Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 483: I'm not right!

The situation in this country is dire.

It was so severe that the Demon King's army was able to harass the capital of a country from time to time.

This is an unthinkable level.

Because, even a certain black [Different World Sharing Fan] beast collapsed in an instant on the country's front, and then the king's capital would be taken advantage of and destroyed.

But now, the kingdom was established, but the Demon King's army unexpectedly launched a surprise attack on the kingdom for the first time.

I really don't know how to express my inner dissatisfaction.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! I didn't expect to ask you to help. You are obviously a guest invited by Her Royal Highness. This makes it even more obvious that we can't play our due role in defending the country." On the way to the outside of the city, the female knight guarded Claire said apologetically to Zhou Fangwuman.

On the contrary, Zhou Fangwu shook his head indifferently, and said as if to comfort her: "It's okay, I am an adventurer who fights against the Demon King's army, and I have already handled such emergencies with ease."

"As expected of a hero!"

Claire was full of heartfelt admiration.

"Presumably Axel Village is also often invaded by the Demon King's Army! That's why you are so flexible and calm. That's right, it is probably because of this that you were able to defeat the Demon King's army officers one after another with such ease, and accumulated so many people. Admire the [Great Achievements]."

She looked at Zhou Fangwu with an expression of admiration.

After seeing the strength of [Hero], he was not dissatisfied with being bumped, humiliated, or intimidated before. Instead, he admired Zhou Fangwu even more.

Standard chivalry thinking.

Worship the strong and pay homage to the stronger.

"Although it may be a bit late to say this, please allow me to make a formal self-introduction."

She put her right hand on her chest, performed a standard chivalry salute, and said solemnly and solemnly: "I am called together with the Dustinis family, the eldest daughter of the Sylvania family, Claire・Silvernia! Please continue to teach me a lot in the future, Your Excellency the Hero!"

Sure enough.

As the saying goes, "those who occupy a high position serve the same class".

As Zhou Fangwu thought, the magician Lei Yin was a nobleman, so the female knight guard should also be a nobleman.

It's just that I didn't expect that this female knight guard had such a big background.

"Hello, Miss Claire Sinphonia. But you don't have to call me a hero all the time. I am Zhou Fangwu, please give me your advice in the future." Zhou Fangwu also returned the knightly salute, even more standard and elegant than her, He didn't take the initiative to declare himself a nobleman.

"Then you don't need to add honorifics, just call me Claire." The female knight guard wanted to get closer to Zhou Fangwu.

With her like this, Zhou Fang's armed police bell rang loudly, and the distance between the two of them was slightly opened.

But Claire's focus was on the battlefield outside the city, and she didn't care about it. On the contrary, she then explained some information about other matters to Zhou Fangwu.

for example:

The king took the prince to march in person, and he is not in the capital at present.

The lord of a country and his heirs have all rushed to the battlefield, which shows how tight the battle situation is.

But this can also explain why Princess Alice was able to go out and meet Zhou Fangwu and others.

After all, even if he is a hero with a national reputation, it is not so easy to meet the princess.

"Although this is not the front line of the battle with the Demon King's army, there are occasional attacks like this here. It cannot be said that it is a place without danger... It is obviously the capital of a country." Claire gritted her teeth.

She was very angry at the continuous harassment by the Demon King Army.

After all, she is also a member of the Knights of the Royal Capital, and she is needed to fight when the Royal Capital is surrounded by the Demon King's army and encounters danger.

And every time the initiative to launch a battle is in the hands of the Demon King Army.

She naturally hated the Demon King Army.

"...Really, but it's okay, with me here this time, it should be easy to solve." Zhou Fangwu has such strong self-confidence.

The current him will never lose even if he faces the Demon King Army cadres.

"Well, you are really helpful here." Claire is also very confident about this. After all, she has seen the state of Zhou Fang's full power, and experienced the horror firsthand to understand the huge gap between ordinary people and heroes. .

However, she hesitated to say: "But...um...maybe...you don't need your help this time."


Just when Zhou Fangwu was full of doubts, he finally saw the Demon King Army outside the city.

Not many, only about 3 or 50.

