Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 604: Emotional settlement with Miss Mori [5400]

Seriously, Cinque Barbarian was far better than Zhou Fangwu imagined.

Not only did he launch a very obedient puppet, which was placed on the surface to attract most of the firepower of other races, but secretly made plans to gather army reforms to meet the goblins who wanted to take advantage of the victory;

At the same time, she also ordered the puppet to find and capture the fantasy species, taking this opportunity to dive down to gain more knowledge and research the ultimate magic that can end the war and kill all the goblin species.

Putting aside his innocence, recognizing the war, and becoming mature, Cinque Barbarian, who has a goal, is growing rapidly every minute and every second, waiting for the opportunity to show his fangs.

— You are so naive if you think so!


Even Zhou Fangwu had to admit that the power of a serious genius is beyond imagination.

But when you know that she has been squatting in the room for ten days without taking a shower, and once she gets serious, she will act like no one cares about her, and never pay attention to her life and appearance, you will probably be disillusioned with the genius.

Specifically, for example, because of indulging in research and forgetting to eat and sleep, in the worst case, you will be so hungry that you will pass out and never eat or drink; when you are in the bath, you will be inspired by something, and you will almost drown in the bath because of the dizziness; Could it be that continuous consumption of magic during the experiment caused the soul stone on her forehead to become extremely dark and she died, or she collapsed due to mental fatigue during the experiment, if it wasn't for Zhou Fangwu who helped her turn off the experimental equipment in time, she might have died. So was killed.

On top of that, Cinque Barba never even tidies up his room!

Whether it's clothes, utensils, or anything else, as long as it's no longer useful to her, just throw it away, don't care!

If Zhou Fangwu hadn't cleared out a lot of **** in time, she might have been buried by a pile of **** when she realized it!

All in all, Cinque Barbarian is 10,000 times messier than you think!

Even now!

The clothes were destroyed by magic, and she took off all the clothes because she hated the trouble, and the empty door was wide open, revealing all the secrets of her body.

Can't see it!

I really can't see it!

Where is the genius who has a neat appearance and always emphasizes [beauty]? !

As for why Zhou Fangwu knew...it was because during the month when the puppet was working, he was the one who took care of this talented lady Mori who couldn't take care of herself as long as she fell into thinking!


Anyway, there is still a mature man in the room, how about restraining yourself a little?

Oh, so she didn't know, that's all right.

This is also of course.

The [Void Zero Protection] researched by Xinke Barbarian is the most secret thing in the entire elf species. No, it's something that even the creator gods of the elves don't know about.

And because of this, even a servant could not afford this spacious room.

However, this kind of secret assistance will end today.

For no other reason than that Cinque Barbarian was stuck in a wall and her research had stalled.

[Void zero protection]

Its true face is to rewrite the code of the fantasy species from the bottom, so that it becomes the fuse and produces continuous explosive reactions.

And this idea actually comes from the research of goblin species.

You guessed it right, it was that Ronnie Deleounier who wrote it.

It's just that Xin Ke Barbarian has obtained too little information. Although the research direction has been completely determined, there are still many difficulties hindering her, so that her research progress has not made any progress for 3 days.

It is inevitable that there is some impatience and urgency.

This can be known from her rubbing her head and shaking back and forth from time to time.

And at this time, Zhou Fangwu knew it was time for him to play.


Nina Black, who was a puppet, hurried back to the room after completing the [False Flower Project] explained by Cink Barbarian.

He wanted to cry loudly regardless.

What [too modest]? !

I also don't want to be humble if I can!

What [if possible, please tell us the action plan next time]? !

I would also like to tell you about the plan if possible!


I was originally a puppet!

People don't even know about this kind of thing!

it's wired!

Now, how strange!

He is also one of [Hua Guanqing], why doesn't he know anything about this!

Pretending to know everything every day, and pretending to be in control when encountering troubles, this kind of thing is very tiring!

