On the busy street of Wangdu, two figures suddenly appeared at the central pool of the street.

A short and fat nobleman in gorgeous clothes, a tall butler in a dress and a mask, just like the standard upper-class people going out...

It would have been better if the butler's gown didn't have those obvious footprints.

This kind of development shocked the pedestrians who were about to bump into it, but they didn't appear too shocked.

After all, this is a fantasy world, there is still teleportation magic, and the other people also have a familiar expression.

"This is...Central Avenue? Hey! Max! Why didn't you go back to the mansion! You useless devil, you really can't do anything well!"

The scenery in front of Aldarp's eyes changed too quickly, making him dizzy for a while.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he did not return to his mansion, but instead appeared on the street, yelling at the incompetent demon beside him very annoyed.

His domineering and superior attitude did not show gratitude to the demon who rescued him at all, but seemed to be calling his own slave.

Although it is strange to say so, who made him such a person by nature?

"Aldap, Aldap, it's not my fault..."

"Huh?! It's not your fault, so can it be my fault?!"

Demon Max wanted to explain, but was reprimanded even more violently, and he also felt the pain of being beaten by his contractor.

It's used to this kind of thing, so it can only bear it silently.

But this atrocity was stopped by another figure who appeared here.

"Excuse me, can you please stop the brutality?"

"Huh? Who are you?!"

Aldarp looked at the tall figure in front of him, wearing the same butler uniform as Max, and wearing a weird black and white mask on his head.

Even though he didn't know this person, he knew that the guy who felt extremely dangerous in front of him must be the same demon as Max!

"My generation? My generation is said by Barnier."

The person who came was the Duke of Hell, [Clairvoyance Barnier]!

And with an extremely gentlemanly and elegant attitude, he introduced himself to Aldarp.

"You bastard, you are a devil!"

Aldarp said affirmatively, and at the same time ordered Max, and said in a cold voice: "Kill him, Max! Kill this demon quickly!"

A strong sense of crisis came from the demon in front of him. Aldarp had a bad feeling, so he ordered Max to destroy the demon.


Max, who never refused his orders, refused this order for the first time.

"Why, Aldarp? Why should I kill my compatriots?" Max looked puzzled.

"Ah?! Are you stupid again! It's my enemy! Hurry up! Get rid of it!"

Aldarp was furious, and cursed: "You useless low-level demon, why are you always so useless at such moments!"

"...Low-level demons? Ahahaha—!"

Barnier seemed to have heard something funny, and couldn't stop laughing while clutching his stomach.

"You actually said that my companion... [Twisted Reality Maxwell], who is also one of the Dukes of Hell, is a low-level demon? Hahahaha—! This is really an extremely funny joke!"

"What did you say?! That's it?! Duke of Hell?!"

"Undoubtedly! You're lucky enough to summon my compatriots with an artifact, but you thought Maxwell was just a useless low-level demon. If you weren't lucky enough, the first summoned One demon is Maxwell with damaged memory... If it is any other demon, the price you paid the moment it was summoned is enough for you to disappear in smoke!"

"You, what did you say all of a sudden..."

Aldarp looked at Max in disbelief, his mouth opened wide.

Obviously, he didn't believe Max was such a powerful demon.

But the powerful demon in front of him admitted it, so it must be true!

Demon Max didn't have the self-awareness of a strong man, and still looked at Barnier blankly like an intellectually impaired idiot.

"It's strange, I seem to have seen you somewhere? Hey, where is it? Who are you?"

"It's the first time we meet, I'm Barnier. The [Clairvoyance Barnier] who can see through everything!

Although I don’t know how many times I have re-introduced myself to you, but I still want to tell you—you are my compatriots!

It's Maxwell, who is also the Duke of Hell!

It's just because of your damaged memory that you will forget your identity and my generation. "

"Oh! Oh oh oh! So it is like this!"

Demon Max seemed to recall something.

Then, he shouted to the dazed people beside him:

"Aldarp, Ardarp, it says it's called Barnier!

Barnier! Barnier! Such a familiar name!

It really seems to be my friend!

