Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 603: A chance to end the war

When he knew that there were humans on this planet, Zhou Fangwu's heart was filled with joy. But when he was rejected by humans, he was lonely in his heart.

But this does not affect his pace.

After learning that human life is very difficult, he is determined to change this situation.

If the first colony fails, learn the lesson and start with the second colony.

As for the fear of powerful force, it will be difficult at first to broaden their horizons by showing them a little bit, but as long as there are more successes, the work after that will be much easier.

In fact, it was exactly what he thought.

After finding other clusters, Zhou Fangwu acted like an ordinary person to join them. Thanks to the fact that human beings are the weakest existences that cannot survive without being grouped together for warmth, he was not questioned and questioned.

After all, human beings are not valued by other races at all, and human beings have no energy to fight among themselves.

In fact, the practice of boiling frogs in warm water was much smoother than Zhou Fangwu thought.

After showing that he was stronger than ordinary people but not too much stronger, his voice in the colony gradually increased, and he gradually controlled the entire colony.

There is no drama of intrigue and conspiracy to seize power.

The fragile human beings under the great war only want to survive safely.

When Zhou Fangwu successfully became the leader of the colony, he began to look for suitable talents to impart knowledge and strength to them.

It's just that it didn't go well.

Because humans cannot use any energy.

Zhou Fangwu thought of many ways, such as giving them magic crystals with magic power, but humans without magic power as an introduction cannot use them at all.

I also thought about drawing a magic circle on them, but their bodies repel all energy, and the magic power can't be retained at all.

That's right.

Not only is the elven corridor, no matter it is magic, spell power, authority, etc., humans cannot use it, even if Zhou Fangwu bestows them with blessings!

Human beings seem to be rejected by this planet naturally.

It's really ridiculous and unbelievable.

As a race that lived in the oldest era on this planet and evolved from monkeys, is it not recognized by this planet? !

Zhou Fangwu was in trouble.

He thought of many ways, but was shattered by the cruel reality one by one, as if...human beings are born to be the bottom of the intelligent race, and they are being exploited by other races!



Do you think this little setback will make me give up? !

No, it's impossible!

He will not be hindered!

Zhou Fangwu is determined to change the living conditions of human beings!

Unfortunately, he has to leave this colony.

In just one year, he will be leaving.

Because many methods have been tried, and many technologies and abilities that should not be used by humans have been used during the period, the entire colony has begun to have a different voice.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

Human beings seek change and also seek immutability.

Zhou Fangwu's similar experiments on them had already alerted them.

He knew that the second colony no longer allowed him to stay.

no way.

For the stability of the colony, he should leave.

Hastily appointing the next reliable leader, Zhou Fangwu left the settlement.

Although some people guessed something and begged him to stay, they still resolutely left on the grounds of [there are other humans who need help].

However, unlike the first colony who left neatly, he still left behind a tower that could hold up a protective cover to a certain extent.

It's just that when he went back, the tower had collapsed, and the colony had already been bombed and turned into ruins.

Of course, this is another story.

Afterwards, Zhou Fangwu visited many settlements, some stayed for a longer period of more than a year, and some stayed for a shorter period of one or two months before leaving.

During this period, he also discovered an interesting thing.

That is, the human beings in the colony have different ability to accept new things.

Although they all joined as ordinary people at the beginning, some colonies were very interested in his strength beyond ordinary people, and some colonies were afraid of his strength.

This is also the reason why his stay time in each colony is different.

As he passed through more and more colonies, the experimental results became more and more gratifying. He successively developed [Fire Seed] and [Priest Tower] to help human beings survive the war. Zhou Fangwu's [Fire Passer] The reputation is also growing.

However, this did not disturb other races.

Because Zhou Fangwu's reputation can't be spread to other races at all, after all, who would pay attention to the crispy human beings who are just fish in their eyes?

But it is precisely because of this that human beings can get a chance to breathe in this crack.

It's just that the more colonies he walked through, the more Zhou Fangwu understood one thing.

—Human beings can't change at all!

Blindly giving them the power to protect themselves is only to relieve the pressure of their survival to a certain extent, and it cannot fundamentally change the living environment of human beings.

Do not do this!

To find other ways!

And just when Zhou Fangwu was looking for a change, he got a message—the goblins are attacking the elves!

For some reason, he didn't come and thought it was an opportunity.

Immediately, he quietly left the colony, and came alone to the battlefield where the goblins and elves were fighting.

This war is far bigger than Zhou Fangwu thought.

Countless sky battleships (goblin species) and airships (elf species) converged and fired powerful energy cannons at each other. Even Zhou Fangwu had to lament its power, even if it was affected by humans, it would definitely not survive down.

At the same time, he was also glad that he did not choose to go up alone, after all, he could not face the combat power of the entire planet.

The battlefield was full of flames, and the explosion sound enough to shake the internal organs tore the earth and the sky apart, and there were endless screams. At the same time, let Zhou Fangwu know how [Black Ash] came about.

It is undoubtedly very convenient for a person to hide his figure in such a chaotic state.

But what he didn't expect was that the war ended quite quickly.

The goblins won almost in a crushing manner.

So does imagination.

The steel fleet floating in mid-air is far stronger than the wooden fleet of the elves.

And the battle was about to be decided. When Zhou Fangwu wanted to leave in disappointment, he was suddenly attracted by the two people in the center of the battlefield.

A goblin with a silver-white low-shouldered ponytail and a searchlight-like eye patch on his head.

The most interesting thing is that he is carrying a giant saber that is 3 to 5 times larger than his body, which looks like a naval sword for mechs.

