Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 594: Tower of Priests and Mayflies

"Hey, no, it's not true..."

Rick looked at the chessboard in front of the two of them with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Finally, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "What-what do you mean [I'm very strong], aren't you weak?!"

Rick originally thought that Zhou Fangwu was very strong, so he used all his strength very seriously.

35 steps!

He successfully checkmates Zhou Fangwu.

During the period, if he didn't think that Zhou Fangwu had set some traps, which caused him to waste a lot of energy in fighting wits with the air and delaying the game, otherwise he could have ended the game faster!

"Yeah - it's not that I'm weak, but Rick, you are too strong, you should have more confidence in yourself."

Zhou Fangwu didn't care about winning or losing, he put away the chess pieces with a face change.

Seeing him so plain, Rick asked strangely: "Wu, you didn't do it on purpose, did you? This is too blunt."

"How is it possible!" Zhou Fangwu hurriedly shook his head: "It's purely Rick, you are too strong, I admit defeat, I can't beat you at all."

"Really? Well, I just trust you."

Seeing that Zhou Fangwu didn't seem to be cheating, Rick no longer wondered whether Zhou Fangwu was really cheating, and just accepted his kindness silently anyway.

"Okay. Now that the chess game is over, it means that I have been approved by Wu."

"Of course! You with extraordinary intelligence are exactly what I'm looking for."

Zhou Fangwu once again affirmed him.

But at this time when it should be warm and touching, Rick said anxiously and coldly: "Then tell me the strength you have accumulated, you who have accumulated strength for 10 years must have the ability to change the status quo Bar!"

"...You are really pragmatic."

Zhou Fangwu's kindness was wasted.

But he wasn't angry either, instead he patted the tunnel behind him and invited Rick: "I've long thought that this day will come, come with me, and let you see my preparations for the past 10 years."

Rick followed Zhou Fangwu into the tunnel.

In his memory, Zhou Fangwu said half a month ago that he would build another escape tunnel for them, so he handed over this place to Zhou Fangwu.

Could it be that this escape tunnel was Zhou Fangwu's preparation?

That's too useless for 【Fire Passer】.


As the two walked farther and farther into the passage, Rick suddenly felt that something was wrong.

They are not going straight, they are going down!

It was supposed to be a tunnel for everyone to escape, but it turned into a downward path instead.

Could it be that another refuge has been prepared under the colony?

Although it is useful, in the face of the fall of the elf cannon, the thick land is useless and will only lead to collapse.

Besides, the flames of war came very suddenly during the war, and they probably had no chance to evade.

But Rick didn't speak, just frowned slightly and continued to walk down behind Zhou Fangwu.

Strangely, the air should get thinner as you go down.

But for some reason, Rick didn't find it difficult to breathe, which was amazing.

The tunnel was getting darker and darker, and a small light cluster appeared in front of Zhou Fangwu.

It was created by magic power, and it was the power Rick wanted most. But unfortunately, Zhou Fangwu told him that humans cannot use magic power.

Just as he was diverging his thoughts, he heard Zhou Fangwu's voice.

"Rick, what do you think the human race needs most to survive the war? Is it strength or wisdom?"

Without waiting for Rick to answer, Zhou Fangwu said first: "Neither, but a node connecting the human species—tell other human species that you still have compatriots and human species in the same situation are struggling to support you. Give them hope of surviving."

【It's not just you】

This is to be conveyed to every human species.

The feeling of being disconnected and alone can lead to a loss of hope, and the outpouring of hopelessness can overwhelm the entire colony. But if the various colonies can be connected together, the huddling among the weak for warmth will arouse the strong desire of the human species to survive.

Zhou Fangwu didn't understand at first.

He has helped many colonies and improved their lives.

But this has no effect, and they will resume their original life soon after they leave, and even the life after that is much more severe than Zhou Fangwu imagined.

He knew that this was the reason why there was no support and no hope.

So in order to find a replacement, Zhou Fangwu shared the location of each colony, letting them know the existence of other colonies and when they lost the colony, they could look for other human species.

After walking down for 10 minutes and crossing countless steps, I came to an open space.

This is a square buried underground. It is very large and can accommodate at least 2,000 people.

And in the center of the square, there is an object emitting dazzling light.


This is a tower about 5 meters high!

From the ground of the square to the roof, a tower full of sacred and warm light appeared in front of Rick.

"this is…?"

"The node connecting all human species."

Zhou Fangwu didn't explain much, but let him follow him forward.

"Rick, put your hands on it."

Rick put his hand lightly on it.

Suddenly, a dazzling beam of light rushed out from the top of the tower, and then fell back in front of Rick.

The light dissipated, and what appeared in front of him was a stone slab, the appearance of which was no different from ordinary stone slabs.

But after he caught it, light suddenly shot out from the slate, forming a curtain of light and shadow in front of the two of them.

On it, there are countless light spots dotted with light curtains.

"Could this be...?!"

"Well, the location of other human species."

Zhou Fangwu explained to Rick.

"How about it? Are you very touched when you see that there are still so many human beings living on this planet?"

"Ah, I'm really touched!"

Rick looked at the countless light spots above, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help getting moist.

do you know?

Fear of loneliness is a common feature of human beings and a normal state in the life of human beings.

Although there are 2,000 people in the colony, knowing that there are more comrades alive, no matter who they are, they will feel happy.

Especially with such a weak human race.

"Don't worry, this is something that only the human race I selected can use, and it doesn't use elves to operate, so it won't be noticed by other races."

"...Is it magic power? It's really convenient."

"But it's more than that, Rick."


"Under my use, it can convey information to other human race colonies to a certain extent. That is to say—you can make all human races obey you, and you are the real leader of all human races! Now on your body It not only bears the lives of 2,000 people, but also the future of the entire human race!"