Just like just now, the sky full of steel fleets enveloped the entire sky, thinking that the goblins were about to surprise the territory again! If it weren't for the fact that I had known it a long time ago, with a half-smile expression on my face, the elves behind me would have cried and surrendered!


The status quo must be changed!

Take this opportunity to complain to seniors!

Thinking of this, Nina Black became even angrier. He puffed up his mouth and pushed open the door fiercely, preparing to complain loudly.



Before he could yell out, he was twisted and **** by the incomparably wretched-looking green tentacles.

This, this is...? !

Nina Black's mouth was gagged by the tentacles, and the tentacles stuffed into his mouth prevented him from screaming.

Fortunately, the nose can still breathe, otherwise he will be suffocated.

But Nina Black didn't panic too much.

Because he knew that this was Sink Barbarian's magic - [Summoning Magic Tentacle Monster].

Life Summoning Magic from Another World.

There is no doubt that this is a super high-level summoning magic.

It is defined as "lost" in the world, and it is a more terrifying existence than life in another world.

Of course, it is also the magic that belongs exclusively to Sink Barbarian.

As for why the unique genius compiled this magic, it was because she punished herself for disturbing her sleep—Nina Black.

Don't you think it's too much? !

But to punish himself, he used such a rare super-standard magic.

Really are…

I was so moved that I cried to death!

But he also found something unusual.

In the past, in order to punish him, Cinque Barbarian would attach mucus to his tentacles—a kind of drug that made his mind drowsy, his consciousness began to dissipate, and his whole body became hot.

That indescribable breath will also envelope his whole body.

But this time, it didn't feel that way.

For some reason, Nina Black felt an unspeakable sense of loss.

It's just that this sense of loss turned into panic within a few minutes.

Ambushes at the door, tied him up, green tentacles moved slowly on the ground, and brought him into the room.

Garbage of unknown purpose was strewn all over the ground, and there was no place to stay in the whole house. With the empty door wide open, the naked senior was sleeping soundly in front of the messy table.

This is what he thought.


When he saw a figure beside the table, his eyes widened suddenly, and he couldn't help but think a lot of bad things in his mind.

Could it be that there are other seniors?

Does the senior not like him anymore?

Does the senior want to change someone?

some type of.

Although this stranger was wearing a black leather jacket and wrapped his whole body, it couldn't stop Nina Black from delusional thinking that she had been abandoned, and she became even more disappointed than before.

And Zhou Fangwu, who was sitting in front of the table, was confused by his disappointed expression.

Logically speaking, even if a stranger broke into the room, even if you don't panic and yell, you should ask who the enemy is with sharp eyes, and at the same time secretly prepare magic to launch a surprise attack, right?

What's the matter with your face full of disappointment and giving up struggling?

Fortunately, I deliberately chose to keep my mouth shut first, turning this room into a forbidden magic domain.

I always feel like I've done nothing.

However, Zhou Fangwu still gently put his index finger in front of his mouth, and made the movement of "please keep quiet", as if to silence Nina Black.

In response, Nina Black stopped struggling.

Cinque Barbarian, lying on the table, has been sound asleep.

Time passed little by little, the temperature of the room dissipated little by little, and the naked Miss Mori shivered subconsciously.

It seems she is cold.

The two who were awake looked at each other.

Then, under the sight of Nina Black, Zhou Fangwu took out a blanket from his arms and gently draped it on Cink Barbarian's body.

And this silent gentle, caring behavior made Nina Black firm in her inner thoughts.

He was indeed the person that the seniors had hired to replace him!

Nina Black couldn't hold back the tears.

But before he had time to be sad, the senior lying on the table straightened up.

she woke up.

However, after waking up, Cinque Barbarian did something that Nina Black never thought of.

She wrapped the blanket tightly around her body, not as sleepy as she had imagined.

Instead, he glanced at the other person sitting at the table with unusually sharp eyes, and asked coldly, "Who are you?!"


