Leaving the green wilderness, entering the depths of the forest blocked by 'snow', there is a cave under the steep rock.

It looks like a beast's cave from the outside.

It is precisely because of such a hidden place that the human species can survive in such a place that it does not attract attention.

Caves are not as simple as they appear.

Walking into the cave, there are several rotten pillars inside, and two or three lamps emitting dim light are hung on the pillars, illuminating the way forward.

Go ahead and walk into the remote hidden tunnel.

Along the way, avoid countless traps used to catch wild animals and guard against enemies, and pass through layers of danger to the deepest part of the cave.

In an inconspicuous corner, there is a solid door made of logs.

And this door is the last insurance.

It is related to the safety of the lives of all human beings hiding here, and every day and every trip must be struck in an accurate and rhythmic order to open the door.

This is not to make a fuss over a molehill, but the human species must be so careful if they want to survive.

There must be no mistakes, otherwise what awaits them is death!

Go through the narrow door.

The cave inside becomes wider.

After all, there are more than 2,000 human races gathered here, which is already a relatively large colony.

The spring water gushing out from the depths of the cave ensures drinking water. Livestock are raised in the open space, and there is a river inlet that can serve as another entrance and exit to escape at any time, and salt and fish can be collected by the way.

Go down the wooden steps and come to a small square.

This is where they rest and gather.

Compared to the human species outside who would die if they didn't know what to do, they were able to survive while hiding here and shivering.

It's just about being able to survive.

Under the high pressure of this war, everyone's face is full of depression, hesitation, fear, and fear of the future. When life safety is threatened, no one will choose to sit and wait for death, and all their potentials are activated.


There are also people who can't hold on and choose to escape the sea of ​​suffering.

At this time, Yalei's role was revealed.

He has an out-of-the-ordinary personality and likes to make a lot of noise. He who can adjust the atmosphere is the pistachio of the colony in various senses.

It was also because of this that Rick valued him.

However, there are more than 2,000 people in this colony, and Yalei alone cannot inspire everyone's hope for tomorrow and the future.

The atmosphere of the colony is also unavoidable, becoming more and more depressing.

Today, the atmosphere is completely different.

Everyone cheered, with smiles on their pale and weak faces.

Rick knew it was a look of hope for the future.

What made the people in the colony change so much was not that the three of them came back safe and sound, nor did they have a huge harvest, but the man in the small square of the colony.

—The fire bearer.

That's what the human species called him.

The human species is not only 2000 of them, other human species are scattered anywhere on this planet, forming colonies or living independently.


From colony to colony, the human races don't communicate too much.

Under this kind of high-intensity war, those human species will evacuate the colony or... die at some point. Coupled with the lack of means of communication, they often lose each other's news, and in this case, they will default to the death of the other party.

Over time, there was no communication between the colonies.

But even so, the name of [Fire Passer] is widely spread among human races.

It is conceivable how many changes his arrival will bring to the colony.

"Listen to me, listen to me! Didn't the three of us, Ivan and Rick, go to investigate outside before, and then we saw a sky warship forged by a destroyed goblin!"


"And then, thanks to the luck of my uncle, I found a map from it. And the most important thing is that the map contains the land and sea of ​​the entire world, as well as the power distribution map and codes! It turned out to be a strategic distribution map. picture!"


"After that, Rick asked us to quickly transcribe, but at this moment... the outside suddenly vibrated, and a loud roar suddenly entered our ears. The three of us were so scared that we didn't dare to move!"


"After some perception, I realized that it was a demon species! It was 6 or 7 meters high and more than 3 meters wide. Walking on the road, the whole earth trembled wildly, and the sky battleship almost collapsed for the second time. ! And most importantly... it is only 50 meters away from us! 50 meters! So close! My heart is about to explode!"


Yalei's tone of voice is very contagious.

Coupled with his dancing, gesturing and scribbling, the onlookers were all attracted by him.

Even the heart contracted extremely, as if they were facing the demon species at that time.

And Yalei didn't speak when he saw that they were all attracted by him, but just looked at them triumphantly.

This made the audience very angry, and quite curious about the next development.

Some impatient listeners immediately urged Yalei to tell him what happened next: "...and then, and then! Don't be tricky, hurry up!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Yalei no longer kept his secrets: "Then... just when we were desperate, he—the [Fire Spreader]-sama suddenly appeared, and he only took a couple of hits to kill the demon seed Already!"

"Oh oh oh-!!!"

Hearing the ending that he wanted to hear, the whole square was boiling.

Everyone cheered, a sea of ​​excitement.

They danced happily, and the smiles on their faces never stopped.

The human species, who have been oppressed for a long time, are extremely excited when they learn that they can defeat a powerful enemy—even if it is the weakest demon species, even if the protagonist is not themselves.

The cheers grew louder.

Rick on the side frowned.

It's too loud.

"Aleigh, keep your voice down."

"Hey—what's the matter, anyway, I've returned to the colony, so let's be a little happier!"

What Yalei said was not unreasonable.

The current atmosphere in the colony is too tense. If nothing happens to change their inner panic, they will collapse first, and those who choose to leave this painful world.

It was also because of this that Rick didn't stop him when he was yelling.

"Too loud will attract wild beasts."

"It's okay, it's okay! Because there is this [Fire Passer] lord here!"


This guy-

Rick resisted the idea of ​​beating him, and said coldly: "Do you want to expose the colony to bring disaster, Yalei. I have no objection if you want to cheer, but you have to restrain yourself."

"...oh, oh...sorry."

Yalei also suddenly realizes how hidden dangers are in his agitating actions.

There are 2,000 people in this colony, even if there are [Fire Spreaders], most of them are women, children, old and weak, and most of them will be killed or injured when facing strong enemies.

