Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 94 - What Is Happening With Her?

"Such beautiful eyes." Ryan whispered as he brought his face closer to hers.

Nora felt as if she had been hypnotized as she was unable to stop looking at him, she stared at his lips before she looked up at his eyes again.

He brought his hand to her face cupping it before he brought his more closer until there was no space between their faces, Nora felt her body shudder as his breath hit the skin of her face.

Ryan stayed like and didn't do anything just waited for her permission to take the next step.

Nora closed her eyes giving him the signal that he needed.

He pressed his lips on her, going slowly knowing that it's her first time.

Nora's body froze and clutched the sides of her skirt tightly, she was scared and didn't know what she was supposed to do.

Ryan pulled away, running his fingers through her hair he sneaked his arm around her waist.

"Relax, Nora and leave yourself to me." He whispered as he brought his hand to her face brushing his thumb over her lower lip.

Nora gulped softly, feeling that she is going to faint any moment now, she felt very nervous and her face was very hot.

"Let's take this off." Ryan said as he helped her to take her coat off throwing it on the bed.

He opened the window to let some air in, to calm her down a bit.

"Better?" He asked as he pushed her hair off her face and she nodded her head.

Nora saw him smile down at her.

"There is no need to feel pressured, I understand that you are nervous but next time I won't let you off." Ryan said as he pecked her lips.


At Owen place.

"Can't you stay over for tonight too?" Owen said as he hugged her tightly from behind as they sat on the sofa.

Katherine giggled hearing how he was nagging like a little child.

"Owen, I can't stay here, it's your place, not mine, besides I can always come back here."Katherine said and felt him press a kiss on her cheek.

"Don't say that, it's your place too." He said hugging her tightly.

"I have been thinking about something that I wanted to tell you about it." Owen said, pushing her hair to the side and placing his chin on her shoulder. 

"Hmm, What is it?" She asked, feeling his breath tickling her skin.

"I want to move in with me, I live alone, and you live with your sister, and we have been knowing each other for more than seven months, so I think it's convenient." Owen said and waited for her reply.

Katherine was shocked and happy at the same time but she can't answer him right now, she needs time to think about this.

"Umm, can you give me some time to think? I promise to not take long." Katherine replied.

"Fair enough." Owen replied hoping to get the reply soon.

After chatting for some more time, Owen drove Katherine and Zeus back to her sister's house.


At Katherine's sister's apartment.

Once Katherine went back she was pulled by Grace to her room and closed the door.

Helping her to sit down on the bed, Grace asked.

"Tell me, did something happen between you and Owen last night?" 

Katherine blushed hearing her sister's question.

"No." She replied feeling embarrassed.

Grace sighed in relief hearing her sister answer.

"That's good, we need to go to the salon today and make you prepared, oh god I'm so happy for you." Grace said, hugging her sister.

"To the salon? Why do we go today?" Oblivious Katherine asked.

Flicking her forehead gently, Grace said.

"Because you need to be ready when that time comes and by that I mean when you have sex with Owen, and I do feel like it's going to be very, don't be shy Katherine, you are already twenty-three, plus you are very beautiful and don't you think it's about time to lose your virginity." Grace said and watched as her sister faced redness.

"Since when did you become this shameless, Grace." Katherine said as she tugged her hair behind her ear.

Grace laughed hearing her younger sister's words.

"I have always been shameless you just didn't notice." Grace said as she continued to laugh.

"Owen asked to move out with him." Katherine said and heard her sister gasp.

"And what did you answer him?" Grace asked, feeling very happy.

"I told him that I need time to think about it." Katherine replied.

Holding her sister's hand, Grace asked.

"And what you truly want?" 

Katherine Took a deep breath before she replied.

"To be honest, I do want to go and leave with him but I wanted to ask you first." 

Pulling her into her arms, Katherine kissed the top of her head.

"Let's go to the salon first and then go shopping. After that, we will pack your clothes so you can move in with him." Grace said.

"Thank you." Katherine mumbled.


At Ina apartment.

Ina opened her eyes and looked at the clock on the bedside, she had slept for two hours and woke, feeling the urgent need to go to the bathroom.

She pushed herself up and whined in pain feeling her body muscles very stiff and it was painfully hard for her to move but she needed to go to the bathroom.

Ina pushed her body up to stand on her feet, she used the wall to support herself to reach the bathroom, after she was done she washed her hands and splashed her face with some called water on her face to sober.

Wiping her face, Ina looked at herself in the mirror, staring at her reflection, she had a deep frown on her face Indicating that she is worried, yes she is worried about what is happening with her, in the last weeks she was completely fine, now it felt like she isn't herself any more.

Lately, she started to have problems with concentrating as if her mind was foggy and she was experiencing a big issue with going to the bathroom repeatedly to empty her bladder and that started to embarrass her.

Ina has always been a healthy person and never complained about anything about her health but what is happening now has started to make her worried and scared. 

She took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom, she changed her clothes and went to the study room to study for her exam tomorrow after asking Alison to prepare for her a cup of coffee so she can clear her head.


The next day, At college.

"Miss Ina, are you alright? I can take you back if you are not feeling well." The driver suggested seeing how she was struggling to get out of the car.

Ina woke up with an unusual burning sensation in her legs and feet, she wanted to skip going to classes today but she has an important exam that she needs to take.

"No, I'm fine. I'm leaving early today so don't leave." Ina said.

Forcing herself out of the car, Ina tried to ignore the pain and the stiffness in her body and started to walk towards the entrance of the college.

"God have mercy on me." Ina mumbled to herself as she pushed herself to walk forward.

She needed to stop to rest every three minutes which made some of the students notice that something was wrong with her.

"Are you alright?" One of the students approached and asked.

Looking up at him, she noticed that he is a colleague with her and attends the same classes.

"Could you be so kind and help me to climb up the stairs, I'm not feeling very well today." Ina requested that he help her.

"Sure. No problem." He replied and helped her to walk forward but it was no use.

Her colleague felt sorry for her as he noticed that she was holding herself back to not cry.

Getting down on his knees, he said." Get on my back. It will be easier."

Ina looked around them and noticed how the students started to look at them, it's better to get over with it. she thought to herself.

Getting on his back she wrapped her arms around his neck not so tightly, the young man climbed the stairs effortlessly as she was very light to carry.

"Thank you so much, I haven't got your name, I'm Ina and you?" Ina said to him after they reached the class.

"I'm Chris, nice to meet you." Chris said as she extended his hand for her.

"Nice to meet you too, Chris." Ina replied, offering him a polite smile as she took his hand.

"Here is my number, you can call me if you need anything." He said as he wrote down his number on a note paper before he handed it to her.

"I will." Ina said, taking the paper from him and walking inside the class going towards her seat.

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