
It has an ancient and special shape and is the most primitive winged insect.

Unlike the cicada chrysalis that were broken into butterflies and reborn, they are now smaller than the cicada chrysalis.

Bury themselves in water for several years, and when necessary revert to the terrestrial, winged, sub-adult stage typical of mayflies.

At that time, he completely shed the shackles of insects, had wings, and became more beautiful.

But this beauty comes at a price.

They do not drink or eat after turning into sub-adults, and their lifespan is extremely short, only a few hours!

Don't you think this is a metaphor for the human race?

It was not the creation of the gods, but the evolution of the planet itself from wild monkeys to two-legged beasts, which represented their age and primitiveness.

Although very small, they can form a vast army and form a huge and spectacular scene.

Small but can burst out through unity a huge force that can overcome everything.

Although this power may be short-lived, it may only emit a little dazzling light.

Even so, it is enough.

They would like to have a better future under the leadership of Rick.

—It should have been like this.

"Wu! A new sky warship has crashed in the southern forest. Go and help me copy down the map and strategic distribution map."

"Oh, no problem!"

The world map and strategic distribution map are very important things related to the location of their future settlements, so Zhou Fangwu immediately agreed.

"Wu! The human settlements in the west are too close to the battlefield, go help me and tell them to leave quickly!"

"Oh, leave it to me."

It is also necessary to care about the safety of other human species, so Zhou Fangwu also agreed.

"Wu! There is a new type of spirit plate in the north that can detect elves. Go and help me bring it back."


The spirit plate can detect elves, which is very important for the subsequent strategic deployment. Zhou Fangwu thought about it and agreed.


"Wu! You go..."

"Wu?! Help me..."

"Wu-! Hurry up..."

"Hey, Wu!..."

Following Rick's orders, Zhou Fangwu finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The veins on his forehead popped out, like a hard-working migrant worker being squeezed by a black-hearted boss, he let out a soul roar.

"Rick! Why do I always go, I should give you strength! I am also Lord [Fire Passer] anyway, don't treat me as a tool man!"

"Ah... ah ha ha ha, don't be angry, don't be angry."

Rick patted his forehead embarrassingly, seeing that Zhou Fangwu was really angry, he quickly gave a reasonable explanation.

"Ah, you see, the distance is too far. It might take 3 or 4 days to return to other places, but Wu can come back in half a day. Whether it is efficiency or safety, Wu is the most convenient, isn't it? You know, I boasted that no one will die in Haikou!"

"Even so..."

Zhou Fangwu pinched his forehead in distress and felt a headache.

Although he could have expected such a time, he still couldn't accept it for a while.

You know he is a fire passer!

Every time I go to a colony, not to mention offering myself as a god, it is also respectful. Who would have thought that Rick would treat himself as a useful tool person without any politeness, and he should take it for granted, showing that he is a thing? A good leader who makes the most of it.

In other words, you treat me as a tool every time, don't you feel sad at all? !

"Brother idiot! Give me more respect, Master Fire Passer!"

Before Rick could apologize, the red-haired woman punched Rick's soft waist and abdomen, causing the frail colony leader to cough up saliva on the spot and show a painful expression.

"No, Cole, I'm not mad..."

Zhou Fangwu just wanted to adjust Rick's mood, not really angry.

Because Rick's purpose is too strong, he always feels that Rick is chasing something, and he is afraid that Rick will lose his proper direction because of his eagerness, so he deliberately strikes, trying to calm Rick temporarily.

But to his surprise, Rick didn't seem to be dazzled by eagerness.

"Well, don't be angry. Forget it, although it's still early, just take this out."

Rick smiled wryly and rubbed his waist and abdomen. At the same time, he came to the conference table and motioned the two of them to look at what he had prepared these days.


It's just that not only the land and sea, the direction of war, and the strategic layout have been adapted, but also the nodes that Zhou Fangwu used to connect all human race colonies are also on it.

Cole looked at the map, feeling dizzy from the complicated information on it.

"Rick... did you do this?"

Integrating this huge amount of information together, I think Rick has made a lot of efforts.

Zhou Fangwu didn't speak, but gave Rick a thumbs up to express his high praise.

And this time.

Rick held up the map, with a childlike innocence on his face, and said something incomprehensible to the two of them.

