Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 592: You're the smartest person I've met in nearly a decade

The arrival of Zhou Fangwu is like a shot in the arm, rejuvenating the gradually numb colony, just like when we moved here 5 years ago.

At that time, they also lost hope of survival because the original colony was destroyed by the flames of war.

Only Rick stood up.

Only 13 years old, he shouted: "Use all possible means to escape, hide our existence, so that one day, someone can see the end of the war!"

To the grown-ups shrouded in despair and lamentation, Rick brought a small but dazzling hope.

So he became the leader of the colony.


Five years have passed, and the war is still not over.

The more serious war made the human beings who had no choice but to escape miserable, and Rick, who had been pinned with all his hopes, was about to be unable to hold on.

But now, a new "hope" appeared.


The other exit of the colony is connected to the mouth of the river on the coast, where the men are fishing.

They all had smiles on their faces, and even their tone became lighter.

"Great! Caught another big fish!"

A thin man raised his hands vigorously to pick up a fishing net soaked in the water. In the fishing net, there was a lively fish that was almost as long as his entire arm.

It's a big fish, and a pretty big one at that!

The man who was fishing with him next to him exclaimed: "This is the 10th fish of today! There are so many! What a bumper harvest!"

The thin man smiled foolishly: "That's right! I didn't expect that today I could catch more than yesterday!"

In his opinion, his wife and children can have a full meal after a long absence.

Although it was just tasteless fish, it was already an excellent filling food in the war years.

At this time, another man looked at the piles of fish strangely, and asked curiously: "By the way, don't you think this period of time is weird? The fish have become more and more, obviously last week. No fish."

"It's Lord [Fire Passer]!"

What the other man said suddenly caught everyone's attention.

They looked at each other, then clapped their hands again.

"That's right! It must be that adult!"

"You are right! There is only that adult!"

"It is precisely because of the arrival of that lord that we can have enough food! We must be grateful to that lord!"


Several people laughed loudly, full of fantasies about the days to come.

But Ivan, who was watching them from the side, didn't think so.

"Exaggerated! Don't you think so, Rick?"

He asked the leader of the colony who was fiddling with binoculars, and it was obvious that he sensed that the strange and terrifying atmosphere in the colony was not good.

The purpose of asking this is also to want Rick to take care of it.


I got Rick's usual nonchalant answer.

"What do you mean?"

"What...they attribute everything to Wu, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Is this really true?"

Rick stopped what he was doing, and he looked at Ivan with a strange look in his eyes.

This weird look made Ivan take a step back subconsciously.

"What kind of eyes do you have! I'm not as smart as Rick, but don't take me for a fool!"

"I didn't take you for a fool, I just wondered that you would doubt your savior or something."

"How should I put it...Although Wu is my 'savior', if he has other thoughts about the colony, that's another matter."

Compared with his insignificant life, the lives of 2,000 people in the colony are more important.

This is something everyone in the colony knows.

"Besides, don't you think they over-emphasize the myth of martial arts? I always feel that something is wrong when I attribute everything to one person."

"Is this really true."

"…What's the meaning?"

"You should observe the changes in the colony more, Ivan."

Ivan looked at Rick suspiciously, and Rick put down the binoculars in his hand, stood up and led him to inspect the colony.

"The colony's resources are limited, should you know that?"

"Ah, of course I know that."

The size of the colony is related to the number of people.

After all, there are only so many resources in total, and how many resources there are means how many human species can be supported. Under the oppression of food and resources, the extra human species can only be forced to choose to control the number.

Either go out of the colony to fend for itself, or there will be drowning due to insufficient resources. (drowning the newborn)

Ivan, who was a round older than Rick, knew this unavoidable heavy fact in the last colony.

"Could it be Rick that what you want to talk about is fish?" Ivan retorted without waiting for Rick to speak: "The harvest of fishing during this period can only mean good luck."

"Even if it's not the time for fish to migrate? What about the cubs of cows and sheep that have just been born?"

"It's just that it's time to give birth!...Although this year has been exceptionally smooth, it doesn't mean anything."

"What about... it?"

"This, this... this is—?!!"

At this time, Ivan, who followed Rick to the field, could no longer bear the shock in his heart.

It's a seedling!

It's the seed that sprouted!

In this land devastated by [black ash], in this black-gray land that has long lost its nutrients and vitality, it is actually covered by green seedlings!

"This, this is impossible!"

Ivan ran forward, and he knelt on the edge of the ground, carefully touching the young leaves of the seedlings.

he swears.

Not even the day his daughter was born was so careful.

"It's...really, really?!"

Ivan, who is known for his maturity and stability, also lost his size. He stuck his hands on the young leaves, feeling the tiny vitality.

This represents food and is the hope of life!

Ivan had experienced a lot anyway, and his momentary excitement gradually cooled down over time.

Rick asked: "How, do you believe it?"

"The facts are right in front of you, you can't believe it."

Ivan patted the dust off his body and stood up from the ground.

"Although Rick, you often do experiments to bring the land back to life, but bringing me here in this case means that you didn't do it. Then there is only one explanation."

"Ah, I didn't make it."

Rick nodded in acknowledgment.

"But how did this work? Could it be that Wu Zeng said...it's called [magic]?"

"I don't know. Although we don't know, we can ask."

Rick shook his head bluntly, but he led Ivan to the corner of the settlement square.

When they came to the corner, a tunnel appeared in front of the two of them, and at the same time a slight vibration came out.

"Is Wu in there?"

"Ah, he said he wanted to expand the colony, so I handed it over to him."

