Universal Creation: Start A God Simulator!

Chapter 1293 Fighting With Senior Brother

As the flames danced, the temperature rose rapidly, and the surrounding temperature also increased.

Su Bai took a step forward, drew a graceful arc in the air, and faced his senior brother.

His body flexibly shuttled through the sea of ​​fire, and every move contained the power to destroy everything. The two figures flickered in the sea of ​​fire, and the sword light and flames intertwined to form a gorgeous picture.

The senior brother's eyes were solemn, and he held the sword in his hand tightly.

Su Bai showed his true ability. He used the power of Qilin as a weapon, and the blazing flames surrounded him like a protective dragon.

Every attack carries the power of destroying everything and is unstoppable.

The senior brother did not show weakness. He resisted Su Bai's attack with his superb swordsmanship.

The two people kept staggering and dodging in the sea of ​​​​fire, and the swords and flames intertwined to create a dangerous scene.

Time passed slowly, and Su Bai gradually gained the upper hand.

He moved flexibly through the flames, and every attack made the senior brother feel more pressure.

"You are still very young!"

The senior brother shouted coldly, speeding up his moves again.

Su Bai immediately faced the enemy, nimbly dodged his senior brother's fierce attack, and attacked his senior brother with the flames of the power of unicorn.

The two people's moves became more and more fierce, and the surrounding temperature also increased.

Flames burned between heaven and earth, lighting up the entire battle field.

"You're not even close yet!"

Su Bai shouted, a fighting spirit flashed in his eyes.

The senior brother frowned slightly. He saw that Su Bai was powerful, but he did not flinch.

Instead, he focused more on fighting. The sword light and flames of Su Bai and his senior brother were entangled in the battle field, as if they were intertwined into a beautiful and dangerous picture.

They have strong postures and firm eyes, focusing on every move of their opponents.

The senior brother suddenly used his strongest sword, and the sword light pierced the sky like starlight.

Su Bai did not dare to neglect and quickly mobilized the power of Qilin and White Tiger to fight back.

His whole body exuded powerful energy fluctuations, like an invincible god of war.

The offensive and defensive skills of the two are exquisitely embroidered, and they do not give in to each other.

The senior brother showed his excellent martial arts skills and quick reaction ability when the swords were crossed. Every attack was accurately aimed at Su Bai's vitals. (afff)

Su Bai did not back down and tried his best to show his strength.

He responded promptly and accurately to every attack he faced from his senior brother.

Su Bai quickly dodged, moved, and fought back, and used the power of Qilin to burn his senior brother's clothes and put pressure on him.

"You're still not strong enough!"

The senior brother frowned slightly, he was surprised by Su Bai's strength.

The corners of Su Bai's lips curled up slightly and he sneered, "That's all." Su Bai's eyes flashed with determination. He took a deep breath, gathered all his strength and swung the sword in his hand.

The sword light streaked across the sky like a meteor, with a deafening buzzing sound.

The senior brother's eyes widened in shock.

He never expected that Su Bai could launch a counterattack so quickly.

In an instant, he could only watch the sword light approaching him, and his body was immediately knocked away.

The people watching the battle gasped, shocked by Su Bai's unexpected strength.

All of them had admiration and wonder in their eyes.

"Su Bai wins!"

"This kid is really awesome!"

"He can actually defeat his senior brother? It's really amazing!"

Everyone was talking one after another, and their eyes showed their appreciation for Su Bai's strength. .

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