"—Come on! The board is ready, let's start the game!"

Although he said it was very handsome, but in order to really start the game, you still need to arrange the rear.

For this, they need to transfer the colony.

Although this settlement is relatively hidden, there is a new shelter built by Zhou Fangwu below, but the next battle will spread here.

The seemingly thick land is just fragile tofu in front of the powerful magic cannon.

The entire colony will be vaporized when an energy cannon is fired.

They want to stay away from the flames of war.

"Hey, Wu! Take this thing over there!"

"Wu, take this, this, and this..."


Sure enough, he still regarded himself as a tool man.

Seeing Rick who was unceremoniously directing something as heavy as himself, Zhou Fangwu sighed and accepted this kind of work like a tool man.

But really happy.

Seeing the smiles on everyone's faces, even Zhou Fangwu's expression became happy.

Being able to be so happy in the war is almost impossible to see.

Just smiling, his expression became frozen, and he fell silent again.


Seeing Zhou Fangwu stop, Rick felt that the atmosphere around him was not right, so he stepped forward to ask with some concern.

Zhou Fangwu shook his head.

He didn't want to say anything, and he didn't want Rick to go any further.

And Rick just took a deep look at Zhou Fangwu, and did not continue to ask as he thought, but continued to direct other people to evacuate.

Colony removal went smoothly.

Thanks to Rick finding a gap in the war according to the strategic layout, they came to the new colony without any disturbance and settled down.

As soon as he arrived at the new settlement, Zhou Fangwu continued to dig holes.

This is the gene engraved in the bones of every Chinese person, and the infrastructure madman is not joking.

It's just that Zhou Fangwu got into the ground in such a hurry, in Rick's view, he seemed to be escaping from something.

what is it?

Rick wondered.

It's a pity that Zhou Fangwu has been digging holes for the next few days, and Rick has a lot of things to do because he just moved to the new settlement, and the two didn't have much conversation.

And half a month later.

"Hey, Rick, who is she?"

Zhou Fangwu looked at the young girl in front of him, feeling a little unbelievable.

"Ah, she is a survivor who was involved in the flames of war, a human species picked up by me... well, I confess."

Zhou Fangwu looked at him like a fool, which hurt him deeply.

Rick dropped his shoulders, chose not to struggle, and confessed everything.

Rick pointed to the mechanical lifeform on the side, and introduced: "She is Jubby, the Ex-Machina."

"Hi, my name is Jubby~"

Jupi put on a cute expression and spoke cheerfully, but still couldn't hide a blunt mechanical tone.

"Hi, Jubby. I'm Zhou Fangwu, just call me Wu."

Zhou Fangwu held out his hand to her.

Zhubi looked at the hand in front of him, then at his own little hand, and shook Zhou Fangwu's hand lightly while being puzzled.

But for Ex-Machinas, this kind of movement was strange, so she tilted her head and asked Rick.

"Rick, is this...?"

"Handshake. A way of saying hello."

"Is it an analysis of [heart]?"

"...I guess. When communicating with people, I will use this social method to establish a friendly relationship when I meet for the first time."

Rick thought for a while, and gave this not-so-perfect answer.

But it was good enough for him.

Rick, who has never had much close contact with the colony, is not as close as he seems to get along with everyone.

Because he knew that when he gave the order (to die), his judgment would be disturbed by this feeling...even though he had already been disturbed.

Jubby didn't understand, she remembered what happened when the two met for the first time.

"Juby doesn't understand, and I didn't shake hands when I met Rick, so we don't count as a relationship?"

"No, no, no, we've done more violent things than shaking hands."

"Is it 'Please kiss me, brother!' this?"

"Hey, hey, Miss Jubby! There's something wrong with your words!"

Zhubi's unconscious words made Rick feel that he was already dead. Facing Zhou Fangwu's perverted eyes, he waved his hands wildly and anxiously wanted to explain.

However, Jubie's subsequent words made his explanation extremely pale.

"What's wrong there? Could it be that Rick wasn't wearing clothes when we met? Or was Rick playing tricks on me? Or did I change my personality because of my own preferences?"

"No, no, obviously you ruined my clothes first. I wanted to push you away before I touched you. I hope you can integrate into the colony smoothly by changing your character!"

"Don't Rick have ideas for me?"