This is the corner of the settlement square, and there is a huge mountain on it, so even if it is mined vigorously, it will collapse.

Originally, Rick rejected the idea, because the huge movement would disturb the beasts on the mountain, and it might also attract the attention of other races.

But Zhou Fangwu told him that once it is completed, the colony will have a life-saving means. Although it may not help them repel powerful enemies, it can prevent them from being affected by the flames of war.

In other words, even if they were bombarded by artillery and had no time to escape, they could temporarily hide in this shelter and leave through another passage.

Rick thought about it and agreed.

After all, apart from the tunnel above, this waterway is the only way to escape.

But the boat cannot hold 2,000 people.

So it would be great for them to have another escape route.

"Wu! Is it convenient for you now!"

Ivan called softly into the tunnel.

This way of calling him Ivan has done several times.

The sound was very small, but he knew that Zhou Fangwu who was inside could hear it.

"Yes, please wait a moment."

Zhou Fangwu's voice came from inside.

The two waited outside for a while, and Zhou Fangwu came out.

His long white clothes were still on his body, and it wasn't stained by getting into the dark and dark tunnel, not even a speck of dust.

Zhou Fangwu looked at the two of them, and asked strangely: "Rick, Iwan, what do you want from me? Do you want to enlighten me?"

This is also the most he has done in this period of time.

Because there are too many people who have lost hope of living, everyone will confide in them after seeing themselves.

Fortunately, Zhou Fangwu and Akuya have learned a lot, and they are fooled under her influence... Cough, it is easy to solve them.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Fangwu is more and more respected by the people in the colony.

"We have a question to ask."

"Oh? What is it?"

"Recently, the resources of the colony have become more abundant. Did you do it?"

Rick's unceremonious question made Ivan's eyelids twitch.

Although Rick is smart, he is only 18 years old, and he is still not good at interpersonal communication, so this question is too straightforward.

And it's still so tough on [Fire Spreader], at least it's better to be more tactful.

Just when Ivan wanted to explain, Zhou Fangwu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care about Rick's impolite attitude, on the contrary, he was very satisfied.

"Did you notice it?"

"I noticed it a long time ago, so I came to ask you what's going on, and whether this method can be handed over to us."

Because Rick knew that Zhou Fangwu would not stay for a long time, he came to ask.


"Sorry, I really can't teach this."

"Is it magic again?"

"No, it's an existence higher than magic—power."

That's right.

【Power · Baicao Fangfei, Qianhua Dazzling】

The effect is that it can bloom in a large area, not limited to apprentices, and can even bloom in concrete and metal.

And Zhou Fangwu forcibly awakened the vitality of the seed with the power of the spell, allowing it to take root and sprout again in the land destroyed by [Black Ash].

Coupled with [Power · Huangliang Yicooking Dream], the colony will enter a super-high-speed development, which is a very powerful power in the backward ancient times.

"By the way, the authority is also beyond your use, and the land may return to its original state after I leave."


Ivan was silent for a moment, then clicked his tongue softly.

He didn't pin all his hopes on Zhou Fangwu, but without a way to fill his stomach, anyone would feel a pity.

Rick looked at Ivan who was silent, and knew that he had given up his unrealistic thoughts.

With his intelligence, he already knew that this could not be taught to them, otherwise Rick would not have stopped asking for a method for a long time.

But since this works, then change another method.

"Wu, when you say you want to help us, you don't just help us find an escape route."

If the purpose of the rumored [Fire Bearer] coming to the colony was to help them escape, then he would definitely not be touted as a **** by many human races.

"Well... Let's put it this way... Actually, I found that this colony doesn't seem to need my help."

Zhou Fangwu scratched his head in embarrassment.

He has walked through many settlements, very many settlements.

Those colonies had all sorts of problems, like: no actual leader, no proper colony base, no way to survive, etc.

Zhou Fangwu will also help them solve their current problems to a certain extent, and impart some knowledge and methods to them, so that they can survive the war safely.

But after coming to the set with Rick, he found that he could help too little.

The operation of the entire colony was completely normal, even more perfect than he expected.

There are leaders who can lead them, strongholds suitable for avoiding the flames of war, food sources that can be guaranteed, and various means of making a living and escaping.

Zhou Fangwu found that the colony did not need him.

Except that the leader of the colony always puts everything on himself, so that his mind is very unhealthy, there is nothing else.



There was an obvious look of disappointment on Ivan's face.

In fact, after he learned that the land could be restored to life, he, like everyone else, had great expectations for Zhou Fangwu.

But after that, whether it was land or help, the rumored [Fire Spreader] was not as he imagined... worthy of the name?

But at this moment, Rick suddenly spoke.

"It's not that it can't be done, but it's that it can't be done...Is that so."


Ivan was stunned.

But Rick didn't look at him, still looking directly at Zhou Fangwu, and said: "Because in this situation, we absolutely cannot help the human species."

Zhou Fangwu squinted his eyes slightly ~www.readwn.com~ and asked with great interest: "Oh, how do you say it?"

This tone seems to have admitted, quite a bit to test him.

"We are the human species, the weakest existence on this planet, and the most inconspicuous existence. And once we get the power, the power to kill powerful enemies, what will other races do? There should be no hesitation Let’s wipe out all the human species. After all, for weak humans, there is absolutely no strength to resist, and there is no option to ally with other races.”

【We don't exist, we can't exist, so we won't be perceived】

This is an unreasonable fact that Rick knew 5 years ago.

— Human resistance is not allowed!

clap clap—

Zhou Fangwu slapped his hands lightly.

"Rick, you're really smart, the smartest person I've ever met in 10 years."

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