Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 516: Aldarp's end

After Princess Alice issued a clear order, the Knights of the Kingdom acted very quickly.

Headed by the female guard, Claire, as the commander of this operation. She led more than 20 powerful knights, and together with Zhou Fangwu and others, they went to Aldarp's mansion to arrest people.

With lightning speed, the leader of Aldarp was arrested.

And at this moment, what is Aldarp doing?

He is beating a demon.

In a dark basement.

Aldarp desperately beat a demon who curled up and couldn't stop begging for mercy.

This scene really made people's jaw drop.

Because I have never heard of demons being punched and kicked, and when they are beaten, they will only suffer silently instead of resisting.

"Damn it! Useless waste material! Rubbish low-level demon!"

Aldarp's eyes were red, and he was panting heavily. He didn't stop beating, but the strength in his hand had become much weaker.

After all, he has been venting for half an hour, and his strength has been exhausted.

The beaten demon no longer screamed.

It seemed that the low-level demon he was talking about was the one he had punched and kicked.

"You can't even do this little thing well, what use do I need you! Damn idiot, Max!"

Even though Aldarp didn't have the strength to continue the beating, he kept cursing the demon curled up on the ground.

And the beaten demon could only defend himself aggrievedly.

"Aldap, Aldap! It's not my fault. That person is so cunning that I can't do anything."

"Ah—?! You are the devil! Aren't devils synonymous with cunning! Sure enough, you are a useless low-level devil! The previous price is useless! Why did I summon you, a useless person? guy!"

When it said this, Aldarp became even more angry.

After a short rest, his physical strength recovered a lot, and he punched and kicked the demon curled up on the ground again.

half an hour.

Aldarp, who was really powerless, gave another command to the demon in front of him.

"Max, I have another task for you..."

The demon he commanded was summoned by him through an artifact.

At first, he was really excited to be able to successfully summon the demon.

But soon he discovered that this demon named Max actually had serious amnesia.

He had an evil idea about this.

—Trick the devil!

Aldarp always lied to Max, telling it that it had paid the price.

But although he didn't pay the devil the corresponding price, the tasks assigned to Max were basically impossible to complete.

Because in less than a day, the demon Max was completely forgotten.

It also caused many of his plans to fail.

This time too, because of Max's mistake, his opponent brought him a lot of trouble, and at the same time asked the demon Max to go again, hoping this time it can be completed smoothly.

With this expectation in mind, Aldarp returned to the top.

But as soon as he came out of the basement, his housekeeper quickly ran to him.

"My lord, there are guests here."


"A lot of knights came outside, as well as Miss Claire, the exclusive knight of Her Majesty the Princess, and [Hero Zhou Fangwu] and others. They are waiting for you in the reception room."

"What did you say?!"

Looking at the nervous butler in front of him, Aldarp also had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Come quickly to the reception room.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw several people headed by Claire.

"Ahahaha, isn't this Miss Claire and Your Excellency the Hero! I don't know what's the matter with the two of you coming to the humble house?"

Aldarp greeted hypocritically, and at the same time peeked around with his small eyes.

But seeing that apart from Claire and Zhou Fangwu, there were two knights and the rest of the hero team here, his ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

Sure enough, his premonition came true in the next second.

"Lord Aldarp! We suspect that you are colluding with the devil to endanger the safety of the royal family members! Now arrest you as a suspect!"

Aldarp was not given a chance to defend himself at all.

The two behind the female guard, Claire, were really tough and **** Aldap.

"Wait, wait—! What are you doing! I am the lord! No one can catch me except the orders from His Majesty the King! Let go! Let me go!"

Aldarp wanted to struggle.

But how can he, who is fat and weak, resist the strong knights?

In the end, he was tied up.

But after being tied up, Aldarp was still clamoring, berating the female guard Claire for her rudeness, and declaring that she would be arrested without His Majesty's order, and that she would be punished severely by suing the king at that time!


Zhou Fangwu didn't think he could see His Majesty the King again.

I thought that Aldarp would let the demon Max come out to save him, but he didn't expect to do so.

It seems that he also knows that he can't show his feet at this time.

No, maybe he still mistakenly thinks that Max is just a low-level demon, and if he comes out now, he will not be able to save him, but he will directly admit that he is in collusion with the demon.

Have a brain.

But it's useless.