"This, this..."

The interaction between Rick and Jubby made Zhou Fangwu's forehead bulge with blue veins.

These two guys...

Don't you know how excessive it is to spread dog food in front of outsiders?

I wanted to tease him, but I didn't expect to hurt myself.

Zhou Fangwu hurriedly interrupted them and continued to show affection: "Okay, I understand, I don't need to explain anymore."

Rick glanced wildly, pretending to be serious and said: "Cough... I don't have any strange ideas, it would be better if Wu Neng understood."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Zhou Fangwu didn't want to get hurt again, so he stopped teasing him.

"By the way, Wu, how did you find out Jupi's true identity? Is it because of magic?"

"No, it's not magic. Rather, I know everything about Rick! Whether it's the fact that you've been busy sorting out information recently and trying to make small moves, or that you went to the village where demons and goblins fought, or where Ke, you can't sleep at night and make small moves, I know all about it."

"Wow, the words of a fanatic stalker really make my hair stand on end."

Rick rubbed his slightly swollen arms, looking a bit unacceptable.

Zhou Fangwu was annoyed by his act like playing tricks, and then gave him a light slap.

"You are the person I am most optimistic about, so Rick's safety must not allow accidents, so...I let her be your bodyguard."


As Zhou Fangwu snapped his fingers lightly, a half-human, half-snake woman with double fish tail, white bird wings and long red hair emerged from Rick's shadow.

【Power · Faceless Queen】

"She is Meluxin, she can be regarded as a goddess... Cough, my family member."

Zhou Fangwu realized that something was wrong with what he said, so he quickly changed his name.

"She is my bodyguard specially prepared for you. She will appear when your life is threatened."


Rick looked suspiciously at the woman in front of him who looked like a patchwork of various animals.

The probing look in her eyes was a bit over the top, which dissatisfied the wise Meluxin, she flapped her wings and knocked Rick to the ground.

"Hey, hey, is she really protecting me?! Jubby didn't show up when she was about to hurt me. I just glanced at her and was thrown to the ground...I feel like she's targeting me on purpose!" Rick yelled angrily.

"Uh... I didn't show up because I found that Jubby was not hostile. Don't look at her like this, but she is actually a very powerful bodyguard."

Originally, this was the power he had usurped, and Zhou Fangwu had nothing to do with the very proud goddess. In addition, Rick's eyes just now were indeed a little too much, and it is normal to be punished.

"Analysis. What Wu said is correct, the individual named Meluxin does possess very powerful power."

Jupi also dissects Merusin, proving that she is indeed powerful.

But Rick yelled like a child: "I don't care! I don't want her to protect me! And being watched every day, this feeling is very uncomfortable and will affect my thinking!"

"But your safety..."

Zhou Fangwu patted his forehead in distress, he didn't expect Rick to resist so much.

Is it because there is no sense of security, or is it that I have done too much?

"Ah, about that...with Jupi protecting me!"


Rick held Jubby beside him, making the Ex-Machina who wanted to understand the "heart" feel confused.


"It doesn't matter! Jubby will always get along with me from now on, there is no problem with safety or anything!"

"...Forget it, if you insist."

Seeing that Rick insisted on this, Zhou Fangwu had no choice but to unsummon Meluxin.

But when you think about it, it must be a bad feeling for a young couple to kiss me and see an outsider peeping in the dark.

"And... Jupi, you want to find the [heart], right?"


"Then stay with Rick well, maybe one day you will understand what [heart] is."

"it is good."

"Then, when you understand [heart], if you encounter difficulties, you can call out my name. At that time, I will help you realize a wish."


"Hmm! Any wish."

"it is good."

Jubby didn't understand, but she nodded anyway.

Zhou Fangwu said to Rick on the side: "Then I will leave. The nodes here will be built soon, and then we can start planning."

"Oh~www.readwn.com~ so fast?!"

Rick was so happy that Jubby couldn't understand why he was so happy.

Zhou Fangwu waved his hand and went back underground again.

And Rick also stopped dancing, his excited expression gradually calmed down.

"Finally no surveillance?

Goddess... Sure enough, Wu, you are hiding something... But it doesn't matter anymore.

Accept it, Wu!

The gift that the human species gave you is very exaggerated. "

Rick squinted like a sly fox.

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