Nina Black froze.

Could it be... Senior doesn't know this person?

Is this stranger an intruder? !

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction when he saw Cinque Barba's eyes with strong hostility and vigilance.

Sure enough, this kind of expansion is normal.

Seeing that Zhou Fangwu didn't speak, Xin Ke Barbara unfolded the magic circle without saying a word, and the powerful strength of the Yaejutsu exploded in an instant.

It's just that he didn't panic at all, he still sat at the table generously and said, "I'm here to help you."

The refined Mori language.

In this era of great war when races dislike each other, under normal circumstances, no one will deliberately learn the language of other races.

Cinque Barbarian even disdains to learn the languages ​​of other races

But there are exceptions.

So she didn't let her guard down.

"Help me?" Cinque Barba didn't relax his vigilance, and sneered, "Break into other people's homes without permission. Is this behavior called helping?"

She is very upset.

This room can be said to be her property and her territory, but now it has been broken into by a stranger. This unreasonable and unreasonable approach reminded her of the humiliation when she was defeated on the battlefield.

Unfortunately, Zhou Fangwu didn't respond to her, but took out another document from his pocket.

Cinque Barbarian's eyes are very good, and he saw the words on it - [Time Diversity of Elves]

It was her graduation thesis for Nina Black.

It is also through this thesis that Nina Black has successfully established her reputation, and can step by step become the new [Lord Corolla] who is far beyond the previous generation (Zink Barbarian).

"Is this paper written by you?"

"That's right. I wrote it. Don't you see Nina Black's name on it?"

Cinque Barbarian readily admits.

It's just that she concealed that she had handed over the paper to Nina Black for publication.

In other words, she deceived Zhou Fangwu.

It's ok.

This article is written by myself, also named Nina Black.

I am not lying.

So no matter what detection magic it is, it won't work.

Cinque Barbarian had already seized the opportunity in the language confrontation.

But she certainly didn't expect that Zhou Fangwu had been hiding in the room from the very beginning, and had already seen her all.

Whether it's this side (body), or that bottom (side) card

Zhou Fangwu didn't care about her deceiving him, because his purpose was not to expose her. On the contrary, if he can continue the conversation smoothly like this, he is also willing to accompany the other party to pretend to be stupid.

"Very good. Nina Black, your intelligence is beyond my imagination, let me assist you in your research."

Zhou Fangwu complimented casually.

Genius has no shortage of compliments, but there is no shortage of words to say, and it is very likely to promote the relationship between the two parties.


"I refuse. A person came out of nowhere and said something inexplicable. Presumably no one would agree to an inexplicable request."

Not surprisingly, Cinque Barbarian declined.

She even raised her chin proudly, and asked contemptuously, "Who are you? What qualifications do you have to assist me in my research?"

Although it is very contemptuous, what she said is the truth.

There is no one smarter than her in the entire elf race, so of course you can ignore others.

"...So that's the case, is it distrust?"

Zhou Fangwu rubbed his chin while thinking about which method he should use to make Cinque Barbarian trust him.

He had expected this, but he was not sure about the actual situation.

There are many ways to gain trust, and you have to choose the most suitable one, otherwise you may not be able to get the consent of the smart lady Mori.

"Besides, do you think I'll work with a guy who hides his head and shows his tail?"

"Hide your head and show your tail... Well, there is something hidden about this."


"Ah. Because I don't want to expose myself, you should understand the reason why a big tree attracts the wind."

"...That's it. I understand, I understand." Cinque Barbarian suddenly seemed to understand something, the magic that had been floating around disappeared, and he sat back at the table in a relaxed manner after releasing the state of preparation for battle.

"This kind of arrogance that doesn't put everyone in the eyes, absolute aloofness... Isn't this the same as me?"



what are you talking about?

Zhou Fangwu was baffled by her sudden understanding of something.

But it's good that the topic can go on, and the rest is not important.

