Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

: The combination of hero and princess is destined! ...Why is there such a strong sense of déjà vu?

PS: Late night benefits.


As the princess of a country, she needs to learn a lot.

Even though there are kings and princes above her, as a member of the royal family, she has not missed anything that should be learned.

Politics, history, place, life.

Just like the primary school students in the previous life, but more focused on the study and cultivation of the governance of the country.

But this knowledge sounds boring, like chanting scriptures, which makes people drowsy.

After taking classes with Princess Alice, Zhou Fangwu discovered that the magician Lei Yin and the female knight Claire are not only the guards of Her Royal Highness, but also teach her relevant knowledge about this country.

And Zhou Fangwu played in it, just a mere playmate.

That's right, a playmate.

It was supposed to be like this, but...

"—Based on this reason, the talents of the members of the royal family are far superior to those of ordinary citizens. Among them, they will always be combined with outstanding talents. That is to say, Your Highness, you will be married to the person who defeated the Demon King. This is also predestined. "

After finishing speaking, Claire stared straight at Zhou Fangwu at the back of the classroom.

I don't know why, but it has been instilling this kind of knowledge in Alice.

After hearing this knowledge, Princess Alice looked at Zhou Fangwu more shyly. There was an inexplicable special feeling between the two, and an inexplicable peachy atmosphere colored the classroom.

and many more!

wait for me!

Did you mean it?

right! You did it on purpose!

Obviously you still resisted letting Princess Alice hear such and such things yesterday, why did you suddenly change your mind and choose to leave it alone!


How about you, that foolish magician!

"Ahaha, it's not my fault."

Magician Lei Yin noticed Zhou Fangwu's dead fish eyes looking at her.

She scratched the back of her head in embarrassment, and explained with a smile: "After all, this is the tradition of the royal family, and it is also the knowledge that must be taught to Her Royal Highness, so..."

"So you just let Alice listen to this?"

"Then I can't help it."

Magician Lei Yin spread her hands.

Today is a history class, and the teacher is her companion. What the female knight Claire wants to teach is her own decision, and her status is more noble than hers, and what is done to the royal family and the country Policies are also better understood.

All in all, she is not easy to intervene.

"That's right..."

Zhou Fangwu smiled understandingly, letting the magician Lei Yin heave a sigh of relief, but was pinched **** the cheek in the next second.

"What are you talking about, you idiot! This is your punishment!"

It was obviously not her fault, but she was bullied like this. If she hadn't been unable to beat Zhou Fangwu, she would definitely have lost her temper on the spot.

Zhou Fangwu sighed, and asked Claire who was the teacher on the stage: "Then, how long will this class be over?"

"Well...according to the study plan, today's class will be later."

"Later? How late? When?"

"Until evening."

Can't wait for this place!

When he saw how Claire deliberately let Zhou Fangwu down, the hero said that he could not accept this kind of treatment, and at the same time showed that he wanted to leave.

However, Princess Alice looked at him beggingly.

Don't want to let yourself go...?

'Then come and play with me. ’ Zhou Fangwu really wanted to say that, but he opened his mouth and didn’t say it.

Alice is a princess, she has her own responsibilities, it is not wise to interfere with her studies blindly.

Similarly, Princess Alice is also fidgeting.

She could see that Zhou Fangwu wanted to take her out to play.

Under the call of the only playmate in the castle, Alice wanted to go out but couldn't make fun of the lecture, so she could only sink down in depression, and continued to look at Zhou Fangwu silently, the begging meaning in her eyes became more obvious.

"Alright, alright, I will stay." Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to sit down obediently again.

But in this boring and boring lecture, Betty listened with gusto.

She was already interested in history and ancient knowledge, and she didn't feel that Claire's lectures were too lengthy.

This time lasted until sunset.

During this half day, Zhou Fangwu noticed that Princess Alice had secretly looked at him dozens of times, and each time she turned her head to look at him and then immediately turned back, which seemed to be sneaky.

But he was not the only one who discovered this kind of trick, even Claire and Lei Yin also discovered it.

But everyone knew that Princess Alice always looked back because she was worried that Zhou Fangwu was with her all the time.

But this kind of absent-mindedness has a great impact on learning efficiency.

It made Claire and Rain annoyed.

"Okay! Today's class is over!" Zhou Fangwu confirmed to Claire on the stage.

Seeing Claire on the podium nodding silently, Zhou Fangwu and Princess Alice cheered, and then ran out to the grass together.

After being stuck in the classroom all day, it's time to get some exercise.

Even if it's a princess from another world, it doesn't mean that she has to be a frail girl with pale skin and a weak physique.

"Okay! Do it with me!"

Zhou Fangwu stood in front of Princess Alice and asked her to follow his movements.

"First session, chest expansion exercise!

Ready, Qi!

One two three four, two two three four, three two three four, four two three four! "

That's right, Zhou Fangwu is doing radio gymnastics with Princess Alice.

This is the movement that everyone in Datianchao should do when they are students. In order to relieve the pressure of class and exercise themselves, it is a gymnastics that has gathered a lot of crystallization of the predecessors. This is the real quintessence of the country!

...Although it is a radio gymnastics on the bad street.

Radio gymnastics focuses on stretching, but it also has jumping and bouncing links.

However, the gorgeous dress of the princess is just too inconvenient.

When she jumped up, she accidentally stepped on the hem of her skirt, and then her body subconsciously fell forward.

Seeing that the ground was getting closer and closer to her, Princess Alice couldn't help closing her eyes, ready to accept that she was about to fall heavily on the ground.

However, no.

The moment before she was about to fall, Zhou Fangwu came to her in an instant, took the fallen Princess into his arms, and let her lie on his chest.


It's not the cold grass, but the warm embrace.

When Princess Alice raised her little face, what she saw was that handsome and heroic face.

"My lord brother!"

Then he blushed again, like an overripe apple.

At this time, she remembered that in the class just now, Claire told her the reasons why the royal family would always be prosperous.

—【The combination of the princess and the brave is destined】!

Alice's face was glowing red, and Zhou Fangwu was also embarrassed and didn't know whether he should let go of his hand holding her.

Instead of letting Her Royal Highness fall, he should just hug her like this.

In this way, the two have been deadlocked.

"His Royal Highness! Are you okay!"

Claire's timely appearance interrupted the increasingly awkward atmosphere between the two. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"No, it's okay, Claire." Princess Alice lowered her head, not daring to look at Claire, she also knew that her face must be very red now.

"Ahem, Alice, let's stop here today, and change into convenient clothes next time."

Zhou Fangwu also knew that he couldn't continue.

If it goes on like this, there will definitely be big problems!

"Yes, my lord brother..."

Princess Alice obediently agreed.

It was exactly what she wanted.

It's just that while she was relieved, she was also slightly disappointed in her heart.

But he shook his head again, shaking off the sense of loss.

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