed monster has already sat on it to squeeze the juice.

In desperation, he had no choice but to ask him to use the potion he had bought at Wiz's magic tool shop.

It was a bottle of potion that could dispel monsters and make them feel disgusted.

It is a must-have item for walking outside.

The effect is powerful.

Unfortunately, there are side effects.

After taking it, although monsters will hate it or even stay away from it, other people, including relatives and friends, will also feel disgusted by the person who took the potion.

Although it is not disgusting to the point of assassination, it is almost to the point of violent beating.

"Yes, yes! And potions!"

Sato Kazuma suddenly remembered the potion he bought earlier.

Before he was about to lose his virginity, he took out the bottle of potion from his pants with his right hand, then swung it to the top of his head and bit the bottle forcefully with his mouth.

In this severe situation, he burst out with infinite possibilities!


The potion stayed down the throat, and it took less than three seconds to enter the stomach before it began to take effect.

Seeing the pig-headed monster with a face full of desire, he stopped immediately when he had already taken off Sato Kazuma's pants and was about to kiss his little brother.

It smelled something that disgusted it.

Again, the nose of a pig is very sensitive, and this smell makes it unacceptable.

My heart began to struggle.

One is the desire to mate, and the other is the stimulation of the potion.

In the end, it was potions that came out on top.

The pig-headed man let go of him, and walked away.

"Live, survived..."

Sato Kazuma's face is full of grievances~www.readwn.com~ almost!

He almost lost his virginity to a half-orc just now!

"You nasty half-orcs, watch out!

—! ! "

Coincidentally, Huihui's explosion magic fell from the sky, blasting all the orcs, including the pig-headed monster who almost succeeded just now, into ashes and disappeared on the plain.

Perfect solution!

...in addition to leaving Kazuma Sato with indelible scars.

To be honest, when he saw the orc again in the future, he would turn around and run away in fear, or step forward in anger and fight to the end.

He is very curious.

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