Others also gradually understood and calmed down the hilarious scene. Everyone spread out and did what they were supposed to do.

If you want to survive in this world, you need to work harder.

Different from the numb and empty puppet zombies before, they all have cheerful smiles on their faces at this moment.

Seeing how excited they are, they will definitely not be able to sleep at night.

In the past, they were afraid to fall asleep because they were helpless and afraid that once they closed their eyes they would never be able to open them again. Now they have the hope of living, and their desire for the future makes them dream about a better life.

Gu Yan is only one person, and he can make such a change!

In that case—

Rick clenched his fists.

This is not jealousy.

He knew very well that this feeling was not jealousy.

"Sorry, I seem to have stolen your limelight."

At some point, a man called "Fire Passer" came before him.

This man who was brought back to the colony unknowingly carried a kind of warmth, which made people subconsciously move closer to him and want to get close to him, and also had an inexplicable sense of identification with him.

Maybe that's why Rick chose to believe him.

Otherwise, for the safety of the 2,000 people in the colony, it is absolutely impossible for him to bring strangers back.

"...Nothing. If it keeps them alive, the leader of the colony can too..."

"Oh, no way."

Before Rick could finish speaking, Zhou Fangwu interrupted him: "Since you know me, you should have heard my rumors—[Fire Spreader] will never stay in a certain settlement for a long time."

There are so many human species in need of help, and there is only one [Fire Passer] on this planet.

But all are selfish when it comes to survival.

If I can keep the people in the colony alive, if I can free myself—

Rick's fists were clenched tighter, and at the same time his gray eyes were gradually filled with dead air, and his aura became more gloomy, with a bad atmosphere surrounding him.

at this time.

"Don't stretch yourself too hard."

A gentle voice came from the side, a hand rested on top of his head, and the soft light enveloped him, both the tired body and the exhausted spirit were greatly relieved in an instant.

Like being removed from the heavy shackles, Rick seemed to be liberated at this moment.

"Carrying everything on your own may look cool but is actually an unbearable burden. You should seek help from others, Rick."


His enlightenment is very gentle and unhurried. In the past, Rick would never listen to other people's persuasion, but for some reason, he can accept his persuasion.

Is it because of the light that enveloped him just now?

"If you want most people to survive, you need to sacrifice a small number of people... This kind of survival method, similar to lizards cutting off their tails, is the best solution in a war that cannot be resisted, but it not only requires physical destruction, but also There is spiritual torment.

If you go on like this, you will be broken.

So don't let yourself be too tense, and it's okay to rely on others.

Of course, if there is anything you can come to me at any time, but only during the time I am here. "


Still silent.

Master Rick who [locked] his heart is strong in the eyes of the people in the colony, and can lead them to survive.

He has never relied on others and chose to carry everything on himself, but he cannot accept this choice of relying on others for the time being.

And at this time.

"Hey, big brother."

The charming childish voice attracted the attention of both of them.

What appeared in front of me was a little girl about 6 or 7 years old, with a thin and pale face in coarse linen, and looked a little malnourished.

This is also of course.

The resources of the colony are not rich, full stomach is an extravagant hope, starving to death is already the greatest charity given to them by the planet that is about to break.

But even so, there was a smile on her face.

It wasn't because of the arrival of [Fire Passer], she didn't understand the truth at all when she was young, but she was happy because of another reason—her father came back.


Ivan's daughter, a clever little girl.

"Big Brother, you saved Dad, right?"

Although it was a question sentence, she said it with a positive tone.

And Ivan on the side also walked over helplessly: "Sorry, Rick. Nona seems to have guessed something from Yalei's story."

His words made the two of them look at the innocent little girl at the same time.

It's not something that remains on the surface, but something deeper.

She discovers the truth that her father is 【Tail】.

Should it be said that war makes people mature quickly?

For such a young child, the innocence on his face has not faded, and he has already noticed the cruelty of war.

"It's amazing to be able to perceive this from the story, it's great~"

"Hehehe. So in order to thank big brother...here."

"this is?"

"Gift. A gift to thank Big Brother for saving Dad."

It was a flower, a beautiful little white flower in full bloom.

On the planet covered by [black ash], this little white flower is also working hard to live.

And Nona wrapped it in soil and treated it as a gift.


Accept the little white flower that contains your heart.

Looking at the bright smile on her face, she stretched out her finger and tapped her forehead: "I have received a gift, so I have to give it back."

Dots of bright light bloomed at the fingertips, gently drawing something on her forehead.

When the light dissipated, a cluster of golden flowers, like dancing flames, appeared on her forehead.

Nona caressed her forehead with her small hand, closed her eyes as if she was feeling something.

"It's so warm...Thank you, big brother."

"You're welcome. After all, I also got a gift."

"Hey hey."

Nona bared her cute little canine teeth, bouncing back to her mother, a scrawny young woman~www.readwn.com~ showing off, pointing to the flowers on her forehead for her mother to appraise.

And her mother did not disappoint her, and praised her for being more beautiful than before.

Both mother and daughter laughed.

And their husband and father, Ivan, looked at the two of them playing in the small square with satisfaction.

If only I could live happily ever after.

"Is this an elf?"

Rick couldn't hold back his doubts.

The human race is absolutely unable to use the elf corridor, which means that they cannot use elves, so they are absolutely weak and cannot resist.

If, if, humans can use elves—

"Spirits... If you can use this to make you understand, it's not spirits, but magic. They are fundamentally different. By the way, this power can't be used by humans."

The fantasy in my heart was shattered, and the extravagant hope was still out of reach.

Rick asked in disbelief: "Then, why can you use it?"

"Because I'm not from this world."

There was an obvious bitter smile on his always gentle face: "Let me introduce myself. It's the first time we meet. My name is Zhou Fangwu. Just call me Wu."

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