Barnier! I seem to remember the name! "

'What's the use of thinking about it now! '

Aldarp glared at Barnier viciously, he always felt that this strange demon appeared here on purpose.


"Well, it is indeed my generation who stopped you." Barnier said.

"what are you!"

"Oh, no wonder! Barnir is so powerful, he was able to drag me out of the magic!"

A shock, a clear.

Aldarp was startled and angry, but he had no choice but to ask, "You, what is the purpose of coming here?"

"Of course I came to take away my compatriots!

…Come on, go back, go back to where you belong, Maxwell! "

Barnier stretched out his right hand to it, and said something meaningful.

"If you don't go back now, you will be in trouble after a while. This is what I have been asking for so hard."

"Go back? Oh, oh, it's not bad!"

Devil Max agreed after thinking about it, but it seemed to remember something.

"But wait, Barnier.

Aldarp has not paid me the price before going back.

He just said that he is willing to pay the price! "

It's over! Just talked fast!

Hearing this, Aldap panicked.

When he was in prison just now, he was also a dead horse as a living horse doctor, thinking that since he was destined to be executed, he might as well try to ask Max to save himself.

Even at the beginning, he didn't put his hope on the 'low-level demon Max'.

But unexpectedly, he was indeed rescued.

The result was good, but because of the sudden appearance of Barnir, he had to pay the price to the demon Max.

It usually deceives Max, telling it that it has already paid the price.

But now, with Barnier present, there is no way for him to cheat to avoid the price he needs to pay this time.


'It always feels like it's on purpose! '

Aldarp stared at Barnier viciously again.

He heard Barnier's self-introduction just now.

【Clairvoyance Barnier】

In other words, this devil that suddenly appeared can actually see through the heart and the future... Is it possible?

"Yes! My generation did it on purpose."

As if hearing Aldarp's inner voice, Barnier didn't have the slightest excuse or silence, but admitted it openly.

"What did you say?!"

"It was my intention!"

Not frightened by Aldarp's gnashing of teeth in disgust, Barnir once again admitted the suspicion in his heart.

"You bastard! What is the purpose of doing this?!"

"Of course... it's to taste your negative emotions! It's great! This negative emotion is really great! Delicious! Incomparably delicious!"

Barnier changed his elegance just now, and his crazy appearance made Aldarp subconsciously take a step back.

"Not bad! Not bad, this kind of fear is also very good! Delicious!"

"You, you bastard..."

"Why did you stop yourself? Because it's interesting! Watching you being rescued at the moment you were about to be executed, you thought you would get the chance to survive and be extinguished again!

This feeling, this emotion of switching back and forth between despair and hope, is really delicious in the world!

Delicious, delicious! !

...Although I don't like it, Maxwell likes this kind of mood, but it's also a good choice to taste other flavors of mood once in a while. "

"You, what did you say all of a sudden!"

Aldarp felt that there was something wrong with the demon in front of him.

At this time, the central pool on Wangdu Street.

Here is the biggest traffic hub on the whole street.

Therefore, the abnormality of Aldarp and others here attracted many passers-by.

They all stopped and gathered around to look at them.

"What is happening?"

"Who knows? Was it a quarrel?"

"No, it seems that it's not just a quarrel, I seem to have heard a 'devil' just now... something."

"You too?"

"I heard it too!"

The crowd whispered and pointed at the three figures in the center of the crowd.

But they did not disperse, but watched with interest.

It's human nature - to like to join in the fun.

"Oh, there are more and more people gathering."

Barnier looked at the gathered people with an even worse smile on his lips.

It has achieved the purpose agreed with others before.


It's time for the next step.

"Hey, my lord, are you still on the run? Are you really okay? If you dawdle here, you will be caught in a while."

Barnier said these words lightly.

"Tsk, **** it!"

Only after being reminded did Aldarp realize that he was still fleeing.

If you continue to dawdle here, the knights will catch up immediately.

"So, what the lord should do now is to pay the price quickly, and then run away."

Barnier's words are obviously the best solution.

But the more this happened, the more disgusting he felt, as if everything had already been arranged, and he could only follow the other party's instructions step by step.