Zhou Fangwu had great expectations for him. He was overwhelmed by the death of only 47 people. Is he qualified to bear the future of the entire human race?

Come on, what will you do, Rick?

Rick lowered his head, looked at the slate in his hand, and remained silent.

a long time.

He raised his head, with a confident smile on his face, and a burning brilliance in his eyes.

He declared like this: "Needless to say! Of course it is to implement my rules! In this war, I will never allow anyone to die!"

Zhou Fangwu laughed happily: "...Puff—hahaha! Very good, very good! Sure enough, I read you right! Your desire to prevent people from dying is extremely difficult, so you have to put in more effort! Go to Go ahead, Rick! Go forward to the future you envision!"

"Oh! I will try my best!"

Rick held the slate tightly in his hand, and he already had more assistance. This gift of connecting all human races, he will play the role to the extreme.

before that.

"Sure enough, it needs to be combined with the map first."

There is no map drawn on Zhou Fangwu's light curtain, but the location is marked in the void.

The reason for not doing this is because the map may change at any time now that wars may break out at any time, so even making a map is useless.

"Get ready, Rick. I'll find you later."

"Oh, I'll just leave first."

Rick hurried away.

"...Sure enough, is it the only way to do this?"

Zhou Fangwu stood alone in front of the tower, staring blankly at the tower emitting bright light.

This tower is not a simple tower.

To be precise, it is a tower of sacrifice.

This is a tower created by referring to the ancient worship of gods. The effect is to gather the belief power of the human species, and then gather it on Zhou Fangwu.

This is why Zhou Fangwu helped them survive and built towers in the colony before they even arrived.

Its purpose is to reproduce the world-severing lightsaber used in the world of godslayers again.

It's just that it's too difficult.

It was possible to achieve that level because of the faith that Pandora had collected for thousands of years, and the huge power of faith broke out in an instant to successfully cut off the world. And even if Zhou Fangwu has the same light group that collects beliefs, it will take an exaggerated amount of time to reach that level.

Who let all the power of faith be squandered in the world of Godslayer?

Even if he knows that it is difficult to achieve it by this method, if he does not do it, he will never achieve it.

As long as there is a little hope, he will do it.

And not only this effect, Zhou Fangwu also relied on the existence of the tower to do other things.

—How to make the human race stronger.

Although he knows that he can't help the human species become stronger if he is not ready, this does not prevent him from thinking, experimenting, and finding ways to make humans stronger.

He tried many ways.

I don't know if this planet is deliberately targeting the human species. No matter if it is elves, magic power, spell power, or authority, the weak human species cannot use it. Not even carving elven corridors on their bodies.

It's a pity that Zhou Fangwu couldn't give them 【Benefit】.

Otherwise, there may be a way to make the human species stronger, giving them a chance to gain great power.

The use of external force has been cut off, so we can only find a way from ourselves.

【breathing method】

For some reason, he turned his attention to it again.

As the root of the strengthening of the human species, the enlightenment of [breathing method] is very important.

It’s just that it takes time, a long time, to learn [breathing].

However, what the human race lacks most now is time.

Because of this, Zhou Fangwu chose another method.


"Wu, can this thing really make us stronger?"

Ivan felt the warmth from his forehead.

There is a cluster of golden flowers like dancing flames engraved on it.

It's the exact same pattern as her daughter's.

"Wow! Dad has the same pattern as mine!"

Nona chuckled while stroking Ivan's forehead with her small hand.

Yalei on the side retorted reluctantly: "This will definitely make us stronger! Because, this is what Lord [Fire Passer] personally portrayed for us!"


"Okay! Since you don't believe Ivan, let me prove it!"

"Wait, don't mess around!"

Yalei didn't listen to the advice at all, he activated the flower tin on his forehead according to the method Zhou Fangwu told them.


The pattern carved on his forehead turned into a real flame in an instant, gently swaying from side to side on his forehead.

At the same time, his eyes were dyed pale gold.

At the same time, inexplicable patterns appeared on the exposed skin on the face and arms.


Yalei shouted excitedly.

Feeling the strange power attached to his body, he happily ran and jumped back and forth in the center of the square. At this moment, he possessed strength and speed far beyond his own.

But after about 10 minutes, the flame on his forehead gradually extinguished and turned back into a golden flower tin.

Yalei, who lost his blessing in mid-air, immediately fell to the ground.

"...It hurts so much!"

Ivan helped him up from the ground, and blamed him, "Idiot, who made you so reckless."

"I also want to show you the effect." Ya Lei tried hard to defend.

And Rick also felt the warmth on his forehead, looked at Zhou Fangwu and asked: "Is this strength also your accumulation in the past 10 years?"

"Well, that's right."

Zhou Fangwu nodded with a smile.

Since there is no way to rely on oneself to generate magic power, and there is no way to keep magic power in the body, then just rely on something that can retain magic power.

The golden flame on the forehead is the proof.

Not only can it retain a certain amount of magic power, but it can also temporarily activate the human race's potential to use the [breathing method · markings] state, but the disadvantage is that it will cause soreness in the body, but it will no longer be needed after they get used to it.

Another drawback is that when the energy is depleted, it will exit this state, and to reactivate requires another injection of energy.

But Zhou Fangwu has only one person, and there is no way to help them inject energy at all times~www.readwn.com~ So at this time, the tower of priests is needed.

Towers of priests can absorb faith as energy, reactivating the golden flowers on their foreheads.

Take it from the people and use it for the people.

In this way, a perfect closed loop can be formed.

Although it can only be blessed for a short time, it can also be used as a means of life-saving in the face of ordinary powerful enemies.

If Rick has always regarded them as [ghosts] that do not exist and are not allowed to exist, then they now have a new name.



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