From the moment you coveted the person next to me, your future is doomed to perish.


The process of escorting Aldarp went smoothly.

But along the way, Aldarp was clamoring, thinking that Claire, who had no right, had violated the laws of the empire by arresting him, and kept shouting that he was innocent, as if the royal family had really wronged him.

He never kept his mouth shut until he was taken to prison.

But when he saw Her Royal Highness in the interrogation room and the scale-shaped magic tool in front of him, he immediately silenced himself.

— That's a lie detector!

It is a special magic item that can accurately detect whether a person is lying or not!

"Long time no see, Lord Aldarp."

Princess Alice greeted him first, but Aldap still kept his mouth shut.

He knew that he must not speak at this time.

Polygraphs are powerful, but not without ways around them.

Not speaking, or flexible language, can evade a lie detector.


"Lord Aldarp, I will interrogate you next, and your answer can only be [Yes] or [No]. If you answer any other answer, I have the right to believe that you are in collusion with the devil!"

Following the opening remarks of the female guard Claire, Aldarp knew that he must not speak!



"Aren't you talking? It seems that Lord Aldarp, you really have an affair with the devil."

"You...! Hmph! I won't say it! If you arrest someone without the king's order, I have the right not to answer any questions! At the same time, I must report this matter to His Majesty the King!"

"Yes, you can do whatever you want. But if Lord Aldarp really colluded with the devil, according to the laws of the kingdom, you should not be able to see His Majesty the King!"

The female guard Claire was not frightened by him, but instead threatened him on this basis.

"You bastard...!"

Aldarp's face suddenly changed.

Because, he really colluded with the devil, and even raised the devil!

"Then, Lord Aldarp, you know this necklace. It was given to Her Royal Highness by you. You should know its true function."

An ordinary necklace was placed in front of him.

Aldarp's pupils shrank subconsciously, but did not answer.

"...So that's the case, do you know him?" Seeing that he was silent, the female guard Claire was writing something on a piece of parchment.

"Hey! I haven't answered yet!" Aldarp slapped the table and shouted.

"But from your expression, it can be seen that you really know what it is, and you are also very clear about its true function... In other words, you have the idea of ​​murdering Her Royal Highness! Right!"

Claire also talked more and more, looking at Aldap with anger on her face, and the knight sword at her waist smashed on the table, putting pressure on him.

"Not at all! I have no intention of murdering Her Highness the Princess!"



At first I thought that Aldarp was the hardest Claire, and the knight sword was about to be drawn out, but the lie detector on the table did not ring.

That said, what Aldarp said was true.

He really didn't intend to murder Her Highness the Princess.

It's done!

Aldarp was secretly delighted.

When he saw this necklace, he thought his sinister plan had been exposed.

But after hearing Claire's words, he immediately realized that Her Royal Highness and the others probably didn't know about it.

Otherwise, the question would not have been asked.

Then, as long as he uses his speech skills to divert their thinking and get rid of his suspicions, then he will be safe!

He made a good plan.

It's a pity that Zhou Fangwu, who always pays attention to him, saw a successful smile on the corner of his mouth, and abruptly extinguished his hope.

"No, it's not Her Majesty the Princess, but Her Majesty the Prince. The person Lord Aldarp is really going to send off is Her Majesty the Prince, not the Princess. Claire, you asked the wrong question just now." Zhou Fangwu corrected.

Hateful hero!

Alderp's heart skipped a beat.

After hearing Zhou Fangwu's words, he knew that his strategy had failed, and it was impossible to deviate himself.

"Your Excellency Hero is right."

Claire also reacted.

She interrogated again: "Then, Lord Aldarp, is your real target His Highness the Prince?! You, who are trying to use the evil necklace, really want to exchange identities with His Royal Highness, right?!"


Alderp was silent again.

Because he knew that once he opened his mouth, the lie detector on the table would ring immediately.

But this wordless silence also confirmed his true intentions.

In other words, he has no room for resistance at all.

Damn it!

Damn the royal family!

Damn hero!

Aldarp was extremely anxious, and even he was a little panicked, and cold sweat was streaming down his forehead.

【Murder of the Royal Family】

This crime alone can put him to death, not to mention having an affair with the devil and feeding the devil.

How to do?

What should I do?

How can I escape?