After that, it's easy, just follow her instructions.

"That's right, that's it." Zhou Fangwu nodded: "As for why you helped me, it's just because there are many points in your thesis that fit my ideas, and I'm suddenly interested in meeting you and helping you complete the magic in it. That's all."

She is proud, so I have to behave even more proudly than her!

How about it, it should be fine, right?

It's just that Cinque Barbarian didn't speak all the time, but looked at Zhou Fangwu with a strange expression, which made him mistakenly think that he had overplayed just now, which aroused the other party's disgust.

But within a few minutes—

"Okay! For the sake of your arrogance, I promise you."

Cinque Barbarian agreed.

At the same time, she threw her research materials to Zhou Fangwu and said, "However! If you want to help me, you have to check your own weight. This is my research data. I will give you three days. If you don't understand it, don't blame me." Already~"

"Three days, enough."

Zhou Fangwu took the information, turned and left.

In fact, he already knew the research process of Sink Barbarian, just to cover up himself and highlight his own wisdom, so he still pretended to take it.

"and many more."

"What's wrong?"

Zhou Fangwu, who was about to walk out of the room, turned around and looked at Miss Mori who called him to stop him.

She pointed to Nina Black, who was tied up, and said briskly, "Could you please put her down before you leave~ Anyway, she is still a young girl~ It is very painful to be treated so roughly. Not good~"

"Her? A girl?"

Zhou Fangwu was stunned.

Although Nina Black looks like a woman, he is actually a man!

Doesn't Cinque Barba even know this?

Looking at the bound boy with a strange expression, he found that he was looking at himself with a pleading expression, and his intention was obviously to hope that he would not expose him.

All right.

I'll let you go.

Zhou Fangwu put him down with a chuckle, without saying anything, and left the room with Nina Black's grateful eyes.

And the liberated Nina Black hurried to the front of the senior.

"Senior! Why did you agree to him! Isn't that the information about the ultimate weapon!"

"Yes, why did you agree... probably because you were arrested."


"That man didn't panic at all when I used magic. It was because he took you hostage and decided that I wouldn't do it. That's why I agreed to give him the information."


Nina Black was moved to the point of tears.

Sure enough, the senior still loves me!

next second—

"If you want to talk about why, because you are my important substitute. Without you as the target of other races, wouldn't I be able to study with peace of mind?"


Nina Black looked at the senior she had admired for a long time in disbelief.

She never expected that Cinque Barbarian would say such heartless words.

But she also did not expect that Cinque Barbarian's purpose in doing so was not that simple.

Want to help me with my research?


It happened that the research had come to a standstill.

If you can't break through the limit, then use this as an excuse to refuse help. It would be even better if you can take this opportunity to make new discoveries.

No matter how you look at it, it is her victory.

Thinking of this, Cink Barbarian couldn't help laughing, but before she could share the joy, she saw Nina Black diligently tidying up the messy room.

"…what are you doing?"

"Obviously, they are cleaning up the room."


"Why...don't you think the whole room smells stinky, senior? That's right! You must have not showered for many days, senior! Hurry up! Go take a shower!"

Thinking of this ~www.readwn.com~ Nina Black pushed her to the bathroom.

But it was vetoed by Cinque Barbarian: "No! Besides, I washed it yesterday!"

"Washed? Impossible! Senior, as long as you indulge in research, you will not take a shower for many days. You can't lie to me about this!"

"But I really did wash it yesterday! And it was Nina who did it for me!"

"...What are you talking about, senior." Nina Black looked at her with a strange face: "I have been commanding the fleet until today, and I haven't come back at all."

"What...?! Is that..."

Cinque Barbarian stared at him blankly, in disbelief.

But she suddenly looked down at the blanket draped over her body, as if she understood something.

Suddenly, a shameful curse came from the house in the suburbs.

"Ah! That damned man—! I'm absolutely going to kill him!"

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