Zhou Fangwu knew that this man was the commander of the goblins, and he was the one who commanded the fleet to attack just now.

But it's not an eye-catching command, it's just relying on the strong defense of the steel fleet to forcefully break through the blockade of the airship.

It was just the elves kneeling in front of the goblins that interested him a lot.

Zhou Fangwu didn't know who she was, but seeing that she was in the center of the elves, he knew that she was the commander in chief of the elves' war.

However, the defeated elves did not have the same arrogance as the goblins who were also commanders.

Because she is a loser.

That's why he knelt down in front of another commander.

Guess the goblin commander will kill her afterward, and the elves will be defeated quickly after the commander is dead, and this war will be over.


Zhou Fangwu will not let this war end like this!

He wants to save the elf commander!

It's not because the elf is beautiful that he did this, but because he found an opportunity to get an ally (puppet)!


Cink Nilvalen

As the most outstanding genius of the elves, the magic that has lost the system is reassembled, and the future that is most optimistic about the entire elves can only kneel in front of a goblin at this time.

What the ears heard was pure silence, the Liuling-shaped eyes were extremely dim, and even the soul stone on the forehead that received the spirit was also dim.

He stared blankly at the dim sky, but could only see dark clouds covered by scorching red light, and floating ships that kept falling.

What color was the sky originally?

What was the world like before the Great War started?

Cinque Barbarian couldn't help thinking this.

When she was young, she believed that the world should be a more simple existence.

Not because there is no order, no meaning, no value, but simply taking it for granted - the unique idea of ​​​​a child who knows nothing, is ignorant but very smart.

It was just childlike innocent words, but everything came true when it came out of her mouth.

The world obeyed her ideas.

She naively thought that the world was just this level, and there was no obstacle to her at all!

Your own will can control the world!


The ears regained hearing, the consciousness of slumber became clear, and the eyes lifted slightly as someone approached.

A man carrying a giant naval knife several times larger than his body was looking down at himself kneeling on the ground.


She uttered a goblin language that was incomprehensible to her, and the meaning in it was completely incomprehensible.

But the actions of this man afterwards have already explained everything.

He held up the giant naval knife in his hand—

this knife...

That's right!

This is the knife!

This goblin used this knife to break through his Yae's magic, and then defeated himself neatly.

Now, he is going to kill himself with this knife too.

When this sword falls, I will lose my life.

Cinque Barbarian closed his eyes.



The sword blade that shot out Guangwen again was about to fall, but suddenly snapped from the middle position, and then exploded and shattered.


Faced with such a situation, the man's eyes widened in astonishment.

Then, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly.

Very happy, like something interesting happened.

Cinque Barbarian also opened his eyes, and looked at the goblin commander who was laughing for no reason, but as a loser, she was not qualified to ask... It also had something to do with her not knowing the goblin language at all.

"Ronnie Deleounier."

The goblin commander in front of him reported his name in an extremely bad elf language.

This funny voice, very forced, made Cink Barbarian frowned unconsciously. She didn't understand the reason why the goblin commander reported his name.

Does he have to tell the enemy his name when he kills the enemy?

But before she recovered, Ronnie DeLeounier turned and left, leaving a sentence: "I had a good time this time, play again next time, I will kill you with my own hands .”

The elf language is just as bad and funny as before.

But Cinque Barbarian could not accept it.


To say that this war is just a game? !

Cinque Barbarian understood that he was underestimated, and he was completely out of luck and joy of surviving, but full of anger and unwillingness.

She clenched her fists and stared at the back of Ronnie de Leonier.

To revenge!

Absolutely want revenge!

Cinque Barbarian knew that no matter what a loser said, it was useless, and only giving a counterattack next time could be regarded as the most powerful self-proof.

Thinking of this, the unwillingness and anger she had felt for her first defeat suddenly dissipated.

So, is this a war?

I never thought about it, never even thought that the room that should be used by myself is not my own!

It turns out that I have been playing games with such opponents?

ah~ ah~

That guy was right, it was the game.

It's just that I lost.

Lost to the goblins—without the slightest sense of beauty, without the slightest bit of rationality, intelligence, and character, even worse than the stinky rats in the gutter.

Stand up slowly from the ground.

take a step.

Cinque Barbarian looked up at the sky.

Even though the sky is still covered by dark clouds and [black and gray] covers the entire space, there are still different colors in her eyes. In her opinion, the scenery as before is so beautiful now.

She understood the reason for war.

—Kill all the guys who get in the way, and completely eradicate those **** goblins!

Take a deep breath.

But the fierce look on her face was not concealed in the slightest, like a broken smile hanging on her face.

This is [anger].

Although she has no awareness of this at all, and always thinks that such useless feelings are completely insulated from herself, in fact, a brand new Cinque Barbarian was born.

And just like that, Cinque Barbarian disappeared.

Because of the failure of this war~www.readwn.com~ this genius who was favored by all the elves fell like a comet as quickly as a comet.

She didn't die, but hid.

Cinque Barbarian wants to gather strength.

She wants revenge.

With the goal of ending the war and driving the goblins to extinction, she is looking for a trump card that can determine the outcome.

At least, it is no longer the magic that was destroyed by the fleet and destroyed by the ship knife.

So she moved away from the capital and came to the outskirts, concentrating on researching the power that can end this war, and at the same time finding a new substitute to replace her in command of the entire elves.

Abandoning self-righteous naivety, and finally recognizing the necessity of war.

She is like a hungry wolf lurking in the dark, ready to accumulate strength, and suddenly open her fangs when the enemy is not paying attention.

For the belief in his heart, Cinque Barbarian forgot to sleep and eat research.

And all of this was watched by another person.

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