"Don't talk, Lord Aldap." Claire sighed, but the pen in her hand didn't stop, she landed on the parchment and wrote something quickly.

That's the charge against Aldarp!

Based on this alone, she has the right to arrest Lord Aldap and put him in a prison until His Majesty the King punishes him.

But there is one more important thing.

That is, whether Alderp had an affair with the devil or not.

"I'm going to ask straight to the point!" Claire asked seriously: "Lord Aldap, do you have an affair with a demon?! This is related to your life and the lives of other people, please Lord Aldap You must answer truthfully!"


"Shouldn't you say it..."

"I have nothing to say."


I thought that Aldarp would remain silent forever, but Claire didn't expect him to speak.

"Murdering a member of the royal family is enough to put me to death for this crime alone. Does it matter whether I have an affair with the devil?"

"Of course! This is related to the safety of other people in the capital!"

"Hahaha, what does that have to do with me?!"

At the last moment when he was about to be convicted, Aldarp knew that he could not escape the punishment of the royal family, so he fully revealed his evil desires.

"Demon Max! I ask you to help me escape now! This time, I will pay you!"

Alderp yelled these words into the void.

And such a sentence also came from the void.

"Really! Really, Aldap! Aldap, will you really pay me the corresponding price!"

"Oh, of course! I promise!"

Aldarp is also holding the attitude of trying.

Originally, he was about to be convicted and executed. At this time, he would naturally pin his hopes on the low-level demons he summoned.

"Excellent! Excellent, Aldarp!"

A cheerful voice came from the void.

Then, a humanoid creature in a tuxedo appeared in front of everyone.


Even if it doesn't say it clearly, everyone knows that it is a demon!

"Don't you want to know if I have had an affair with the devil? As you can see, I have!" Aldarp laughed wildly.

Claire was startled, and subconsciously stood in front of Princess Alice.

The aura emanating from this demon was so terrifying that her body was already trembling with fear!

"Your Excellency the Hero!"

"It's already ready!"

At the same time as she called, Akuya's hand glowed with a colorful light, and there was a strong purifying aura on it.

This is a special skill for demons.

"Shenguang Fist—!"

Akua yelled imposingly, and at the same time greeted her mortal enemy's face fiercely with her fist.


Its head was slowly blurred, allowing Akuya's fist to pass through its head.

It was incredible to be dodged.

Even Zhou Fangwu didn't expect such a thing.

He is worthy of being the Duke of Hell who is as famous as Barnir—【Twisted Reality Maxwell】.

Even Akua's Divine Light Fist couldn't hit its real body...Although it has something to do with Akua being very good at first.

"Ahahaha! I didn't expect you, a low-level demon, to be so powerful! If that's the case, then kill them! ...Wait, leave the girl behind!"

"However, it's better to run away now."

The demon looked at Zhou Fangwu with a huge amount of energy pouring out of him with some fear, and said to Aldap: "If you continue to stay here, you will probably die, Aldap."

Aldarp saw it too.

"...Damn it. Forget it, it's their luck this time, take me out of here quickly!"

He cursed unwillingly, and ordered Max who was beside him to take him away quickly.

"Okay, Aldarp, I'll take you out!"

Max responded.

In the next second, it took Aldap and disappeared in front of everyone.


"It should have disappeared."


"Hey! Stupid Aqua, why didn't you stop it just now! You're still a goddess!"

When others were not sure, Sato Kazuma complained that Aqua didn't help just now.

It caused Akua to complain aggrievedly: "Me too, I don't know why I didn't hit it! In other words, it's better than the idiot who almost peed his pants just now!"

"What did you say-?!"

Being so embarrassed~www.readwn.com~ If Zhou Fangwu and Darkness hadn't stopped him, Kazuma Sato might have scuffled with Aqua already.

"Huh—thank you just now, Your Excellency the Hero."

"It's okay, Alice's safety is the most important thing."

The female guard Claire was not an idiot either, she didn't question why Zhou Fangwu didn't stop the demon just now.

When Her Royal Highness is here, naturally it cannot affect her.

Probably because of this, Zhou Fangwu didn't make a move.

Unfortunately, she misunderstood.

There was another reason why Zhou Fangwu didn't make a move.

Aldarp, use your tragic ending to frighten those dirty nobles who want to have an affair with the devil.

So, you must meet my expectations well.

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