Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1292 Mental Power Assessment

The jade pendant emits a warm light, giving her courage and strength.

She took a deep breath and prepared to enter the formation to show off her extremely sharp spiritual power.

The man in green slightly raised the corners of his mouth, as if he didn't care about this interference formation.

He glanced sharply ahead, and softly recited a series of incantations.

Then a transparent cover surrounded his body, forming an indestructible protective cover.

The assessment brother walked up to the three of them and looked at them seriously.

"After entering the interference formation, you will encounter various psychedelic hallucinations and receive powerful psychic attacks."

"Only by controlling your own mental power can you break through this second level."

he reminded.

Su Bai, Ye Lanyi and the man in green nodded, and then entered the formation respectively. Within the formation, the three people immediately felt a powerful spiritual attack.

In front of Su Bai's eyes, a mirror image appeared in front of him that had the same fate as himself. He saw himself in the mirror image standing on a messy battlefield, surrounded by endless corpses and flowing blood.

He could feel the despair and helplessness, but he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to show his firm will.

Ye Lanyi was guided to her deepest fear by the interference formation.

She saw herself in a sea of ​​fire, surrounded by blazing flames, which made her feel swallowed up and restrained.

However, she closed her eyes, raised the power of the jade pendant, and calmly fought against this fear.

She believed she was mentally strong enough to defeat it.

The man in Tsing Yi faces an unusual challenge.

In the interference formation, he saw himself wearing a dragon's golden body, standing on the top of an endless mountain.

On the mountain peak, the wind howled, thunder and lightning struck, and he felt the surging power of the dragon clan.

However, this is only a manifestation of his own desire and dissatisfaction with power.

Deep down in his heart, he understood that real power does not come from the outside world, but relies on his own efforts and practice.

All three faced great challenges and mental pressure, but they did not give up.

After half an hour of tenacious resistance, the three finally successfully passed the second round of assessment.

They walked out of the interference formation sweating and panting.

The assessment senior brother looked at the exhausted but determined expressions of the three people and nodded: "Congratulations on successfully passing the second level of assessment~!"

"Your mental power is very strong, and you can persevere in the face of various hallucinations and psychic attacks. This is the key to success.

Su Bai, Ye Lanyi and the man in Tsing Yi looked at each other and smiled. Su Bai looked at the Tianmeng senior brother in front of him and smiled. He knew that the next actual combat session would be a severe test.

He clenched his fists and stared at his senior brother with a firm expression.

In the third round of assessment, Su Bai took the lead.

The senior brother smiled and nodded, indicating that Su Bai could start the attack. Su Bai felt the strength of his senior brother, and he knew that he could no longer hold back, and he wanted to show his true strength.

He silently recited the incantation of Qilin Power in his heart, and in an instant, a blazing flame surrounded him and turned the entire venue red.

The senior brother smiled and said, "`Let me see your true strength!"

"Very good! Then let me see how strong you are!"

The senior brother shouted loudly.

Su Bai's body suddenly grew taller, like a blazing unicorn. .

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