Two or three big cats, a group of small litters.

The knights of the Kingdom Knights were not weak and incompetent. Within half an hour after opening the city gate, all the monsters from the demon king's army were killed by the knights.

Very easy.

In less than a moment, the knights began to clear the battlefield.

The Demon King's army, who was killed so easily, seemed to have come to die on purpose.


"Maybe you can also see that, yes, they are here to die on purpose.

"Claire expressed Zhou Fangwu's conjecture.

"I keep sending monsters to harass me. Even if I can't break through the siege and let the monsters come in, I still want to wear down the patience of the knights and erode the energy of the knights little by little."

A very low-level, but very effective tactic.

Except that the demon king's army needs a lot of soldiers' lives to kill a little bit, there is no loss.

But the key is that there are so many demon kings, and they don't care about this consumption at all.

This is disgusting.

Judging by the numb knights acting like robots without emotion, this situation must have been going on for a long time.

"It seems that the battle is over, so let's go back."

It was a waste of time, but Claire was not angry, but let out a very relaxed expression.

Knowing that the kingdom's knights have been exhausted, she is really afraid that the demon king's army will attack the capital.

Zhou Fangwu didn't say anything, and returned with her.

It's a pity that I didn't have the chance to show off this time.

If he could attack head-on and wipe out the invading Demon King's army without hesitation, it would definitely cheer up the knights in the kingdom and bring more courage to their hearts.

But this time there is no chance and there will be a next time, so he is not in a hurry.

Afterwards, return to the castle.

"Welcome back, my lord brother! Claire!" Princess Alice laughed happily when she saw the two returned safely.

After calling her elder brother for the first time, Princess Alice became closer to Zhou Fangwu.

That gentle smile made Claire's heart melt instantly.

"Yes! We came back safely, my lord princess!" The female knight guard knelt in front of her, "But I'm sorry, the battle was over when we arrived, and we didn't participate in the battle."

"No, that's fine, thank you for your hard work." Princess Alice helped her up, and with the same apologetic expression as Claire, she said: "I'm sorry, my elder brother is my guest, And just here…”

"It's okay, there's no need to apologize." Zhou Fangwu patted her on the head lightly, and said, "It's my mission to fight against the Demon King's army, and this kind of thing is nothing."

"Yes, thank you, brother."

"There is no need to thank you. It seems that the capital is not safe. If this is the case..."

Zhou Fangwu thought about it.

He took out a magic crystal from his bosom, then emptied the magic power inside, and injected his own unique magic power into it.

This is an easy amulet.

The effect is similar to the protective protection given to Butterfly Ninja at the beginning, and it will protect Princess Alice in case of danger.

But unlike Butterfly Ninja's powerful protection that stays in the body all the time, the disadvantage of this magic crystal amulet is that it can only be used once, and then it will break and have no effect.

Because, you can't kiss Her Royal Highness, right?


"this is?"


Pass the magic crystal in your hand to Princess Alice.

Princess Alice raised the magic crystal in her hand.

In the incomparably transparent crystal, there is an ultra-small platinum horse that is galloping and burning with flames.

Vivid and extraordinary.

There is still a warmth in the hand, so Princess Alice can't put it down.

"It's so beautiful—!" X3

Women are purely visual animals. Even though the magic crystal amulet that Zhou Fangwu stopped was very simple, it still amazed the three women.

"My lord brother! Is this really okay for me!"

Although Princess Alice is an imprisoned bird in a cage, she also has the judgment that the royal family should have. When she holds this magic crystal in her hand, she knows that it is very precious.

"Of course, it's a gift for Princess Alice."

"Just call me Alice, my lord!"

Alice was like an ordinary little girl who got her beloved doll, trying to cheer but trying to look reserved.

Obviously there is no need to hold back so much.

"Come on, let me wear it for you."

Zhou Fangwu wrapped the magic crystal amulet around his neck and put it on the fair and tender collarbone of Her Highness the Princess.

When embellished with this shining magic crystal, Princess Alice is more beautiful than before.

It made the two female guards on the side envious.

"How is it? Does it look good?" Princess Alice asked a little nervously.

"Very beautiful, Alice."

