Unforgettable Night.

Chapter 95 - Fear

Sitting down on the chair, Ina sighed feeling very tired when it was still early in the morning, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath trying to clear her mind and trying to ignore the pain that was spreading all over her body.

She took out her notebook and checked on her phone one last time before she put it back in her bag along with the notepaper that was given to her by Chris the guy who helped.

When she lifted her head and saw Chirs who was looking at her, once he noticed that she looked at him, he offered her a polite smile and she smiled back too.

Five minutes later, the lecture started and all the students paid their attention to the teacher except for Ina who was having a hard time concentrating on what the teacher was saying. It was like she couldn't hear him or remember what she was saying exactly here.

Ina placed her head on her hands and couldn't remember much after that accept for the feeling of someone hand on her shoulder shaking her and calling her name.

"Ina, wake up, the class has ended." She heard someone's voice. 

Lifting her head up she looked at who was speaking to her and noticed it was Chris.

"Did I fall asleep?" Ina asked as she looked around her seeing that the class was empty.

"Yes, throughout the whole lecture. you must be tried." Chris said as he took out his notebook and handed it to her.

"The notes for today lecture is here and also you are asked to go to the social office." Chris said as he handed a white paper.

Ina took the paper and read it, she frowned and stood up and walked out of the classroom.


Inside the social office.

Ina knocked on the door and entered.

"Good morning, you have asked for me, Sir?" Ina said as she walked inside the room.

The man lifted his head and looked at her.

"Yes, please take a seat." He pointed to the seat across the desk.

Ina sat down and waited for him to speak.

The man took off his glasses and took out a file from his drawer and opened it taking a look at it before he looked at her.

"Miss Filo, You are a top student in our college, you have excellent grades and all the teachers are impressed with your work." The man spoke with an english accent.

"Thank you, but may I know what I'm doing here?" Ina asked, already knowing where his conversation is going.

The man took a look at her file again before he spoke.

"As you know this college has its good reputation and we can afford to lose it, lately your teachers have noticed that you are not following the classes schedule and coming late and sleeping during the class, we understand that being a top student is not easy but if you feel pressured at this time you can take a break or stop your enrollment for this year." The social employee said.

Ina massaged the space between her eyebrows trying to not get angry and unleash her anger on him.

"Thank you but I won't be needing to stop my enrollment, everyone has a bad day and I'm sure that the people who wrote this report are having a bad day too, have a nice day." Ina said and stood up leaving the social office and going straight towards the exit of the college where the driver was waiting for her. 

Once she was inside the car, Ina let the tears that she tried to hold Infront of the social employee, she wiped the tears but they never stopped to fall down from her eyes.

She was frustrated with herself and body and with what was happening to her.

She needs to go back to the doctor and figure out what was happening with her, it's been two weeks since she has been experiencing strange symptoms and it was affecting her daily life but she can't do it alone. She needs to wait until Demien comes back.

Once she arrived at the apartment, Alison asked her if she wanted to eat but Ina refused saying that she is very tired and needs to rest.

Ina entered the bathroom and took off her clothes to take a quick shower and go to sleep after this long, bad day.

She was about to go out of the shower cabinet when she suddenly felt a strong pain in her legs as she felt her legs muscles spasming repeatedly, the strong pain caused her to lose her balance and fall on her knees and her forehead hit the faucet and it started to bleed.

Ina whined in pain that was both in her forehead and legs, she waited for a while until the pain started to reduce before she lifted herself up and reached for the towel, warping it around herself, she walked towards the sink and turned the faucet washing the wound on her forehead before she opened the small cabinet taking out the first aid kit and dressed her wound before she walked out of the bathroom.

She sat on the bed and tried to take deep breaths to calm herself down but it didn't work, she was very scared of what just happened, she could have got hurt herself badly and maybe she could have died.

Ina picked up her phone and called Damien but he didn't reply which made her very angry, she stood up and wore her clothes and lied down on the bed hugging her knees to her chest scared and feeling lost.

She stayed for a while like this before she thought about something before she stood up and took her phone with her and walked out of the room heading towards the study room.

She opened her laptop and started to type the symptoms that she was experiencing in the last two weeks. 

She clicked on entering and the first result that showed up on the screen was multiple sclerosis symptoms she clicked on the page and waited and started to read.

MS is an autoimmune condition, which means your immune system mistakes part of your body for a foreign substance and attacks it.

In the case of MS, it attacks the myelin sheath in the brain and spinal cord.

This is the layer that surrounds your nerves, protecting them and helping electrical signals travel from the brain to the rest of the body.

The attacks cause the myelin sheath to become inflamed in small patches (plaques or lesions), which can be seen on an MRI scan.

These patches of inflammation can disrupt the messages travelling along the nerves.

It can slow them down, jumble them, send them the wrong way, or stop them getting through completely.

This disruption leads to the symptoms and signs of MS.

When the inflammation goes away, it can leave behind scarring of the myelin sheath (sclerosis).

These attacks, particularly if frequent and repeated, can eventually lead to permanent damage to the underlying nerves. 

Ina frowned as she finished reading, she gulped softly and ran her hands through her hair as she stood up walking back and forth in the room.

Was she suffering from this disease, it's Incurable as she read now.

Ina heard the vibrating of her phone and she picked it up immediately.

"Damien." Ina said her voice made him worried.

"Ina, what happened? are you alright?" Damien asked, feeling worried.

"Damien, Something is happening with me, please come back here, please, I don't know what is happening with me." Ina said as she started sobbing scaring Damien who was on the phone.

"I will come back tonight, calm down Ina, you are making me worried, shhh stop crying." Damien said trying to comfort her as didn't understand what happened that made her cry like this.

"I will hang up now and get on the first plane, okay." Damien said not wanting to hang up the phone.

"Okay, I will wait for you. Please don't be late." Ina replied her voice hoarse due to her crying.

"I won't, I promise." Damian said before he hung up the phone.

He called his assistant once he got off the phone with Ina and told her to clear his schedule and book the first plane to London. 


At 6 AM, Damien's plane landed in London, and Ina personal driver came to pick her up.

An hour later. Damien arrived at the apartment and Alison was the one who opened the door for him.

"She is in her room, she hasn't eaten anything since she came back. Maybe you can make her ear."Alison said and Damien nodded his head and walked towards her room.

Opening the door to her room, he saw Ina sleeping in a fetal position still crying but when she heard his footsteps she sat up on the bed and looked at him with her tears filled eyes.

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