"How about it, do you want to dawdle any longer? Oh, my generation who can see through the future, I can already see the situation where the lord was caught. He was framed on the gallows, his head was chopped off, and there was a sound! It flew into the sky!"

"I know, I know!"

The more he listened to it, the more bored Aldarp became.

"I will pay the price! Correspondingly, as soon as I get the price..."

Before the word "roll" was spoken, a dull and crisp sound came from Aldarp's body.

— That was the sound of an arm being snapped.

His pampered body screamed first.


Seeing the demon Max holding his broken arm, Aldarp was obviously still in a daze.

But when the pain spread from the arm to the cranial nerve, he immediately yelled out the uncontrollable pain.

"It hurts! It hurts—!! It hurts, it hurts ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Heart-piercing screams resounded through the sky.

The crowd of onlookers subconsciously took a step back.

This kind of sudden accident made many timid people turn pale, and many people even shouted for the guards.


The noise and chaos of the crowd did not affect the three people in the center of the crowd.

"It sounds good! It's really good, Aldap! Your screams! It's really good!"

Demon Max was even yelling happily, dancing his hands and feet like a wicked brat who made a mistake and was extremely excited instead.

"Let go! Let go! Max! What are you doing all of a sudden!"

Aldarp endured the severe pain and reprimanded the 'lower demon' who was violent to him.


Barnier's ridicule reached his ears, and Aldarp knew he had been fooled.

This hateful demon deliberately made himself choose to pay the price!

It must have seen this too!

"Ah! What a delicious emotion! Is this pungentness hatred and resentment! It's really delicious! Humans, what a group of lovely... food!"

As he spoke, Barnier took another breath of air.

These two bastards, why are they always saying things they don't understand?

As if deliberately explaining to Aldarp, Barnir told him about the contract.

"Uh-huh-huh, Maxwell, the rest will go back to **** and continue. The price this man has to pay you is quite astonishing!

According to the contract, he must continue to emit the negative emotions that you like to eat, and maintain it for a period of time...

Hmm, judging from his reckless behavior during this period, he may not be able to repay it until the end of his life! Well, he won't come back here after that. "

"W-what—?! One, a lifetime——?!! No, no—!"

Aldarp trembled all over, and then subconsciously began to beg for mercy.

Thinking that he might suffer this kind of treatment until his death, his voice gradually choked.

"Ma, Max... Max! I, I did a lot of excessive things to you before... But, but... Please, save me! Help me! Please let me go, please You let me go...Actually, the things I did before were not because I hated you...Really, it's true! Believe me! So, oh, please...Please, Max!"

Even when Alderp told a clumsy lie, Demon Max was not angry or angry, but kept smiling.

A smiling face emerged from the expressionless clay mask.

The curved corners of Lianhe's mouth looked so innocent, like a pure child.

"It's okay, I like you Aldarp too." Demon Max said softly.

"I like it...! Then, do you want to let me go..." Aldarp asked tremblingly with a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"How is it possible, Aldarp!" The demon Max was still smiling.

Smiling shyly.

There was even a clear blush on his cheeks, expressing his love for Aldarp who was limp on the ground.

"Aldarp! Aldarp!

I like you, Aldarp! I like you, I like you so much that I can't extricate myself!

Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you after taking you back to hell! It's okay, I'll always be by your side, Aldarp.

I will always taste your despair, Aldarp!

Unlike those girls who are toyed by you and then abandoned at will, I will always be with you, Alderp!

Always, always, always—will be together!

Because, I like you, Aldarp! "

The viscous and disgusting 'love' made the crowd of onlookers shudder.

"you you you you…"

Aldarp wanted to say something ~www.readwn.com~ but his teeth kept clinking lightly.

Chills down the spine!

Only at this moment did he finally realize that the so-called demons were a group of freaks, unreasonable guys.

I finally understood why I couldn't like this demon no matter what.

Because, for a long time, deep in his heart, he held a hidden fear of this devil who had not revealed his true nature.

until this moment.

Looking at the smiling devil in front of him, the fear in his heart burst out.

A chill suddenly erupted from the soles of his feet and rushed straight to the top of his head. The sense of fear wrapped in the inexplicable cold froze his thinking.

He was too scared to be himself.

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