"Yes! You are in full glory now, Your Royal Highness!"

"That's right! Her Royal Highness is the most beautiful!"

With the affirmation of the three, Alice smiled.

But when the topic changed, she said something that left Zhou Fangwu stunned on the spot.

"Then continue the topic just now, brother, please tell me what's going on between you and Lalatina... Sister Darkness!"


"It's, it's...it's what the two of you did, what you did at the hot spring... what happened after that, I'm curious!"


something is wrong with you!

I didn't expect you to be such a princess!

However, in the end she still did not hear what happened next.

Because, she was forcibly taken away.

But even when she was forcibly taken away, she still shouted: I have grown up, I am an adult, and I can get married! ...Wait, this kind of words that want to resist proof.

But the magician guard Lei Yin still took the princess away with the reason of "Your Highness should make up for the lessons that were missed before, and I will listen to the next words later".

It's just that when she left, her heart was also slightly panting.

It's really a pity that such a high-quality man was taken first.

Because Zhou Fangwu is not only an earl, but also a lord, and at the same time a hero with a great reputation throughout the country.

She couldn't have no idea.

In fact, it's not just her, but her good friend Claire is also the same.

"...I didn't expect you to have that kind of relationship with Miss Dustiness."

Although Claire, the female knight guard, didn't hear the whole story, she knew the situation without even guessing. However, compared to her close relationship with Darkness, Claire cared more about what Her Royal Highness Princess Alice called Zhou Fangwu just now.

"But... why does Her Royal Highness call you 'Big Brother'!!"

"Cough, this..."

Claire wasn't there before, so she didn't hear Alice's change of words to Zhou Fangwu.

Now it's troublesome.

With Claire's stupid loyalty, coupled with her stubborn character...

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore."

On the contrary, Claire did not get entangled in the first step, but chose to follow the trend, and said flatly: "Judging from your strength and talent, it must be no problem to defeat the devil king, and you may be able to hear it in the not-too-distant future. News of your final victory."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Zhou Fangwu's perception of Claire is the attitude of "the royal family must not be humiliated, otherwise she will severely punish offenders", how could Zhou Fangwu not pursue the matter of Zhou Fangwu's tricking the princess into calling her brother and lord?

something wrong!

Really problematic!

"Eh? Don't you know?"

"what do you know?"

Seeing her weird expression, Zhou Fangwu felt a bad premonition in his heart.

"This country has been harassed by the demon king's army, so the whole kingdom is desperately looking for more outstanding strongmen, and actively wins them over."

"I want the support of the strong to fight against the Demon King, but that's what I should do."

"That's right, based on this reason, the talents passed down from generation to generation in the royal family are even more outstanding and excellent than ordinary geniuses. Therefore, the purpose of marrying the brave man who defeated the devil king is not as simple as rewarding the brave man. There are also various…”

"...Wait a minute—! Wait a minute! Why did the topic jump so quickly?!"

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly interrupted her.

"Compared to this reason, what does the latter mean?!"


Claire, who was interrupted, was also stunned for a moment, and asked back: "Is the purpose of marrying the brave man who defeated the devil... this part? But you don't have to worry, it doesn't mean that you have to be a brave man, the main judgment is to defeat the demon king." As for the Demon King, if Her Majesty the Princess marries Her Majesty the Hero, that's fine too."

"That's why I say this is the biggest problem!"

Just like the stories in other worlds, after the hero defeats the devil, he will marry the princess.

This country is also the same routine, but the purpose is not so simple, beautiful stories are always mixed with unpleasant dark sides~www.readwn.com~But!

In this way, wouldn't his plan be in vain? !

Why did he work so hard to reveal that he has a close relationship with Darkness, and would rather be a villain than say such things to Her Royal Highness who is like a little white flower!

Isn't it just to cut off the banner that other people set up against themselves!

But now, why did a princess suddenly appear again?

By the way, she is only 12 years old!

Even though she keeps repeating that she has grown up, she is still only 12 years old!

Huihui and Yoyo are two little lolitas aside, what's wrong with the sudden addition of a princess? !

I handcuffed, real punishment!

If this continues, I will be dead!

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